What did CNN mean by this?
What did CNN mean by this?
we can't dump trump because he has a plump rump
Dr. Pavel, I'm USA
Who cares? It doesn't matter who wins anyway.
Is this kino?
It means that anyone who is voting for Johnson and Stein is a retard.
When Shillary get voted in. Remember that it's the Trumpfags fault for banking on a meme candidate.
quick question.
Why are CNN/CNBC/FOX pretending that Trump has a chance of winning?
>still watching CNN
they're losing to MSNBC now
they're in full Clinton News Network mode
because cnn has always had a republican slant despite what propoganda trying to say ANYTHING THAT ISN'T SUPPORTING THE KKK IS LEFTIST PROPOGANDA tells you
USA Elections are a smoke screen for the real leaders of the country. The "President" is a scapegoat.
More like the Green and Libtard party's faults for voting for unelectable candidates.
>orc poll
Of course they're leaning Trump. Show me a human, hobbit, or elf poll with him leading, then I'll be convinced.
Ban all Sup Forums posters
I'm really growing tired of all this Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums. Don't you have basically three boards to circle jerk about this shit now? (if you include /his/)
>because cnn has always had a republican slant
where do these people come from
Because no one bothered to teach them about the electoral college, apparently.
>trump in lead
>better slam him in subtext
why would CNN not want Trump to win anyways, he would make news great again
Sup Forums got pussy whipped out of /his/ because the mods actually did something about their shitposting
So why aren't they doing anything about the problem here? It's really bad these past few months. I guess mods must REALLY hate Sup Forums.
Damn if CNN has Trump with a 2% advantage, you can bet the real difference is more than 10%.
If Trump is ahead going into the polls, more people will be afraid of him getting the presidency and vote against him.
If Clinton is ahead going into the polls, more people will be complacent and not vote, possibly handing Trump the presidency.
These. The president means almost nothing.
>So why aren't they doing anything about the problem here?
Because mods are global and no mod really considers this his home board or care enough to stop the obvious shitposting. Also the Sup Forums janitors are gotfags/whofags so they also don't care about anything that happens outside their daily eternal circlejerk subreddit threads.
Trump is going to win 100%. The reason is obvious: he won't be running against Hillary.
Anyone with half a brain can see she is a breath away from dying. She can barely walk unassisted, she's having seizures constantly and she's incontinent. I've never seen anyone in worse health in the public eye.
By November either she'll be dead and Trump will be running against a hastily cobbled-together Kaine candidacy or Hillary will have degraded to the point where the media can't hide it and it would farcical for anyone to vote for her.
I'm not even really a Trump supporter, I'm just calling it as I see it.
/his/ is literally Sup Forums with dates
yeah and now we know she told the FBI about her concussion and how she's literally brain damaged and unable to do her job lol
>Trump is going to win 100%.
Nah, neither can get dates
What did 538 mean by this?
>Kaine candidacy
Don't be stupid user, even they would back bernie in that situation. Kaine has literally zero name recognition.
Its Nachrichten
But user, you forget. Silver has no credibility despite calling the last two elections flawlessly because he let his biases get to him and commented about Trump when there was no data.
>calling the last two elections flawlessly
Since Obama winning was so hard to predict