Doctor Who is anime edition.
Died of old age.
Doctor Who General /who/
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Will there ever be a gay doctor ;___;
No, because there's no need.
10 and 11 had gay streaks. But the doctor will never non-jokingly kiss a man, it would trigger too many people.
Wasn't the tiny hints of bi-ness with Capt. Jack enough?
What is the worst Davison serial?
Warriors Of The Deep
oh ho ho here it is, here it is everybody! isn't if funny! isn't this just ~hilarious~!
look! this user has used an ~anime~ picture to accompany their post! great! wonderful! 'fantastic', as the 9th doctor (played by christopher eccleston) would say! i ~know~ what you're all thinking, cos i'm thinking it too, 'what has anime got to do with doctor who?' the answer is a great big ~nothing~! anime is unrelated! irrelevant! not on-topic!
'why has this person posted anime in /who/?' because they're a comedian, obviously! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! so funny! ha! ha! ha! ha! isn't it funny everbyody? come on, join in! let's all laugh at this spectecular awe-inspiring wit! and comedy! haha! hahaha! ha! haha! ha! hahahaha! ha! ha! ha! ha! haha! haha! hahaha! haha! ha! ha! there are tears streaming down my cheeks! i love it! more! more! please post more anime in the doctor who general! actually, let's make the next thread 'anime is good and we like it and also it's relevant edition'! haha! wouldn't that be hilarious! ha!
in case you can't tell, dr. anime, i'm being sarcastic. it isn't funny at all.
stop posting anime in /who/
The King's Demons.
When was there any need for straight Doctors?
Haven't seen this pasta in a while.
There have been.
>/who/ is shitposting general
>Adam Orford and Neon Visual have completely deleted the wiki
>Doctor Who remains on indefinite hiatus
>Chibnall Who inching closer every day
>Capaldi signed on for two more seasons, despite suffering advanced stages of Arteriosclerosis
>Michael Grade publishes full page ad congratulating Moffat on "a job well done"
>Gatiss promises "You will breathe no more!" in Series 10
>Charges of pedophilia raised against Matt Smith by several young children
>Jenna Coleman photographed on set of Victoria suffering from extreme anorexia
>Big Finish license up for renewal, BBC considering rejection
>Georgia Moffet photographed with black eye, David Tennant's agent issues statement she "ran into a doorknob"
>Cloister currently out on bail on charges of possession of child pornography
>Colin Baker's transition well underway, according to family
>Phillip Morris: "I traded the complete Dalek's Master Plan for a whole season of Z Cars, BBC wasn't interested"
>Sylvester McCoy responds to recording of 14 minute racist tirade in Tesco's checkout line: "Make Scotland great again!"
>Nicola Bryant headlines: "Doc #5 Drugged, Molested Me!"
>Ian Levine to replace Murray Gold
>Paul McGann "hasn't come out of the basement in over a year" according to family
>John Barrowman has begun an aggressive treatment regimen for HIV
>Peter Harness hostage video released by ISIS
>Nicholas Briggs undergoes emergency surgery, vocal cords completely removed
>Russel T Davies: "If Chibs asks, I'll write whatever he wants."
>Christopher Eccleston on Brexit: "I'd do anything just to get rid of every stinking ape in this country."
>Catherine Tate #StandsWithLeslie, calls for massive twitter bannings
>Video surfaces of visibly drunken Karen Gillan smoking crack: "They killed me on Who, they killed me in Guardians 2, they killed my show, why should I keep living?"
>Tom Baker, writing from hospice care: "The end is near, but the moment is being prepared for."
What's your favorite Davison episode?
Mine is Black Orchid.
Mine is Enlightenment.
Capaldi confirms April start for series ten
Just rewatched Under The Lake. It's much better than I remember, might be my favourite of series 9.
>Black Orchid
That's, um, quite an unusual preference.
Not my favorite but I like it too.
S9 is better when you binge through and aren't waiting for the next part each week.
Definitely. I can see why a lot of casuals turned off. Must have been frustrating for those who only watch some weeks to not get a proper resolution.
Are the other main range anons still alive? We all seemed to stop updating at the same time. I finished Red Dawn yesterday, loading the next two on my phone now.
Jenna had such a QT outfit in those episodes.
