What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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facebook is cancer, and the cancer is crime.
Gwenpool. Only gwenpool.
they mean there aren't a lot of good minority or women characters because only white nerds read comics when they were actually selling in the 40s through 80s. So now that the movies are big they need to find white male characters to turn into women or minorities because its literally 2016.
hopefully this happens and women kill off the capeshit movie meme
Something something I hate women etc
Too sexy.
Universal probably has those rights along with Hulk as well.
The girl that can cast spells only once, but can bypass it by using diff languages.
(I forgot her name)
No really a male version per sey bur Spider-Woman?
I would say Mayday, but Marvel has been doing such a bang up job of ruining her for such a long time now that I'm not sure if it's worth the risk.
She-Hulk molested Wolverine and nobody gave a shit. When will men become equal to women?
while this is kind of sad, the best and more well known original female characters in Marvel are in the X-Men side of the Marvel U, so options for Marvel Studios are limited.
but to answer the question, an R-Rated She-Hulk action/comedy. She-Hulk would be CG unless they can find a 6'7" muscle girl who can act, has great comedic timing and has a lot of charisma.
She's still better off than DC's Cassandra Cain.
I miss Felicity Hardy. There wasn't enough of her in the MC2. Mayday, Normie and Felicity were my favorite characters of that line.
Stop posting this 50 year old wrinkley hag. Fucking weirdo
Mayday's a shit
What did they mean by not making a DOOM 2099 movie?
>naked rope-jumping
I'd love to lick her clean of sweat, but I'd probably die of radiation poisoning.
Women have small feminine brains that cannot create but only destroy.
I want a female version of Mr Fantastic.
Then she and the hulk has sex.
I can't be the only one?
Is that why your little feminine peepee can only destroy the ability of women to procreate and not get them preggers?
Would pay to see wolverine have sex with she hulk, only if she hulk is a neubian queen and dominates him and I'm wolverine. What I'm saying is I want to be dominated by she hulk in that image
I can hear my dad from beyond the grave calling anyone who use a towel that way a precious effeminate faggot.
I want a female Ultron movie, damnit!
If I recall correctly, Wolverine's sexual fantasies were all dom versions of girls he hates.
I think her bodily fluids are safe for licking/ingesting. a lot of people have licked her and they came out all right.
Imagine the shit storm they would get into if they introduced female version of spider-man?
And I'm not talking about men who oppose that idea, but feminists that wouldn't shut up about spider-costume being too tight "sexualized" and fatties complaining about her being too handsome (because they would absolutely portray "spider-woman" as fit character due to nature of the character and not fridge raider on a string).
Yeah well you're stupid dad is fucking dead and Pierce Brosnan is not only still alive but will forever be remembered as James Bond as well so who's the real winner here
Why do people have a problem with males leads in super hero movies> Why not the saturation of them? If people cared about having female leads, why not just create a compelling one themselves?
My dad. He doesn't have to see what Hollywood/the internet/the world has become.
Bye, bye, Numale.
Then I'd lick away after every workout!
>why not just create a compelling one themselves?
"because they're not a well known brand" is the excuse. too lazy to start from scratch and work their way up, I suppose.
I'm sure Marvel could release a female superhero team and make it work both financially and critically.
Fearless Defenders
>In the 1970s, Valkyrie had been part of a team called the Defenders. She revived the name and recruited all-female members, the first of them Misty Knight.
I remember Valkyrie joining the Defenders. I also remember her ending up in prison and there being no sexy hi-jinks at all.
Make deadpool a girl. He's already just a meme anyway.
Let's hope they make a feud with she hulk and wolverine hmm
How about we make DP a head?
Too late, Logan is already feuding with Cyclop and Sabertooth this week. Maybe next time?
who gives a fuck?
Maybe she could drink his beer or something.
Based on how much money the movies make, everyone.
Let's just post more She-Hulk and dream of her getting to appear on the big screen.
I mean WB has Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn, and they'll probably bring Catwoman to the DCEU at some point again. Marvel needs to compete with that, and Black Widow is crazy bland.
Can Marvel even make movies with her if Universal own the rights to Hulk? What's up with all that anyway?
>Female version of Male Superheroe
I think they meant a female counterpart, not actually making a Petra Parker
Meh. Been done to death.
How about a Horsie Alien Version?
Spider-Ray Bill
Captain Beta
Iron Bill
Bill Widow
The Incredible Beta
Scarlet Bill
Quickray Bill
>ywn have your salad tossed by she-hulk
It hurts
Let's see what popular female heroes Marvel have
Hulk movie rights belong to Universal
X-Men movie rights belong to Fox
X-Men movie rights belong to Fox
>Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Have to do Captain Marvel first
Also she's an Inhuman, and Agents of SHIELD messed those up pretty bad
You're welcome.
everyone is a hyperbole, not a massive one, but still a hyperbole none the less
why is pic related so true
she should hold him by the legs though, not sit in her palm
someone who never lifted or thrown anything wrote that