The Holocaust was a hoax. Prove me wrong

The Holocaust was a hoax. Prove me wrong.

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It's funny. All physical evidence proves the holocaust never happened, yet all the "victims" testimonials are either batshit crazy or go against the physical evidence.

Everytime someone points out it was a hoax, fat idiot retards claim "WHAT ABOUT ALL THE SURVIVOR TESTIMONIALS" but never have any physical proof it happened.

ive literally been to auschwitz

Provide me with physical evidence

The Holocaust wasn't a hoax, it was just a prank bro!

you mean the LOLocaust

Hope you realize that they closed auschwitz for 30 fucking years and no one was allowed in or out, regardless.

Did you get to see the pool and theatre? How about the dental offices or horse stables? I know it must have been truly traumatic for you.
Ironically, the biggest physical evidence is the LACK of evidence claiming gas chambers existed. Zyklon B stains walls blue, yet the gas chambers didn't have blue walls, like other camps had! Those camps had blue walls you say? Why yes, they did! In the delousing room used to process clothes!

I've LITERALLY been to disney land, mickey mouse is real!

uh micky mouse is a cartoon


i mean how could i possibly prove to you the holocaust was real?

you talking about the color of the walls in the gas chambers sounds like it doesnt really matter to me

so...because the walls weren't blue...the holocause is a fraud...?

i mean what if they just did it in a different room or with a different kind of gas

Here's a great resource for you guys


most of that seems to deal with the idea of gas chambers and not the idea of the holocaust as a whole

jews were killed in more ways than just gas chambers

jews died of typhus

lol this is like saying "the american revolution was a hoax: prove me wrong"

jews also died of gunshot wounds to the forehead

So it was a hoax but now it's real?

Way to read the first few sentences. If you actually fucking scroll down you'll see a shit more.

Also, killed with what? Ovens? It takes an hour to burn a single body, it's physically impossible to burn 6 septillion bodies with what they had.

Hunger? Oh, you mean with food they didn't have because the food and supplies were being bombed, thus unusable? But all the pictures, right? Not like typhus causes people to look like that, regardless if they had food or not. So tell me, how did they kill, the 600 trillion.

So you're telling me they dragged all these people to a camp, just to shoot them? Why not just shoot them on the spot user?

i mean they could have just shot them, or just beat them to death

there are all sorts of ways to kill people

Prove you self right.

This picture.

well then you couldnt use them as labor

plus mass executions in the middle of major cities would be bad even for nazis
Read this today at work. Kind of strange how people who "survived" the holocaust lied, yet they justify it by saying they wanted to preserve what actually happened, yet they never expierenced it firsthand.

the biggest problem for me is that things that are demonstrably not true are the first thing that people (usually with a very pro-Isreal agenda) put forward as proof that the holocaust happened
if something that horrible happened, then why not stick to the demonstrable facts?
why do they feel the need to insist on something obviously not true being true?
why do they dismiss all other possibilities for deaths at the various camps?
and why do they work so hard to silence any one that not just contradicts their narrative, but simply asks for more solid evidence supporting their claims?

Yeah my mates family left (all 96 of them incl babies) all their shit behind to go into hiding for 70 years and blame the Germans. It's an elaborate joke right?

If you want to glorify nazism, don't deny the destruction camps. In that ideology you should be proud you got rid off the weak.

Also: Bomber Harris. Dresden did happen Nazi Fuck. Ha fucken ha.

i mean the holocaust and ww2 go hand in hand

if you deny the holocaust you need to start denying other things, like the nazi eugenics machine and the purpose the war was fought

you can read any of hitler's writings or listen to his speeches where he constantly reminds people that jews need to be killed

idk man its not a big deal to me

someone who says the holocaust never happened is just a conspiracy theorist, no matter what you say you can't convince them, no amount of evidence would do it

That doesn't make sense. If they wanted to just beat or shoot them why waste resources rounding them up? Why not just waste them in the street?
I thought the goal was to kill all the Jews, not use them for labor. Why bring in all the sick and disabled instead of just killing them off? They can't do labor, why bring them!
>would be bad even for nazis
Shut your stupid fucking mouth. If they were so fucking evil they wouldn't have cared.

well i mean if you can use them for labor and then kill them thats better than just killing them

and i meant "bad" in the sense that ordinary non jewish german citizens might get upset if they see innocent jewish people being murdered in the street, even if they thought jews were evil

Wrong. They were super efficient. Cutting cost, optimization of labour force. The cold business approach is the scary part. Japanese have the same thing.

