What was the director trying to tell us

What was the director trying to tell us

He wants to fuck Elle


It tells you to have a better comprehension.


he was telling us:



He wants to be Elle and get fucked but yours isn't wrong either

LA will chew you up and spit you out.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

That's officially the dumbest post on here of all time. And that means a lot.


Nothing but: Enjoy this beautiful genre film.

Just like OGF, the oedipal stuff was secondary to the visceral violence and imagery.

Style is the substance, and that's ok, it's beautiful.


Refn doesnt come with a message cause, as almost all true artists do, his work is a journey of selfdiscovery.
He's not making a film for you, he's making it also for you, but primarily for himself. He wanted to explore the meaning of a beauty driven society and how ethics and aestetichs relate to each other and he did.
You get to be part of the process but you dont get the synthesis served on a silver platter.
that's your part of the job

I didn't recognize Abbey Lee until after I'd finished TND.

>refn in love.webm
cute af

that he has a neck fetish

How is he allowed to make out with someone he works with. Whenever I try to kiss my coworkers they always call human resources

because, unlike you, he asked and was given CONSENT you shitlord.
Watch closely

>makes a whole movie praising her beauty
>kisses her in front of a bunch of people
>including his wife

alpha or autistic?


what tattoo does NWR have?

every refn film ever made.jpg

>as almost all true artists do

src pls

It's called being rich and successful.

wats his tattoo of

you can go to hell rn

Just as expected. This is what Hollywood does to girls, people.

whats in the pic? scared to look

warning sp00k alert!!

Picture of Elle Fanning with blacked.com watermark

It's the BBC claiming another pour soul.

Dont count your chickens before they hatch heh heh

Then it reflects the movie perfectly.

The white race is under attack by jews who are manipulating our women via their ownership of the fashion industry

he was trying to tell us about real lolita shit

It's true fagboi

Where can I watch this documentary?