In hindsight, what is the closest you have been to death Sup Forums?

In hindsight, what is the closest you have been to death Sup Forums?

Pic unrelated

Almost had my head crushed by an engine after the hook supporting it from the engine hoist failed. The engine fell a few inches and was luckily stopped by either the motor-mounts or the transmission.

Damn man! That sounds scary as fuck

Cat accident. Other driver died instantly.
My guts were scrambled and I was confused but conscious until some point in the hospital when I stated losing long spans of time.

Those damn cats

When I was like 7 years old I was at a swimming pool trying to dive under this floating mattress. When I was halfway, I bumped my head in it, and it moved the way I was swimming. I kept doing this for what felt like 2 minutes, and I swallowed lots of water, and I just couldn't get past it. Then suddenly I realized I could stand in the pool, and just stood up with the mattress on my head... Probably couldn't have died, but still the closest I think

Leaning against a balcony rail that gave in from the 12th story. Did the whole back waving with my arms and everything (which I doubt really helps), but got lucky somehow.

I had a ridiculously high fever once. I had to go out because I had an exam to do, and on the way home, I was shivering uncontrollably and hallucinating, even though I had a jacket on and it was hot outside. I called my dad telling him I wouldn't make it. He ended up calling my mom, who then took me to a doctor. It turns out I was one degree away from death.

I was rafting and our boat flipped on a class 5 rapid with a section known as the meat grinder which several people have died on.

I almost choked on a satsuma segmant. i had to pull it out my throat

Snorted too much ketamine after a session of mdma, passed out and my heart stopped. Don't touch hard drugs anymore

I've almost died from sucking and choking on so many cocks.

I knew that was cumming

I had managed to get into an altercation where I was being choked. I remember how sound faded first, then my vision did. It felt like there was a ton of pressure in my head that faded in an instant.

When I passed out I started seizing really hard. I'm epileptic and it's unusual to see things when you start seizing. Well it was apparently a really bad seizure. I saw a lot of things and when I woke up I had that usual fog after a seizure, but it took me a while to put things together. Didn't even know I'd been fighting when I got up.

The things I saw in those moments I was out will be some of the most vivid memories to stick with me.

What did you see?

Confronted two crackheads trying to rob my apartment. Concussion broken bones in my foot and hands. Good thing they were crackheads.

At 58 years old I am closer to death than I am to my birth

> image related

The first thing I saw was a green field and a brilliantly blue sky. And then I felt the wind around me, like it was trying to get my attention. I looked in the direction it was coming from and saw a bunch of slightly curved rectangular stones. Ten times taller than a person. There were a bunch of robed figures in soft blue robes that hung loose on them and were tied with a simple brown cord. They gestured for me to come over and I remember running through the field to try and meet them. But...I woke up before I got there.

Omellette du fromage

Drowning as a kid. Not that bad as people make it out to be. It IS bad, but nonetheless a painless experience

Not kidding the closest I've been to death was three days ago.

>Motorcycle accident
>Back on Sup Forums for a while now

What my ads look like now

I got cold water shock when swimming in a lake in Bosnia. It was a lovely hot day but when I jumped in the lake my limbs just stopped working and while just about managing to keep my head above the water, I was trying to gasp for air and couldn't breathe it in. I couldn't call for help or anything, but luckily one of my friends noticed me and pulled me out, I was all fucked up and pale for 10 minutes or so afterwards.
Should've tried to float, but at the time I legit thought I was going to drown.

I'm not quiet sure how dangerous it actually was, but it was scary as fuck:
>hiking alone in the alps climbing on mountains and shit
>at some point decide to pitch a tent because it's getting dark / rainy
>the only flat surface is right on top of the mountain
>see a sign stating that someone died there because struck by lightening
>ok, i'll just go domewhere else
>not far from sign anyways, but fuck it it starts to rain
>get in moderately wet, trying to get into a comfortable position
>then the thunderstorm starts
keep in mind that those thunderstorms appear because the clouds essentially crash into the mountains, that being said it gets most intense right on the mountain top where i layed in my tent
>loud as fuck thunders rape my ears
>have ears now constantly covered by hands because it's so fucking loud
>heavy rain and wind rape my tent
>i'm more than a little bit worried that i'd die through thunder or that i'd roll down the mountain inside of my tent
The next day i went the FUCK down from that mountain which fucked up my feet by walking the longest distance (~70km) i've ever covered in one day with heavy backpack just in order to sleep with a roof above my head.

