What cooking shows are Sup Forums approved?

What cooking shows are Sup Forums approved?

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I like "Cooking With Jack", though I've tried some of his recipes and most of the time I end up being knocked out with a stomach flu for a week or so


He must have mental problems

i hope this fucking guy kills himself

Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time

Do they have girls who eat giant corndogs on ROSMT?

>Epic Meal Time
Quintessentially REDDIT

The lack of fat and added saltiness from substituting enriched Somalian semen for milk just doesn't taste right imho oniifam.

"COOKING show? I thought this was a KEKING sho!? You're not gonna fuck my wife? Psh, amateurs."

Report every image and webm. that any of these retards post

It's already a banable offence on /ck/

This is the comfiest channel i've seen in a while. No shitty narration or music, just pure, comfy, inna woods cooking


That's weird. I hope we also ban baneposters, CIA posters and Bateman posters on Sup Forums. They ruin a lot of threads.

What a subtle way to ask for more Baneposting, user.

You're the worst type of poster any board could ask for

Please stick to Sup Forumsv/sp/

I'm not the one who points out I got a 1/10 chance and devolves the thread into quoting me. That's you, you do that.

>Banes, Trains & Airplanes

You're a fucking idiot


ma nigga

I like Henry's Kitchen, the new episodes aren't really funny anymore though


chef john


Fucking Christ these guys got fat

No wonder muscles glasses peaced out