Why do nu males hate Leno?
Why do nu males hate Leno?
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Anything involving Leno and motors is utterly based.
Because he reminds them of the dad they never had.
They have no inches. Cubic or otherwise.
Leno was probably one of the best standups before he was ever even on the tonight show. He neutered himself for TV. Will always be remembered as a great comedian regardless of his late night career. Fallon will be dead in a few years from alcoholism and will be forgotten. David Letterman was a way better host
No onw should like thay talentless hack
He has something they all lack.
A strong chin.
He proved to them that ''''''''''''''ethics''''''''''''' and '''''''''''''the right thing to do'''''''''''''''''''' aren't what you have to do, only what legally enforceable contracts are.
They got upset that their '''''''''''''just world theory'''''''''''' hypothesis was proved incorrect or incomplete
In combination, numales hate capitalism and the attainment of capital, so for Jay to '''''''''''go against his word/ethics'''''''''''''' and ''''''''''be a capitalist pig'''''''''''' was a combination of the worst of humanity
a true numale would work for free doing what he hated. that is how a numale lives.
you only have to apply one set of quotation marks, not 10 of them all at once.
He can still hold his own. He shat on Louis CK pretty well:
i like to provide emphasis because people cant read these days
they grew up without grammar, unless theres a smiley or exlamation marks they dont know when to pay attention
I'm a huge Letterman worshipper and hated Leno for a while but I grew up.
Yeah Leno screwed Conan and Letterman, but he got the laugh in the end and now does what he likes.
Plus, Leno is hiding a huge roasting box inside of him, and in very rare situations when he is triggered or feeling free enough, brings it out and kills everything nicely.
>i like to provide emphasis because people cant read these days
Hence you use one set of quotation marks. Any more is grammatically incorrect and incredibly obnoxious.
Knock it off because it's retarded.
Do italians ever do anything without it being underhanded?
Should've been the new Top Gear host
Jesus is there a cure for this? This is worse than manletism, you literally have zero chance of getting laid
I've never hated him, but always found him to be unremarkable as hell, at least in terms of his comedy and interviewing ability. Watching him in almost any form of media put me to sleep.
Something something Conan O'Brien etc.
>a true numale would work for free doing what he hated
So like a Sup Forums janitor you say.
tfw Leno made Gino famous. therby starting the JUST meme
Does Leno pander the SJW & Leftist audience like the other talk show hosts do?
No. That's why they vilified him. He was the only late night host who picked on both sides.
Leno is fiscally conservative and socially liberal and not vocal about it, but he does dislike political correctness.
Because he makes dad jokes
I liked Leno alot
He was the best.
were you children even alive when leno took over for carson?
because they took sides with conan
also he's unfunny
Leno was edgy has fuck. that episode when he bent Conan over the deck and fucked his ass raw was Emmy award winning masterpiece
This I was watching that Jimmy Fallon episode where he took over in the monologue and he actually told jokes about democrats as well as republicans. You could feel the discomfort of the leftists in the room. But yeah, I think his evenhandedness is one of the reasons leftists hate him.