>truck hit driver's side in a very sharp angle
>trucks front axis was broken
>doors on the left side of my car were dented and shut forever
>my car were still drove
>my neck hurt a little
>that feeling of regret right before and after the impact
>if the truck hit me with a little different angle, i would have been mush

I'd like to think we are friends.

Holy shit, fucking witnessed.

when you go snowboarding in dangerous terrain it occurs quite often

It was meditating. I turned too much of my brain off, and the "reboot" took hours, during which time I didn't know who or what I was and was fairly certain I was already dead.My friends were not amused. I thought they were divine arbiters of judgement. I barely remember the details, but I had a great revelation, and I tried to force myself to remember something - I failed. A week later I went to the ER for brain lesions.

I was 3-4 miles deep in the woods and shot myself in the leg. I had to walk out bleeding. toward the end i was losing balance. I was firing off shots in hopes someone would hear me. When i fired my last shot I said to myself that I just guaranteed myself a slow death.

you lose all depression when you end up in a life or death situation, and decide you want to live

I was once alone and cornered in an elevator by a guy holding a straight razor up to my throat.

Ovedosed on heroin, gave me tunnel vision, loss of motor control, overheated, wasn't the best experience


When I was like 5 or 6 I had just watched a show or movie or something where they used the drawers orf a dresser as steps so I tried that and the dresser fell of to of me and the only reason I survived was because the dresser fell on my bed and didn't full crush me

I almost crushed my head by a bus wheel when I ran out to fetch my bouncing rubber ball on the bus stop. I crouched and grabbed the ball right at the space between the rolling wheels of the bus. Passengers were screaming. I was happy cause I got by ball back, though worth it.

>driving in Georgia
>multi lane highway
>It was the winter
>nobody knows how to drive
>minding my own business going 55 on a 4 lane highway
>"The Compensator" (tm) comes zooming by at speed limit (75 mph)
>buzzes right past me
>immediately glides over a patch of ice and slides out
>truck does a full 180 facing me before he even gains any semblance of traction
>drive past him knowing full well I could have just been involved in a multi-car pileup in fucking Georgia
>probably could have died

Story #2
>11 years old
>playing in back yard with friends
>trees and vines and shit
>bright idea to swing from vine like Tarzan
>we all do it once
>my second go around vine snaps
>begin rotating backwards
>fall about 15 feet to my untimely demise
>land flat as a board
>can't breath
>friends rushing to my side
>vision blackening
>is this how I die
>"Dude you just got the wind knocked out of you"
>lie for a minute and get up with ass and shoulders bruised only the way a black mother can beat her son
>turn around and see rock jutting up from ground next to where my head was planted

Story #3 and final
>friend calls me up and asks if I want to go swimming
>why the fuck not, it's hot as shit
>gather "The Squad" (tm)
>5 guys including me pile up in buddies pickup
>swimsuits, beer, and testosterone
>arrive and gigantic river
>jump around, swim, check out the babes
>friend says we're all gonna jump from the drop
>realize the drop is 60 feet high
>that's a long way down
>arrive at the top
>can see the rocks in the water
>everyone goes except me and Brandon
>brandon is a goofy shredded sick cunt
>he grabs me and I freak out
>tell him I'll go right after he does
>not even a blink and he hops off
>I gather my testicles in hand and ready my leap
>make jump of my life, longer than my high school standing horizontal
>feel body tilt forwards
>oh fuck
>life flashes before my eyes
>had a full 3 seconds to think about what I've done
>felt like an eternity
>hit the water like a 747 hitting the side of a mountain
>engulfed in choking agony
>literally can't breath or move
>feel rocks at my feet
>this is really it, I died from jumping of my own accord
>float to the top because I don't want to be known as the guy that died from water
>gotta be a sucker to die from water
>"Holy shit dude we weren't sure if you we gonna come back up"
>everybody is still sitting on a rock 20 feet away
>what the fuck
>entire front of body is a tomato for a week