So I binge watched this show and now I'm empty inside, can I have moar like it pls?
So I binge watched this show and now I'm empty inside, can I have moar like it pls?
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This show induces specific confy feel, I don't think I know equally comfy tv series.
Why do you murricans eat frozen waffles? What is the point to freeze waffles, if they do not spoil at room temperature?
OP here. Fuck, I know what you mean. LotR and D'n'D references complete with sci fi adventures with childhood friends mixed in with government conspiracy. It has everything. I just want to be comfy like I was yesterday
They don't spoil but they do get stale
Season 2 in 2017 :(
My advice would be to rewatch it from time to time. I rewatch favourite episodes whenever I feel down. It's no kino, but it does make you feel better and comfier.
Mr. Kino, obviously.
twin peaks
also what the absolute fuck is kino
its what newfags and autists call good films/tv shows
yeah i haven't really been on this board in like a month and i see it everywhere now
Just watch any popular movie from the 80's and you'll get the same feeling.
Any film adaption of a Stephen King book, as well as any 70s/80s horror movie.
>twin peaks is bad, watch stranger things it's the best
Cant wait for you faggots to get over this derivative tripe and finally shut the fuck up about it
Twin Peaks for small town supernatural and strangeness
Freaks and Geeks for the young geek brother/older sister dynamic with a focus on character development
Watch Twin Peaks. It won't give you the exact same feel but it's better anyway so you won't mind after a while.
Or like others said, any big 80s movie, Spielberg or Stephen King stuff especially.
Freaks & Geeks is the closest thing I can think of.
its comfykino
although its totally different, but its also comfy.
Watch E.T.
What makes everyone likes this show? I couldn't even finish watching episode 2.
Watch Akira. One of the biggest references to stranger things. plebs in general don't see this.
go fuck yourself
How about you go fuck yourself instead.
You are the one trying to spread propaganda.
Stormfags can't hide their insecurities for 5 seconds
What do so called insecurities have to do with it?
You are just making up shit.
>What makes everyone likes this show? I couldn't even finish watching episode 2.
Everyone else likes to be entertained and enjoys classic 80s kids films.
OP I just marathoned your post. Anything else like it?
Is the point of this show not pure leftist propaganda?
Is that the reason you guys have such a hard on for it?
For me it's the great characters and acting, as well as the "small town mystery" atmosphere.
Competent characters in a horror setting are uncommon and appreciated.
How the fuck do you figure that?
I have read it stated a number of times in different places.
Honestly I don't see a political tilt at all
Are you me?
These, and also, to the OP , watch The Goonies if you haven't seen it, oh and The Lost Boys and Monster Squad.
I didn't notice any "leftist propaganda" at all that I remember, and thanks to this place, I'm usually hyper aware of that sort of thing.
>been away for a month
>doesn't recognize kino
Good try newfag
I know the feeling of feeling empty inside after tv show ends
but after fucking watching House MD for years and years
and having Wilson get cancer and die on me with house left out in the open only to off himself probably
but I am completely baffled by the amount of praise that short shit show gets
the most overrated thing of the last 5 years IMO
Just watch all the shit that Stranger Things is ripping off:
Stephen King's IT
And probably 5 more movies I am forgetting...
I tried the other day to see it again for the first time in like 15 years.
Couldn't get past 30 minutes, it's seriously just the kids screaming non-stop. Just screaming.
He's a Sup Forums poster user, he probably thought mad max was feminist too and part of a global campaign of """""cultural Marxism"""".
Barbara didn't deserve what happened to her
how the hell does a scrawny elementary school nerd live in a toxic universe inhabited by a killer monster, while a girl practically close to adulthood instantly gets it?
>he's good at hiding
Is this the only series you've ever watched, because honestly it's not all that great. As someone's already mentioned Twin Peaks is much better if you're looking for supernatural.
Barb was fat, and stuck in the pool.
>it's seriously just the kids screaming non-stop. Just screaming.
That's like 1/3rd of Stranger Things, especially the retard fat kid and the nigger kid.
Bad luck because pool
Also I have no doubt Will could run faster, plus "good at hiding" and D&D problem solving skills.
Dustin is the smartest motherfucker on the show
Just finished watching it too. Holy fuck what a comfy good show this was. Looking forward to seeing what S2 will bring.
>will giving birth to a new demomorgon
This is just the exact same vibe, although the end is shit. Sad as it is I think Harry Potter has more of that comfy feel than a lot of the weaker Stephen King adaptations ST undoubtedly riffs on
Yeah, I really hope they have something interesting planed for season 2 considering all the build up in the last episode.
It will be a long wait..
Why did Hopper leave food out in the woods seemingly for Eleven? What does he know that the other characters don't?
cuz she is likely stuck in an alternate dimension and when he leaves food there she can still grab it.
Pretty sure she's in the upside down.
Sure looked like she was opening a gate in the demigorgon.
Beyond the Black Rainbow and Akira is where they got the entire 11 plot from.
Also Under the Skin and Altered States for the mental projection and isolation tank stuff.
holy crap I've been trying to describe this show for the past three days.
Super 8
>D&D problem solving skills.
You're telling me he rolled 11 and was able to scape?
Hurr durr