Why does every comedy channel/site go the way of College Humor?

Why does every comedy channel/site go the way of College Humor?
Can online video entertainment producers gain the longevity of broadcast/cable outlets?

What the fuck happened to Rooster teeth? I haven't watched it in about 3 years.

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Good fucking Christ, that's what their Shorts have become?

>Why does every comedy channel/site go the way of College Humor?
>What the fuck happened to Rooster teeth? I haven't watched it in about 3 years.
It goes from people to a company, and then the company becomes big.
At a certain point it just produces the same plain garbage as all the rest.

>Can online video entertainment producers gain the longevity of broadcast/cable outlets?
Only if they have multiple productions released from the start and don't found everything on individual personalities.

Eventually your audience grows up and doesn't have time for online shows.

Well that was fucking shit.

Damn how many dead famous youtube channels out there? I still remembered the old channel i use to watch machinima, sxephil, rwj, hotforwords etc.

Roosterteeth is still fine aside from their shorts

I avoid anything that Geoff or Burnie touch, haven't watched their LP channel since Ray left. Funhaus is my thing now.

>go the way of College Humor?

What happened to CH? I haven't gone there in years.

Once you reach a certain scale your only path is to appeal to normies who genuinely think Collegehumor bits are hilarious

Lazer Team was pretty good.
Camp Camp is great.

That's about it.

It's like a diet SNL crossed with Buzzfeed.

The problem is they started hooking up.

Dubs confirms this

Funhaus is the only thing of value nowadays

It's not just that, but that certainly is an element.

Friday-Monday lineup is GOAT. I hope they do that hacker game after hitman is done

They built everything outside of animation on their personality, and were open about their lives. Eventually they wanted to have more personal lives, which is fair. As such there wasn't much left.

That Miles guy is painfully unfunny

I stopped watching when they fired Meg.

Geoff is still the realest nigger left in the game, if he hadn't fucked Burnies wife we would be experiencing a golden age of cock bite kino.

His writing in Season 11 of RvB was pretty good, was pretty close to the style of the first 8 seasons.
I don't know how much he writes Camp Camp.

But fuck me, when he's just talking or ad-libbing he's so shit.

>going from reddit the person to reddit the group of people

Wew lad.

>penetrated by your wife
>hint at swinging lifestyle
>suck at videogames
>real nigger

What went wrong? They started hiring people like pic related.

What does she do? I have no idea who that is.

She's the head of """"streaming"""" who just happens to have a famous father called Levar Burton that just happened to appear on their stuff and purely coincidentally that lead to her being hired.

She's in every AH video now and she was on one of the off topics where talked about how hard it is to be black

Machinima will live forever. Its too big to fail at this point, new stupid teenagers replace the old stupid teenagers. Phil saved his career recently with that whole FUPA thing. His subs skyrocketed like it was 2010 again. RWJ is just dying.

They keep going and don't know when to call it a job well done and smile because it happened.

RT was only good for Red Versus Blue. Everything else was nugatory and extraneous.

I didn't even know that they did streaming.

Have they ever worked with Levar Burton?

As bad as she is, I prefer her over Jeremy or Matt. Both terrible on-camera personalities.

That's all his degenerate wife's fault and he doesn't let that cuck shit fly.

i used to like them a lot. the first 2 seasons are legit great, very funny and with good production values


Yeah, back when it was sort of on screen satirical or parody versions of themselves was great.
Then when it came back after being on break a few episodes into the third season, it was just sub par skits.

You're literally retarded then.

Mica says nothing but "heheheh oh no no no no NOOOOO oh no no oh no oh hehehehe" and then insults various members and they don't insult her back because Geoff doesn't allow them to insult women.

They're only allowed to make fun of/joke with Lindsay now because she runs AH, any other woman Geoff says to just cut it.

I'm like 30% sure that was just meant to be parodying buzzfeed

got proof?

Yeah, in the charity streams.

>when RvB when from being a stupid comedy show to a super serial action series


i used to watch roostertooth when they started out doing red vs blue machinima on halo1-2

It was never good, 12 year old me found it funny.

They where never really 'funny' but mainly the only guys popular around at the time.

Its like every other form of media now its just over saturated diluted crap.

good thing is though the actual funny shit still stands out but its incredibly hard to find.

same with music, vidya, movies.

TV is a bit easier since it seems to be going through another golden age thanks to jewflix actually pumping out good content since sony, amc and hbo dun goofed

Of what?

Do you know who Griffon is?

What does Griffon has anything to do with what this guy said?