What's the weirdest dream you've had b?

What's the weirdest dream you've had b?


>On holday somewhere in some 3rd world shithole
>bunch of niggers try to rob me
>put up a fight because fuck niggers
>they end up shooting me in the head
>don't wake up right away which is pretty unusual as far as dreams go
>actually wake up and feel like what i "think" it would feel like to be shot in the head

anyone else had any dreams like this?

>realize im dreaming because night switched to day in like 4 seconds
>realize i can do what i want, rape and kill nearby women
>guilt, jump off building
>get stuck under the road when i land
>finally free myself, see that a 12 foot tall snail ate my family and im at the beach for some reason

I wish i could lucid dream, i always wake up as soon as I realise, the hottest dreams i've had that I haven't woken up from have been where i've found nudes of girls that I haven't seen naked before, I still remember them vividly to this day.

>Be me
>Playing on pc
>Having fun
>The only problem is that the PC is turned off
>Hear something
>Ignore it, keep playing literally nothing
>then a dark man appears
>Suddenly i'm in the backyard
>dark man is there too
>running at top speed
>he catches me
>wake up

You should have gotten out of the danger zone instead of fighting.

Ik, what can you do though can't control your dreams for the most part.

>driving in car in city
>notice that the cars before me are moving very slow, traffic jam
>school building on right side
>see refugees with weapons stopping the cars and taking purses/money from the drivers

that's all i remember,
did i dream of the future of my country (germany)

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

>be me
>in a mall
>suddenly tyler the creator starts chasing after me trying to rape me
>he catches up to me
>whips his dick out
>wake up
>What the fuck

>have a dream where I feel kinda numb and painful
>I keep hearing a woman's voice
>it says "wall of ham" and "kill your parents"
>dream moves in my apartment building hallway
>changing several floors
>at 6th floor or something see a grey, hard to see and hard to understand creature hanging down like spider-man, feels like it's drawn on paper
>it's victims are also hanging down from some kind of web
>go up some floors
>meet group of people
>they see a celebrity from my country in an apartment
>I can hear the woman's voice again
>"Famous user is in that room"
>we all start moving towards the apartment
>"But your heart won't let you see him"
>suddenly my chest feels like it can't change it's location in space (don't know how to explain the feeling) and the rest of the body follows suit
>be paralyzed with extreme pain in my chest
>I am at the mercy of the voice
>wake up
>wake up
>wake up
>wake up
>wake up

Kept waking up again and again for what seemed like 5-10 minutes. I don't know what the fuck that loop was. I was afraid to go back to sleep.

>the earliest event I can remember from my dream is being in a mountainous warzone killing sandniggers w my buddies who I don't recognize
>shooting sandnigs and sandnig children left and right with no remorse
>somehow get into a one on one fight with some ape looking fucker
>villagers surrounded us
>we keep shooting at each other but miss, even though we made sure to aim
>somehow get behind him, his last words being something like "this gun is broken" in English before I shot him directly in the back of his head
>run back to my comerads and wave to the villagers that surrounded me, one super old villager waves back
Don't remember what happened directly next, but the next thing I remember that happened last was this
>me and 2 other of my group were separated from the shooting
>we hide in this thing that looks like those tunnels on freeways that cars go through
>the tunnel was slanted downward and the downward end lead outside
>we grabbed the only things we had: our guns and one blue tarp and crawled out trying to stay hidden
>a little bit after we crawl out some sandnigs show up
>they have a rpg or whatever but don't shoot at us for some reason
>a bus comes toward us and stops
>bus is followed by sandnig kids which we also shoot down
>kids keep coming toward us and smiling even though we shot at them
>3 adults come out and look unarmed but I felt threatened so I shot them too with some trouble
Don't remember what happened directly next after that but then
>I'm in a flying ship like the ones from super Mario bros 3
>my buds are handed tiny cutouts of that blue tarp we had
>they grab it and jump out of the ship while using the tarp as a parachute
>I was the last oneto jump
>before I lept off I looked and saw I had to land in a relatively small island with ocean all around it
>starts breathing like randy from South Park when he took that massive shit
>jumps off with my piece of tarp