Jack would fuck literally any creature in all of time and space.
I hope the checkered trousers return. Super comfy.
I've never seen it mentioned as a favorite.
And honestly, it's a bit on the dull side.
I liked how low the stakes were. Just a simple murder mystery. The ending was kind of stupid though.
Mah niggas.
But it was comfy.
I'll go for the obvious choice and say Androzani.
If an episode of almost nothing interesting happening followed by one of the Master's most nonsensical schemes ever is your idea of comfy, then sure.
>Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat told Newsbeat "we've just started working on the Christmas episode".
>"It's got a lot of heart, but it's got a lot of brain too. Figure that one out," teased Steven.
>He also said they've got "four episodes in the can" for the new series and that the Doctor's new assistant Pearl Mackie is "a breath of fresh air on the Tardis".
>Another Moffy Mind-Bender.
Wizard of Oz pastiche?
Back to the same Spring time slot that series 1-6 had.
>It's got a lot of heart, but it's got a lot of brain too.
More than one Time Lord?
Will it be so fine it'll blow our minds?
Hey Missy
I miss them already.
Hopefully he wears them in S10.
Although they might not look as good with the velvet.
>mfw it was real
That is the shoddiest fake URL I have seen in a long time.
They removed it
I mean it's literally not even how BBC Store addresses are formatted.
Holy fuck it's real
>yfw it was the spirit of marcelo
The BBC will never keep him down
Holy shit what an unusual copypasta
If this is real, what advantage is there in this secrecy as opposed to building hype as the release date approaches?
haha you've been BTFO
I'm assuming they will do that. They just wanted to announce it properly at a time that was convenient for them, which they have now fucked up.
>tfw not even a release of Power of the Daleks can get /who/ talking
Marcelo might be dead but he's still leaking everywhere. Top lad
He needs to hurry up and fucking leak some S10 shit
>Marcelo leaks work prints of S10 for our Christmas present
wow, i thought it was fake but its nice to be proven wrong. except not really because this means POTD hasnt been found
Still here.
Been busy and got kinda bored when I got to Sword of Orion
fuck off tumblr
ooooohhhhhhh FUCK
The cat is sort of out of the bag already.
Isn't that just taken from the 'leak'?
I still find it hard to believe that the BBC would bother animating a 6 episode long serial if something hadn't been returned. I'm holding out for one episode of Power at the very least (hoping to GOD it's the first one)
DW Fan Show is an official thing though, I'm sure. With that weird looking woman. So maybe they know something, as they might.
And yeah more found episodes would be nice, but animation is better than nothing.
Missy was the worst thing to ever happen to Doctor Who. Her plan in season 8 made no sense what so ever. Let's run through it shall we?
1. I survive the Time War
2. I steal Time Lord technology that puts peoples souls (?) into it
3. I put every dead persons souls on earth into this device under the name of a seret company called 3w although why this plan needed to be done under a company name will never be made clear
4. Somewhere during this time I also need to somehow go to the cyber planet or whatever and steal their cyber making technology and also make them subservient to her and then somehow make all these cybermen controlled by one simple remote control.
5. Somehow manipulate the Doctor and Clara so they meet through some super subtle shit that is very sketchy.
6. Start filming them doing whatever they do for no reason
7. Guide the Doctor to the mausoleum I’m at, then pretend to be an android for no reason, kiss him even though I have never felt any attraction to him before, and then suddenly reveal I am actually the Mistress once cybermen walk out.
8. Rain cyberdata so dead bodies turn into cybermen or some shit (why did I need to collect souls for this?
9. Have knowledge of the secret plane and the plan to make Doctor world president
10. Rely on getting taken on board this plane with little to no guards and placed in a room with a scientist
11. Escape without being noticed on CCTV, have cybermen attack the plane, make the Doctor fall to his death
12. Hope he dies but don’t actually as I need him for your next step of the plan, but feign anger at his survival by ending a life.
The tardis shot looks like ep 1
I'm 100% sure it's an official announcement, I'm just really surprised they're sinking that much money into black and white Who. Kinda funny that the reason any of them are missing is because they didn't do that back then.
