Ahsoka Tano and The Clone Wars is the best thing to come from star wars
Ahsoka Tano and The Clone Wars is the best thing to come from star wars
>bitch still isn't dead
You must suffer
ugh, waifu fags are the worst cancer on this board
ahsoka a shit, btw
Close, but they are still better than redditors like you.
No, Gendy Tartakovsky's "Clone Wars" is better.
Ahsoka was bretty gud tho.
>prefers some child-pandering cgi shit that portrayed war as light-hearted banter with almost no consequences over based Gendy's cartoon of awesomeness that, overall, is the same length as one of the films and perfectly fills in the gaps between ep2 and 3 and fleshes out obi-wan's and anakin's friendship without feeling forced
wew lad
Pretty sure children shows are right up your alley, senpai
Gendys show was boring. Plus, it completely fucked certain characters power levels
>It ain't Sheev starts playing.
>look mom, I'm shitposting!
Who are you quoting?
>Gendys show was boring.
No, you're boring.
Plus, it completely fucked certain characters power levels
no it showed what a Jedi would be capable of when not hampered by real world stunt restrictions.
You're a faggot of the highest order crying about power levels.
I'm summarising what you probably shouted irl while posting newfriend
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of this Sup Forums structure after puberty hopefully
You are wrong. Windus force ability has NEVER been as strong as it had in CW. In fact, no jedis had. Even in Eu stuff.
Windus fight was pants on head retarded and made him look like a walking god.
Also Greivous was way too strong. Taking on several Jedimasters with ease without significant force powers blows established powers completely out of proportions.
I agree with it not being boring. It was awesome and has superb scenes (Anikin with the wall paintings for example) and the absolutely based Arc-troopers.
You guys are clueless. The EU had force users like Sidious and Nihilus wreck planets with their powers, Windu's display is nothing. Even in the new Disney comics Vader is pulling far more insane shit.
Except holding up a atat would be easy even for movie Vader. And just because another Eu source has their characters overpowered, doesn't mean it's okay for gendy to do it. Especially since we are talking about the emperor here who is supposed to be one of the strongest force users in the galaxy
Yes EU has displays of force powers multitudes bigger than the stuff mace pulls in Gendys movies. But they are also retarded and not canon anymore.
Your picture of Vader (the "chosen one") lifting a single AT isn't something would say is insane. Especially if you want to compare it to Windu punching an entire army to scrap metal.
>The EU had force users like Sidious and Nihilus wreck planets with their powers
Nihilus wasn't a physical being, he was basically a black hole in the force. Besides, the old EU is non canon now anyway
That's kinda cool. Is the extended star wars stuff worth looking into?
Nothing Windu does in the cartoon is actually overpowered. It's maybe a bit exaggerated, but it's all canonically possible
Mace Windu is supposed to be one of the most powerful jedi alive at the time. So it makes sense he'd be a badass
Force Jump? Established in episode 5 when Luke jumps out of the freezing pit and then several more times in that fight and ep6
Force Speed? Episode 1 opening scene has Obi-Wan and Qui Gon sprint super fast down the corridors
Cutting down hundreds of droids with ease? Episode 1 again has them surrounded several times and they never once take a single hit. The colosseum in ep2 also has hundreds of droids shooting that never once harm any of the main characters
And this is right in the center of a huge battle, no shit Mace is on his A-game.
As for Grievous? God-forbid he actually does something menacing to establish why he's so feared and such a threat. No I'd much rather have the cgi Grievous that acts like an idiot and kills a couple of clone troopers at most. Way more threatening
Not him but it's left unclear what her fate is. I'm hoping that she's dead or joins the dark side and becomes his Ventress like assassin.
The TV shows are pretty good. The art in the comics is pretty bad though.
Original concept for Ahsoka.
However, George Lucas told them to make the top smaller, make the skirt shorter and to give her leggings.
He really is our guy, isn't he
Best things from the prequels maybe
>not Vergere and the Yuuzhan Vong Wars
Ahsoka was so close to being a full-blown Mary Sue when she was first introduced, but her growth over the course of the show was incredible. Fuck the idea of giving Obi-Wan a Star Wars Story movie, if anyone deserves one, it's her.
>Interceptors don't even manage to shoot down one of the transport ships
That's so fucking stupid.
best thing to come from star wars right here
But that's wrong.
>Ahsoka Tano and The Clone Wars is the best thing to come from star wars
They're not. They are, however, among the best things to come from the prequels.
Pic also related, the Prequels/Clone Wars lightsabers are superior to anything made since. Even the Rebels ones, and I actually liked those. Better variety, and the pull-to-release switch was so much better than simply flicking them open.
Also McGregor.
don't forget the huge dick sucking lips
>rogue squadron
>not TIE fighter
Shiggity diggity doo user