Anyone else pumped for this show? First two episodes air tonight

Anyone else pumped for this show? First two episodes air tonight.


Does that sum up what this thread will soon be?

haha nigger xd

I'm not going to be all nigger bad like everybody else on this board, but when a network airs two episode of a tv show back to back. It isn't really a good sign.

ain't that one guy on the left white though ?

a nigger show about niggers doing nigger things
its gonna flop like empire

Empire is still on the air and is one of fox's most popular shows.

Everyone involved with community post season 2 are complete cancer

Shame this nignog was tolerable as of last year and then blew it this year by acting like a black nerdsperg.

Stupid unkle tom faggot

Is there anything involving or starring black people that Sup Forums likes?

>we don't want crackers on our staff

What did he mean by this?


buddy lots of shows are currently on the air for 5+ seasons yet noone even knows their name

Except that guy called the show by it's name. I get it's really popular here to be as hipster as possible,

what? maybe asian too with those eyes

gay niggers from mars?

Interracial porn ?


I'm only interested because Hiro Murai's directing.
He's done some ace fuckin' music vids

Didn't know it was a double episode premiere, super excited though as I'm a big fan of DG

>He's done some ace fuckin' music vids
go back to detroit

Don't you nerds hail the wire all the time? I think its pretty lame but I always see praise here

I'm a pasty white kid, fuck off weeb

kys your self

I'll try the pilot like I do with any other series.

Why are they so ugly?

Doing it for the first two episodes of a new show is pretty common. They can bill it as a double length television event and then more people will give it a shot. They actually did the same thing for Louie.

okay phil

whatever ace

Written by white people. That's why it's so good.

I'm Irish

I don't give a cuss

niggers lmao


Take someone like Tyler Perry who makes "black" shows with black actors and writers that actual black people watch. No one bats an eye.

Now take someone like Danny Glover who's going to make a "black" show with black actors and writers that only white people are going to watch. Because black people don't know who Danny Glover is or like his essentially white brand of comedy. And Danny Glover is going to make his show about race, which basically means he's going to come off as an out-of-touch college campus SJW faggot lecturing white people. And when his show fails, he's going to blame muh racism, just like butthurt Larry Wilmore.

Stupid animeposter

Empire is super popular with African American viewers, so much so that it does well enough to keep getting renewed. They always gossip about it on those black radio shows too.
I get that you wouldn't think that given your background, but it's true.

>implying white people are obligated to give a shit

The constant presumption. This is why Trump is about to be elected, spergs like you have been hid best recruiting tool


The problem is Sup Forums has to come in and derail anything remotely black to shitpost.


>super popular with African American viewers

since when is that considered a success?

might as well have a watermelon cooking show for 10 seasons that has 100% ratings in the negro community
that makes it neither a success or a good show

having a long running show on tv these days isnt much of an accomplishment when you see things like long island medium getting renewed

What channel is this on?

The Wire


As a non american watcher..

This kind of shows have success outside USA?
To me a white guy as main chara is pretty much a default character, because the script is more "international" but a black character is too tied to American culture and some scripts for black charas leave us outside of that culture/barrier. Honestly I canĀ“t see how a black show appeals a broad audience.

> tv show written by white boy's favorite nigger
> hires all black writers, tells white boys to fuck off
> white boys stop watching
> real niggers don't watch fucking sellout, barely black, community nigger donald glover anyways

Wow long before this show gets cancelled from no viewers?

Sorry, man. We'll be sure to include Muslims in the next show.

The Eric Andre Show

I actually hate niggers and I'm pumped for this show. Donald glover is about as far from a nigger as a black can be

>niggers in 21th century
>producing anything good
Wew lad

Family Matters

Should be called HOT-LANTA or THA ATL, Gambindo done played hisself


Mr. Gambino told me this show isn't for white people so I'll be polite to him and stay away

Black people have been under the impression that they're "winning" lately. The rest of us are just waiting for it to spin itself out so we can get on with our lives until the next big chimp out


Do non-Americans give a shit about the particular discrete problems of 10% of the population of a foreign country?

No, it'd be like me making a TV show about the struggles of koreans living in China, nobody would give a fuck

No, nobody who posts here is 'pumped' for this show. We're pumped for Daddy Trump to put the uppity niggers in death camps.


Griffith's The Birth of a Nation.

Sup Forums isn't a seperate bunch of people. Do you think nobody on /lit/ ever posts here? People go to different boards for different conversations.

I'm not being 'edgy', I just want America to be a viable country again. I genuinely would welcome Nuremberg laws for insolent bucks. Tired of the ugliest dross of the human race constantly talking back to the ones who gave them the only freedom from slavery any of them had possessed in living memory. Oh, and shitting on and destroying any of their number who tries to act decent with lies, like Bill Cosby. Time for them to be reminded of the one remedy for indiscipline.