>lose some control because I was falling like a skydiver;I had to keep my feet down and my head up and let my small piece of tarp do the work
>I pass out and realize I landed on one of the really small islands of the main island
>start to swim for like 30 seconds before I reach another island that was a little bigger and banana shaped
>start to swim to the main island and realize there were some people that lived there in legit American homes just there in the forest
>decide to just lay in the beach sand for 10 seconds hoping they will see and nurse me;they don't
>i start running toward the house (which was the right side of the house) and went right to go to the back yard
>see some guy there and he sees me
>I run to him for help and I ask him if he knows English
>he says "chill out I can speak sweet English"
>asks me "where are you?"
>I tell him "I don't know"
>I proceed to tell him I am a marine or something and that I was made to jump onto this island
>the guy doesn't believe I am a marine for some reason (probably because I left my gun and my protective gear before I jumped)
>he shows me around the island
>once we get to this little bridge thing I look to the side of the bridge and I see other white people; one I recognized as one of my old Boy Scout friends
>I suddenly saw my brother next to the guy I first met
>i then decided to tell the guy what island I landed on first
>I wake up while trying to look for where I landed
I'm worried how even though it was in my dream, I felt no remorse for killing sandnigs that were possibly innocent or for the children I killed in that dream. Does this mean I don't show any remorse for any sandnigs I kill if I were to be in the army?


Fuck sandnigs tho

Drifting down a torchlit sewer in a gondola.
Come up to a large opening on the right.
There's a tall stone staircase leading to hire double doors.
Wooden door to the left of the staircase and a steel vault looking door to the right of the staircase.
A morbidly obese, nude, and shaven man exits the wooden door on the left.
He looks at me and says "I'm a turkey." Matter of factly.
He opens the steel vault door which reveals a wooden furnace inside.
He enters it and proceeds to roll around in the flames and coals screaming.
The door shuts.
Immediately following this, a woman adorned in beautiful robes and intricate cloths descends the staircase.
My mind zooms in close only for me to notice that her skin is crawling with worms and lice and such.
She approaches me and asks me if I have the fingers, to which I respond with a "no."
She then asks if I have placed The blood on the pedestal. Which I reply with a "no." As well.
I walk to the steel vault door, and I enter the furnace.

I wish i could remember my dreams for longer than 10 mins after I wake up, I swear 99% of them are 10/10 movie ideas.

You have been visited by the western propaganda machine of fear and intolerance


I have mentioned this before but I'm guessing people assumed I was baiting for some (you)'s. This dream is legit though. It was about that girl that is sort of popular here called megan I think. Brown hair blue eye girl.

>she is getting gangbanged by niggers
>there appears to be a whole lot of them, not just 3-6 but more
>this isn't a standard gangbang either where they all dump loads on the face
>she is getting a ton of anal creampies
>towards the end of the dream she is completely stuffed with both hands full and some sort of weird tube thing is inside her ass going into her mouth
>semen is visibly dripping from her mouth and she is swallowing it as well
>during this part I'm hearing some weird male and female voices that for whatever reason seemed to be coming from outside the dream scenario
>they sounded like they were saying oh no and something else I can't really remember anymore
>I actually feel those feelings of a wet dream
>I wake up
>I did in fact have a wet dream

Before anyone says it yes I like interracial porn. I guess the way she was getting fucked in the dream was just very strange to me. It is very hard to describe in words and it seemed almost horrific. Oh well its not like I could prove I had this dream anyways. I have other non so called "cuck" weird dreams to that I'll share.

So all year at lunch senior year I barely had friends so I teamed up with some rejects and we would flick baby carrots at people for fun. They were wet so if you squeezed them hard enough you could beam someone across the cafeteria. Eventually te staff started getting mad cause they had to clean up so many baby carrots but they never figured out who flicked them. Til the end of the year some gay emo kid got butthurt that he was the target of our endless carrot barrage and went full TRIGGERED mode. I hit him with a carrot and he thought it was the kid next to me so he comes over and slaps dudes lunch tray of the table acting agro as fuck (even tho he was a skinny little bitch). After that the emo and the dude next to me got sent to the office and they did a full fledged investigation. Eventually my friends betrayed me and I was thrown under the bus as the ring leader. And that's the story of how I got kicked off the track team.

>im at this summer camp type of place
>no toilets
>just these holes in the ground
>you just kind of lowered yourself into the hole, like when tubing down a river
>my turn to dump
>feeling kind of awkward
>having trouble
>vince vaughn was there to cheer me on
>he was wearing cowboy boots and white boxers with red hearts
>had a beach towel over one arm
"come on, user"
"you got this"
"take that poop"
>suddenly wake up
>ass hanging over the edge of my bed
>can feel the tension of my boxers as my thankfully logged turd presses against them
>suck it back it
>run to toilet



That's pretty fucking badass user, even for a dream