My grandpa has been killed because he was a photographer and a nazzi. Few years back we found an old box in the garage. It were pictures made at that time of dying jews and torture. Trow it all away because it was horrible to watch

jews were also used in experiments which wouldnt have been possible if you just killed them all instantly

not to mention keeping such a thing secret from western nations like the US or UK would have been basically impossible, it would have been tantamount to war crimes

Cool deconstruction of OP's statement. "The Holocaust WAS a hoax" implying that it used to be a hoax, but now for some reason is real.



>someone who says the holocaust never happened is just a conspiracy theorist, no matter what you say you can't convince them, no amount of evidence would do it

Ah yes, anyone who doesn't follow the social vision is a conspiracy theorist, nothing more to it. Also, what evidence? You mean the testimonials that don't add up to other testimonials? Or how about the camps being modified after the war? I've provided my resource, you provide yours that isn't people saying it happened regardless of all the proof it didn't.
>well i mean if you can use them for labor and then kill them thats better than just killing them
Once again, why take the people who can't work into the camps, then? Why not just kill them?

>and i meant "bad" in the sense that ordinary non jewish german citizens might get upset if they see innocent jewish people being murdered in the street, even if they thought jews were evil

>may get upset to see innocent Jewish people being murdered in the street

Holy shit what the fuck is your problem? Like seriously, if they wanted them dead so bad they wouldn't load them up, transfer them to camp, feed them, clothe them, give them camp currency and all this shit. Just fucking think about this dude.
>torturing Jews
Curious to know what they were doing. Also curious to know why you would throw away fucking priceless photos that could have a serious impact on documentation of the time period. Fucking retard, no one believes you.
Won't argue with being used as experiments, but they weren't the only people. There was shit loads of native Germans experimented on as well. Thats not holocaust territory though, it's something else.
>they were super efficient

Nothing efficient about bringing disabled people to camps and clothing, sheltering, and feeding them, just so you can kill the..

pshht goy you don´t want your government to find out that you don´t believe in the one true truth

Ive read most of me in kampf and seen almost every speech he gave. I just see him saying jews are shitty people, not that hes actively killing 6 million of them.

>someone who says the holocaust never happened is just a conspiracy theorist, no matter what you say you can't convince them, no amount of evidence would do it
if the establishment ruin your life for just saying that it might not have happened
you know maybe there is something true about this "conspiracy theory"

Your lack of knowledge is disturbing.
Crying "Conspiracy!" at literally every serious scientific proof for what happened there doesn't change reality. Your an uneducated idiot who buys into historical revisionism. You're part the problem.

Why in the hell would you throw it away? You dumb ignorant hick. You threw away a piece of history you dipshit. I'll show you something that should be thrown away cause it's "horrible to watch"

hitler never says 'kill jews' though
ones that got killed were 'nonzionist jews', killed by zionist controlled SS

Why do you kids listen to pol for information

alot of nazis were unaware of what happened in the camps
It was mostly very few like ss
The camps were shown to people as a paradise for jews
Propganda was strong but not all the nazis were bad eg schindlers list

Nigger I'm on your side. Unless the post was for someone else.

>no amount of evidence would do it
stop talking out of your ass, this whole thing would stop if someone were to bring up actual credible evidence for it happening that is not some inconsistent bullshit that conflicts with other "evidence" or (((testimonies)))

What about the SS testimonials ?
Lots of them did confess and lived for years after. Where are those who disowned their own confessions ?

>unaware of what was going on in camps
>"gassing and burning millions of jews"

Yes, only a select few ever knew about that! I'm sure all the guards in all the different camps had no idea what was happening! I'm sure guards never discussed it with soldiers that would tell other people about it!
No evidence exists, user. Thats why it hasn't been brought up.

I don't believe in the American revolution and civil war either. They were bigger hoaxes. Prove me wrong!

i honestly can't believe the amount of racism against jews

im really glad im not jewish lol, i'd be pissed as fuck at you faggots

You mean like the Nuremberg trials where the nazis were kicked in the balls beyond repair basically being told if they don't lie they'll be killed along with their family? Yeah, I remember those.

The big bang was a hoax prove me wrong

Why are there no pictures in this thread?

i mean we have documentation of the nuremburg laws

When you need a fuckhuge conspiracy theory with countless ramifications to prove you're right, it means you're wrong.

science is a hoax, prove me wrong

kekekekek good goy


i mean the reason you want to deny the holocaust is because you're an anti-semite

youre probably also from europe

completely different subject. Site your sources and what you believe took place shyloc. Their is a reason for undeniable proof the holocaust was exaggerated bullshit theirs a ton of hard evidence and its common knowledge it was lied about.


