OK, say we get rid of Common Core. What do you propose we replace it with?

OK, say we get rid of Common Core. What do you propose we replace it with?

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Actual math

cool, algebra for 7 year olds

Common sense.



Nice shop

why do we have to replace it with anything

How about no federal or state level regulations? Let the schools locally decide.




i = sqrt (-1)

i - i = 0

Gonna confuse the hell out of the poor kids when they learn that what they were 'taught' is straight up wrong.

Are we not going to talk about "i-i=1"?

>try to set up a basic and perfectly sensible national education standard like a first world nation
>it devolves into self hating revisionist nonsense, mental gymnastics and security state cuckery over night

Who else but America?

>say we get rid of Common Core

The methods used in "common core" are not going anywhere. They have been around for decades.

The math we've used before shit core came around.

Make math great again, 2016

Australian Banter techniques

Singapore math

idk, china seems to be doing ok. Don't they have like uber state controlled education?
Our common core is a fucking joke that only the supremest of idiots could possibly fail.
Stop teaching to the biggest retard in the class. Make school hard again.
Watch the graduation rate plummet for a few years, then watch society rebound as education makes a comeback.

>China seems to be doing ok.
They just manipulate the statistics. Their education itself is pretty consistent with what you'd see in Japan or Korea.

>Japan or Korea.

aren't they doing even better?

Japan and Korea aren't 3rd world shitholes.

>Their education itself is pretty consistent with what you'd see in Japan or Korea.
>3rd world shitholes

I'm not following you here.

Classical liberal education. It provides thousands of years of context combined with knowledge of facts. Allows minds to develop beyond shit tier progressive attitudes and improves critical thinking skills.

I mean that it consists of
>Wake up a 3am
>Spend 2 hours on train on way to school.
>Spend 8 hours at school.
>Study another 6 hours afterwards.
>2 hours on train again.
>Shitty Chinese train comes off the rails and everyone dies.

>What do you propose we replace it with?
Go back to the slide rule and log tables that created the A-bomb and put men on the moon. If people want to program they will out of necessity or curiosity, but save any formal training to uni years. That should do it.

t.graduated uni 2001 before all this nonsense

When you remove a cancerous tumor, what do you replace it with?


In his case, crippling debt

There's no government solution. The problem is that in countries like Sweden, school is centered around being fun and a privilege, not military style discipline; in countries like china, teachers are respected like doctors and paid well.

In america, education is a major for retarded sorority girls who marry engineers and businessmen and get paid 30k a year

Singapore maths or A-levels.
Bongistan maths is top notch

Usually we stick a bunch of random crap in there. Like you know, sometimes a live monkey. We don't want the patient to become too healthy, you know? Same with the education system.

If we remove the tumor that is the Common Core, we have to replace it with something that is equally as shit.

Also, as an unrelated note, Obama promised change; everyone who says that Obama lied is wrong. He never said that it'd be good change; he just said that there'd be change. And look at us now. We use the common core, an utterly shit system. It's a complete change. Obama delivered.

Common Sense

I like you. You're an optimistic guy.

"imaginary numbers" hahaha you americans and your retarded way of doing maths sure is stupid

Well the 6 gorrilion has to come from somewhere.

As far as I can see the problem isn't with the curriculum, it's the poor quality of the teachers who don't seem to understand what they are suppose to be teaching.

If you want an alternative you could try this:
But I think you'll find that it covers pretty much the same stuff

You obviously sat one of the lower tier paper for GCSE if you never encountered imaginary numbers.

Square roots give positive and negative answers, so no, their definition is correct

>Well the 6 gorrilion has to come from somewhere.

Go to bed grampa

I dont even understand what she wants from that pic. im too stupid.

What did I just read? Our maths and school system is literally burger tier. Only private schools are good

The free market. Make it illegal for any federal or state program to fund education in any way whatsoever. Entrepreneurs and communities have provided education for millenia, now the state is educating everyone equally to the lowest standard. Some kids are stupider than others, why put morons in kid jail for 12 years when they could be getting trained as skilled laborers, and have more resources available to educate the intellectuals.

It's probably too late to correct the course, we are about 20 years away from becoming brazil.

I was referring to A-levels being top notch. I don't know about your schools.

i propose large corporations get together to create and fund school curriculums that progress from practical to scientific skills and can be dropped out of with a certificate of your qualifications at any time.

Start out general, have a fluid transition to specialisation towards working in certain environments or even specific companies.
Transparency for available positions and pay would be required, and corporations who do not develop anything of their own would share in the funding of higher up specialisations.

RIP humanities, goodbye gender studies.

or how 1+2+3+4+5+6+7...= -1/12

local control

Whatever the fuck we were teaching before. Aka "math".