The nigga on the left should have a silver spoon in his mouth

>watching a nigger show

So OP, does that answer your question?

MDE presents: World Peace

Why would I watch a show about blacks.

Not really.
A lot of black American stuff doesn't really do well internationally.

Strange Fruit

>Watching a show about N'glanta

This has potential for an Elton John cameo!

>show starring black people
I'm willing to watch
>half hour """"dramedy"""" about black """culture"""
Fuck no.

And I say that as somebody who's genuinely looking forward to Luke Cage.

I would watch Luke Cage if they cast Tilda Swinton.

You're the kind of scared cracker that everyone who isn't white makes jokes about. You're the kind of white boy who gets cheated on periodically because in real life you're a passive coward, and women aren't attracted to the weakness you exude.

>inb4 I don't care about whores or niggers

Seriously, kill your family and then yourself chief; the world would objectively be a better place erasing any evidence of your clans existence from history, you're sincerely holding the rest of us back.

What's the movie about the black kid who molests his dad?

The Wire

I'm a critic and get all of my political opinions from the hufffingtonpost, buzzfeed, and Twitter. Many of my reviews are informed by my political views

FX has been on fire for the past 5 or so years, I'll give it a fair shot

post the real one

isn't funny

You're the type of nigger literally everyone, including other blacks, make jokes about and hates. I would tell you to kill yourself and your family as well, but your fellow brothas will do that for you simply because you looked at them in a way they took offense to. The likelihood that you will be killed by another black before you turn 30 is extremely high. Tell your father I said hello if you can find him worthless trash.

ayyy I saw what you did there

>white boi wont watch muh tv show about niggers guns and rap, better call him a racist cracker

>thinking that I was responding to his lack of desire to watch the show
>not thinking it was about him using a tired watermelon joke to side step that series that cater to a demographic that aren't just white people can be economically viable and instead trying to compare TLCs low budget slop to something that FOX has to actually justify keeping on since it makes so much money

It's like you seriously lack human understand or empathy. Almost as if you were... autistic or something.

>thinking I'm black
>once again using tired stereotypes to try to defend yourself instead of actual points

I know with the advent of gunpowder and the fact that you whites were a bunch of warring mouth breathers whose only real interest was raping killing and subjugating people of more peaceful societies, but now that society and culture has changed away from such barbaric memes as human eugenics and colonization you frackers really fall apart. Take away your generations of insist utopian advantage and you're no good than the worst of niggers; just spewing out convenient rhetoric in an attempt to dodge what you know is true.

You're objectively a waste of space, and everyone from your poor parents who have had to deal with you, to the day to day individuals who have to humor you with fake smiles and forced laughs would be leaps and bounds better off if you weren't around to bother them anymore.

Seriously, kys

What is black culture?

african american culture

Most of what people would consider American culture from the late 80s to the early 2000s (if you're not including whiny blonde grease heads who rinse with buckshot of course)

Donald Glover should specify then. He surely knows nothing about the many cultures of black societies all around the world. Hell, he barely knows what African American culture is being a sheltered middle class black guy himself.

Hip hop, some comedy and...?

>Be black
>Get called african my whole life
> Ancestors are from the Caribbean.

>Black people have been under the impression that they're "winning" lately.

Is this bait? I don't know how you seriously post this.

If this shows is "Twin Peaks with rappers", does this means this is a horror/supernatural show?

But you don't know if it's good yet you false flagging redditor faggot.

>Parent's originally form Cairo
>Moved to America four years before I was born
>Not considered African American because I'm not black


no one would call people from Cairo African american or white.

>Rush Hour
>Wild Wild West

That's just off the top of my head - I could go on.

>the fact that you whites
next time please start by post stating your race so that we wont have to try and reason with a mentally underdeveloped subspecies
back to whatever pc forum you came from niggerkikespicgookfaggotattckhelicoptertransfluid cunt (hope i got you :) )

Despite the fact Egypt is in Africa.

Raimi Malek is called 'Egyptian American' even. It's odd.

... That's all you've got? That I'm not Caucasian? Like... Like address a point made or try to seem witty. Kid, this was your opportunity to come across as witty and ya blew it. Instead of proving me wrong, you just proved that once whites lose the option of screaming LYNCH 'EM, they don't have the mental faculty to actually argue. It's like you're in fact the nigger and are just shit posting in an attempt to make crackers seem even more incompetent and unadjusted in the coming world....

... oh shit, that's it isn't it?
You clever devil.

I sincerely hope this is bait

Nah nigga, straight sincerity in that wall

>it's a "Sup Forums won't give a show a fair chance simply because it has black people in it" episode

>Tfw 190cm and built like a brick shithouse

If everyone on Sup Forums was put in a steel cage and made to fight to the death, I'd be the last one standing, genuinely. If anyone of you autists said anything like this to me irl(as if you'd dare) you'd be eating pavement within a second, literally. I chuckle sometimes just contemplating you little runts.