This is the most amazing shit I've ever witnessed.
This is the most amazing shit I've ever witnessed.
I just wish it was acted better
i liked it because plebs went full mad
no plebs only pretended to enjoy it while patricians recognised it for the pseudo-intellectual nonsense that it was. If you want a show that really makes you think... watch HBO's True detective
What the fuck I hate true detective now
I hated that back when it aired but the more I think about it the more I like it
The Hanzee/Tripoli shit I still think is shit though
>True detective makes you think
Lol, it doesn't make you think at all, it's pseudo intellectualism at its finest. I bet you think all the stuff cohle said was deep and meaningful, 99% of it was bullshit.
t. pleb embryo
I see that's your only argument. I guess not intelligent enough to give reasons why you think true detective makes you think.
>The Hanzee/Tripoli shit I still think is shit though
No, that was a great pleb filter.
>wonder if all the UFO shit will lead to something
>really hoping it does
>see this
>wish it didn't follow thru
>p-post your argument... NOW!
>easily swayed/trolled
>no Im trolling you
Dodd did nothing wrong.
I legitimately kek'd when this happened.
The live thread going full AYY LMAO didn't help either.
No, it's shit
I thought Hanzee changed bis name to mathais.
was Hansy officially /theirguy/?
I never even bothered to watch the last episode
I wonder what the average iq of this thread is...
Hello pleb
re watching s2 now. It's so fucking comfy
It's comfy but it ascends to "art tier" with the last 2 episodes.
>literally, figuratively, objectively and subjectively Reddit: the show
if you like this show find the nearest trash can and dive in head first, your garbage
Take it back to r/cuckold, buddy
Fargo is GOAT
Did we ever get to know if the kid had the autisms?
I know Freeman found a pee jar but I don't think thats conclusive enough