Sort of... the animal with the pointiest eyes... Steve
Sort of... the animal with the pointiest eyes... Steve
It freaks me out to think that there is a real person, who, when they push their glasses all the way back to the bridge of their nose, the glass touches their eyeballs.
I'm not avin a go really
>it's a "Karl" forgets a story was supposed to happen to his dad and not him episode
when did the illusion shatter for you Sup Forums?
I was just thinkin' ... Valentines Day.
What are ya happier with? The fact that no girls like you enough? Or ... are you happy because you don't have to spend any money on a card for someone?
Was listening to the xfm collection of Karl vs Steve today.
Its hilarious how insecure Steve is about the way he looks, hes really harboring those teenage insecurities that still haunt him from school and it gets to him everytime someone mentions something about his appearance.
pic related; Karl watched Men in Black 2 and saw Steve had a cameo.
>Its hilarious how insecure Steve is about the way he looks
Something tells me he might be over that nowadays.
Still looks like shit and she's only with him for the cash. Pathetic existence desu
Hes so neurotic you can tell he will never be happy. Now hes famous he will fixate that girls are only with him for the cash rather than liking the way he looks.
Especially if hes started spending a bit more money.
>Pathetic existence
I'd happily trade places with him to become a self-made multi-millionaire with a 10/10 and he can be a NEET with a shit degree. And you'd do exactly the same, because you're the one browsing Sup Forums.
I sure as fuck wouldn't. For one, I'm not a NEET, I do have a degree, and I make sick bank for my age. I'd rather make thousands and have a purpose than have millions and no purpose.
Was it just money for old rope?
so you're saying your existance is valuable, and merchants is worth nothing. to everyone in the world? or just you and yours. because most of these neets have watched and maybe enjoyed something merchant has done, but all you do is "make sick bank". how is that a purpose?
>this entire post
18+ m8
>and merchants is worth nothing.
It isn't. He's trash who most people don't even know exists. He's fucking B list, B list of COMEDY, that's like D list of real acting. He's a fucking nobody. I can get a 10/10 cunt to blow my load into too.
>how is that a purpose
I haven't told you my purpose, nor am I going to. Without people like me you wouldn't even be able to use a computer you fucking normalfag cunt.
I'd say so, Merchant said he had no idea what Portal was.
I'm just sayin'... Do we need 'em? We're always faffing about with stuff like this. Just don't bother. There's no need.
>break in fresh innocent new models for the porn industry and make money off the videos
Living the dream.
Surprised visiting his forum one time and he seemed upset about a few things. Guess you lose perspective having it that good that long.
God damn he's ugly. Like, Jeff Ross ugly.
source on this example?
link it
Post GOAT XFM moments
Is it true that Steve was still a virgin in the early XFM days?
>GOAT XFM moments
you people seriously enjoy this shit and promote it like it's the best this XFM has to offer?
skip to 2:18
I guess that "our guy" shite isn't totally unjustified then.
Either a virgin or someone who got lucky once or twice but was otherwise put down by women.
He was way too good with words to stay like that for long though. Not even counting the fame and money.
Remember that time Stephen bugged Karl to pay him back his 50p?
Karl was in the wrong though
Anyone here seen Life on the Road yet?
I feel like the only one who thought it was pretty good
nah he needs the arm candy so people will think hes cool and attractive
Completely ruined it for me
it was only 50p ffs
Greatest moment.
what the fuck
i don't know what to make of this
i can't believe that they all sat round a table and made up this story themselves
remember back in the xfm days there barely relevant and only a few 1000 people listened
i think karl just got confused one of the times telling the story cos he's a bit thick
Not Karl's call to make, it was Steve's money
I noticed it too and I'm more inclined to believe he was either covering for his dad the first time and told the truth the second or told the truth the first time and tried to cover it up the second
yeah but it's only 50p
i mean really
how stingy do you have to be
this makes a lot more sense
thankyou based user
i was scared for a minute there
Could be legal bullshit.
Yup, but he still at least has to offer to pay it back, or do something in return.
>It's a Karl and family get cornered by a bunch of cows in a field because his dad wouldn't to pay the entrance fee episode.
Certainly my favourite voice over work from anything
not really... its not like his dads gonna sue him for defamation over a thing that will have 0 effect on him
he's either lying and making stories up or hes covering for his dad/himself
im gonna lean towards covering because it'd be a bit of a fuck up to come up with all these stories and then somehow only do the same one once
its not like karl says anything outlandish, are we meant to believe he didnt drop out of school and didnt have a shitty weird life? its not like hes telling tall tales
There's just no way someone would make that kind of error, even him. Mixing up even a few major details is one thing, but forgetting that a story happened to your dad and not you just wouldn't happen. It's up to everyone to determine for themselves whether they believe the show is heavily scripted, but I'd say this is proof that at least some things in the show were. It's not like it would take them that long to come up with a few funny topics
I think if at least the first case were true, he wouldn't bring up his aunt Hazel, he'd just say some random guy. Maybe the second, but there's a lot of evidence that they made some things up on that show. I believe Steve made a similar error at some point
>For one, I'm not a NEET, I do have a degree, and I make sick bank for my
Do we have anything... that's 6cm?
>drop your trousers
Probably just didn't want to mention anything about his dad on air since it was the early days and he didn't know who could be listening. He's done similar things a few times throughout the series.
Actually now you mention it its probably a marketing thing.
Ricky Gervais Show was on HBO and was basically repackaging the podcasts/XFM bits to sell to a much wider audience and get Karl involved in loads of spin off shit.
I believe his stories are true (or in the case of the Ken Dodd story, it happened to his Dad and not him, but was funnier if Karl fucked it up) All his stories will be decently embellished for comic effect.
Like there's no way his brother took an army tank out of the base to buy a packet of fags.
Did you like that Karl?
>It's arite innit
>Too much laying low.
Its a pretty common thing to change details of stories in comedy.
Id be much more inclined to believe the stories in early XFM episodes and believe a lot less of the details in the later episodes and the podcasts.
A lot of stuff would have been scripted, like asking Karl questions, Karls Diary etc.
Karl's gimmick didnt extend well beyond the radio/podcast. I dont know why they did Idiot Abroad and packaged it like it was all a shock to Karl. RIcky just being a hypocrite because thats exactly the kind of thing he would shit on in any other setting. (i.e. a setting hes making money from)
Example of changing details: Louis CK story about the wireless going out on the plane and the guy next to him saying "FUCKING THING SUCKS" - he said it was actually him, there was no other guy. He thought it in his head, but it was funnier if there was a guy next to him.