Also because The Crusade didn't get a DVD release and The Underwater Menace got fucking awful recons
13. Have Clara’s old boyfriend who died come back with his emotions, so that he can get Clara all emotional, so that her emotional self will get the Doctor to come to her in the graveyard, at which point I will confront the Doctor with the next step
14. Find the Doctor at a graveyard, give him control of the cybermen and rely on his darker side (which I have never seen because all he has ever done is stop evil and be great) to use those cybermen (an enemy which he hates and has destroyed multiple times before, and have cost him friends lives) to destroy planets(which he probably could do anyway without cybermen as he has a fucking time machine, he can just go drop nukes on planets at their creation or some shit)
15. Have a backup plan to rain clouds on humanity that turn them into cybermen, but forget that by giving the Doctor control he can also destroy these clouds and the cybermen at the same time, although he doesn’t Danny does (Seems I shouldn’t have let him have emotions it didn’t help really)
So yeah. Really how does that make any sense at all? Why is the writing been so awful these past two seasons? Why isn't The Master being portrayed by Charles Dance or something? Honestly how perfect would he be as The Master. Just give him Tywin Lanister's character and add a bit more insanity and BOOM perfect Master to match Peter Capaldi's Doctor. It's not fucking hard, Moffat. Why are you so insistent on having so many female characters who are basically all the same? kill me Doctor Who has gone to shit. Absolute Cancer.
why are they making such a big deal out of some old shit that nobody other than autists carea about.
>Missy was the worst thing to ever happen to Doctor Who.
Missy is literally the best thing to eve happen to Doctor Who.
Don't agree fuck off.
Missy wanted to corrupt Doctor with evil power. I assume cybermen needed human minds to work properly.
Maybe BBC Worldwide or 2entertain or whoever the fuck got a bunch of money (maybe from selling music)
Or they feel they can promote this and sell it well. Either way, I'm excited about more animations.
I've read the story about TUM like 3 times and I still have no idea what the fuck happened?? Did they actually animate some of it then think nah fuck that noise here's some recons? I heard they were instructed to make the recons as basic as possible
Well now that they have the online stuff maybe they think it will do better than selling dvds.
Explain how she did anything good. She's an awful tumblr fanfic tier character and isn't anything like the cunning Masters of the past. Even John Simm's Master wasn't a complete idiot. At least he made a pretty decent plan on the spot.
I know that's what she ultimately wanted but her plan was so loose and relied on so many stupid variables and chances. The only reason her plan worked was just through sheer luck and bad writing. Fuck Missy. Make The Master Great Again. Enough of this Mary Poppins BS character and bring back the real Master.
It also might be from the very end. Maybe
I'm not sure either. My guess is they just pulled the plug on the whole project thinking it was too much money to spend on 'that one with the hammy scientist and the fish dancers' and then made a moving photonovel because of fan demand
>Missy was the worst thing to ever happen to Doctor Who.
I'm glad we're starting somewhere reasonable
>kiss him even though I have never felt any attraction to him before
Tell us how you really feel, user.
post trouts
It's worth remembering that Doctor is effectively omnipresent. All she needed is to set up a spooky corporation and he'd stumble in it eventually. Only Clara being a special snowflake is superfluous
tfw more hartnell episodes never apparently
Ah, 80s fandom.
Oh get over yourself. Just watch it and enjoy it for what it is intended to be: an enjoyable bit of sci-fi escapism and chill.
You just reminded me of how terrible the resolution of Death in Heaven was.
>spend two episodes setting up a Cybermen invasion that's virtually impossible to stop
>how can the Doctor save the day this time?
>nevermind, it was all a set-up for a faux moral dilemma whose outcome anyone could predict
>an enjoyable bit of sci-fi escapism and chill
implying Moffat hasn't turned it into a character drama with attempted deep and "thought provoking" storylines.
f@m, I'd love Doctor Who to be nothing more than a bit of sci-fi escapism but those days are long gone.
>bring back the real Master.
Why? The current one is effectively the same as the others: a power mad nutter still desperately trying to 'corrupt' his/her frenemy.
Just wears a dress now.
It was broadcast the night before Remembrance Sunday here in the UK. There were lots of ceremonies at the time, marking 100 years since the start of WW1.
The 'dead rising, becoming soldiers and sacrificing themselves to save humanity' ending was apt for that particular broadcast.
TV Choice Awards was yesterday.
Did anyone get back the power?