What's the most fedora tipping film you've seen?
What's the most fedora tipping film you've seen?
God's Not Dead 1 and 2.
>nu-males hate this
Civil war
this so much
Neon Demon
Fight Club
By default all fedoras are euphoric = atheist
What a stupid thread.
Well, no shit.
Breaking Bad
who has the quote?
Every Star Wars movie
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Donnie Darko.
Tippers don't understand the concept of a world line and think the movie invented it.
How has no one said V is for Vendetta?
Please have sex
Your favorite movie(s)
God Bless America
This is true and makes me question my existence.
I love those films.
When I picture a fedoras dvd collection, I see Fight Club and Sucker Punch
Watchmen obviously.
>films numales and ROASTIES will never understand
Drive and Enter the Void
pulp fiction
>every great movie on the planet
Are you implying there aren't any good movies besides those?
>villain is an atheist
>hero is a Jesus analogy
>every great movie on the planet
user pls. Try watching something other then edgy teen flicks.
Every episode of Numbers
Prove me wrong
Or National Treasure
Keep crying, movie Sup Forumsuff
>"Fedora-core" refers to films that are popular among adolescent teens to young males who perceive themselves to be on the fringes of society. The films that are usually mentioned, such as Fight Club, The Boondock Saints, or The Dark Knight, appeal to that sensibility, although the films vary in content, quality, and popularity among all groups. What unites them however, is a common theme of alienation and chaotic/glorified/ violence. Simply put, you could say that they are united by their nihilism (think the main character from notes from the underground). Characters like the Joker, Tyler Durden, Donnie Darko, Patrick Bateman and even Travis Bickle are relatable or ideal characters in the minds of these people.
Examples: Drive, Kick-Ass, Dark Knight, Taxi Driver
>The second type is pseudo-intellectual and pretentious bullshit that pretends it's much more complicated than it actually is. These movies are designed to be actually really fucking simple, but still just complicated enough (or have a complicated enough twist) to make plebs feel clever when they watch it.
Examples: There Will Be Blood, Fight Club, Idiocracy, Cabin In The Wood, Matrix
>The third type is high-budget modern schlock. Stuff that's 'cool', 'awesome' or 'manly' on the most superficial and juvenile level. Shit that falls under the same category as "SHARKS WITH LAZERS!" or "MUSTACHED JETPACK FIGHTS!". These movies tend to be gory or comedic or bloated, or all three.
Examples: Guardians of the Galaxy, Big Trouble in Little China, 300, Pacific Rim
It's so cool to hate things which are popular and well-esteemed.
what's a good non-fedora tipping film?
F is Fake
Star is wars
Lord is of the rings
Driving is for miss Daisy
Pic-related is the correct answer
As far as recent films go, this would probably be #1
yo kill yourself my man
I bet you are real fun at parties :)
>F For Fake
Why would that be a fedora-tipper? Is it because Welles wears a hat?
Yep...pretty edgy in a ironic disguise with hipster OST.
>michael mann
choose one
Such as? Please, I care so much about not seeming like a fedora that I need your validation.
If you haven't seen Blackhat, then shut the fuck up. If you HAVE seen it and thought it was a sweet movie about a super sweet super hax0r, kill yourself.
I love a lot of the movies on this list, but yes, it's fedora
The Ten Commandments
That Reddit movie about retarded girl and a 40 years old loser who suddenly start to kill other people because they are retarded
Not him, but enlighten me. I wanted to see this because of Mann, but I can't get my head around anything of his being *tip* worthy.
Elaborate please.