Some of them lived for years after that. Where are their retractions ?

my dick twitched ty

its a different subject but the form of the argument is the same

being a second class citizen doesn´t imply that your kind is getting killed in enormous amounts
blacks were even worse of in the us and they weren´t killed of by the trainload were they?

>when there's a shit load of evidence that proves something didn't happen, then it totally did happen

Kill yourself. That's like a rape accusation and the guy provides video evidence she consented and the judge says "I DON'T KNOW, HE'S GOT PROOF, THAT MUST MEAN HE RAPED HER"


yes blacks were killed in large amounts, and they could have been completely eliminated if the US government had wanted to do such a thing

I am actually your friendly neighberhood (((jew))) desu
i don´t deny anything except for the ridiculous statement that a religion is a race

>testicles stomped in
>kept in solitary confinement
>knew if they didn't lie they were going to be killed

They never fucking said shit after that because if they did their whole families would be killed.

it does kinda imply that

i mean why would the government make such laws if they didnt have it out for the jews?

>Why not just shoot them on the spot user?
They did - Babi Yar

>retractions that would totally not lead to their and their families untimely death through unfortunate accidents

In this case, your are the one denying the video evidences. With a conspiracy theory, like I said.

so we have a black holocaust? tell me more
sure jews died prolly many but not as many as is said
i bet you just as as many gypsies were killed as jews for all it matters

If you stick to demonstrable facts and recorded history, there IS NO DOUBT that the holocaust happened.
People witnessed what happened. There are records regarding the deportation, incarceration and termination of jews. There are records that state that it was the ultimate goal to kill all jews. There are records that state that jews are to be exploited for forced labour at certain places, It was called "Vernichtung durch Arbeit", lit. "extermination through labour". There are records of the Nuremberg Trials, where lots of those records were presented. There are numerous Nazis who gave witness statements to what happened.

Holocaust is nothing to be argued about. And not because you're not allowed to "ask questions", but because the questions have been answered countless times by respectable persons, by Nazis and by Nazi documentation.
The problem is not the jews and it's not the documentation and it's not the evidence, it's the people who are to thick to understand it, to lazy to work through it or who just can't come to terms with reality, who'd rather deny historical facts because it fits their agenda.
I would love to drag you fuckheads through what's left of the concentration camps and shove your faces into the dirt where the Nazis killed people by the thousands.
Fuck you and the likes of you.

no we didnt have a black holocaust but many blacks were killed, and they could have all been killed systematically had the US government wanted to do such a thing

>video evidence

Holy shit dude, what video evidence? Do you have video from before the Russians "recreated" the camps? Use your fucking head dude

because they want to prevent racemixing and remove rights from them

Literally explains why there were no blue stains on the Auschwitz walls

But then again, I may just be talking to mentally retarded people, so there's no point

Do you admit that the gas chambers were a complete lie?

why would they want to do that?

rules u = not allowed to criticise

when u hear last of someone getting sued for disrespecting christianity/islam, or for questioning how many of them died in X historic event?



and i said that the german government didn´t want to eradicate the jew either

No the reasoning and goal of lying about the holocaust is completely different than lying about the American civil war or American revolution. ANY war or war crime could be questioned or considered a hoax. And I gaurantee every war is looked back on and carefully examined to find the truth. Theirs a reason the holocaust stands out from the rest. And even Jewish scholars are pointing out lies from jewish "survivors" who actually lied about being in a camp.

i mean people are killed for disrespecting religions all the time

idk what your point is

right, they just made laws making them second class citizens

i just mean neither one can really be proven if you want to be difficult about it

for the same reason blacks were not allowed to do shit in the us, because they as human beings were seen as not worthy of the rights

> I'm right so what proves me wrong comes from a conspiracy

or worthy of living even?

its almost like the nazis wanted the jews dead or something

It only turns the walls blue when you use a shit ton of it, like you need to kill lice. Killing humans requires much lower concentrations...

killed by religious fanatics not jailed by a western country
>or worthy of living even?
and again this implication is as baseless as saying the same about the us
of course there were people wanting and killing jews
but that in no way implies the governmental killing of the masses that is told about

lol even if the walls aren't blue, i dont think that single fact eliminates the entirety of the holocause

what if they changed the walls, or what if they used a different kind of gas? what if they cleaned the walls with chemicals after they got done? there are all sorts of things we could speculate about

Why would all those GI'S returning home with horror stories make that shit up? Also the Russians treated the Germans just as badly when they could

sued, like in a court where the criminal justices take the freedoms away

this only happens in amerieurope for questioning one group

The gas chambers are a complete lie.

>If you want to glorify nazism, don't deny the destruction camps. In that ideology you should be proud you got rid off the weak.

What if I told you everything you were told about WW2 was a lie?