Did they have her on the roast of Rob Lowe just so they could bash Trump?

Did they have her on the roast of Rob Lowe just so they could bash Trump?

I unironically want to fuck her in the ass


This tbqhwy

I want her to fuck me in the amazon position

That's the only hole "she" has to fuck.

One of the best parts of living in an actually civilised, European country is that Trump and his pos supporters including Ann Cunter would've been arrested decades ago for hate speech.

This is what you get with your muh freedom bullshit. Yeah, you think the best way to reply to hatemongers like Ann Coulter is more speech? Well they decimated her in this roast, but it's not enough. She and Trump are on the cusp of taking over the United States.

This is what your freedom has brought you America, a literal fascist dictator with neo-nazis like Coulter allowed to spread their hate to every corner of your country. I hope your proud of your "freedoms" when you get put into camps you pieces of shit.

Well yeah

It's funny how you yet would prefer to silence them at the same time if you had your way.

btw both libcucks and cuckservatives....this is the real truth of the election.

we're your false gods now.

This post brought to you by Sven from Sweden as his gay physically disabled ghambian lover is preparing a vegetarian gluten-free meal in the background

Nobody made political jokes but Coulter...

>people actually taking this bait
nice work user, I had my doubts but I guess it worked



Poe's Law in full effect here.

That's utterly retarded. Hillary would have wiped the floor with someone like Cruz or Bush if Trump had never run at all. Trump and his aggressive campaign has made Hillary the presidential candidate with the highest unfavorability rating in history of the USA.. If he is a Hillary plant, he's doing the worst job he could possibly do.

what about her mouth?

That and Lowe's one of the more involved liberals in Hollywood, but no one else out of the echo chamber would have gone there.

Hmmm im confused friend you seem to have mispelled "modern day sweden" wheb you said decades ago

what did she mean by this?

jesus christ what the fuck is she spitting into the water? it sinks


The writers gave her a few good conservative sided jokes but she refused them like a retard

yeah that makes sense

Enough of Ann Coulter who was this cutie hanging around Jeff Ross?

that glass is a big guy

Does anyone have the actual clip?

is this fucking viral


clip of what exactly?


I want to fuck a jewel

Like this?

>just so they could bash Trump

honestly they didn't bash trump that much

My son's mom