That'll do, pig.
hahahaha she's so horrid
>those shoulders
she was super qt in Carrie
what happened
I wish I knew.
Box office poison
I'll never get tired of little Pablo's face
That black guy is living the dream
what the fuck
Do you want to be her sex slave?
can someone explain the photo of the black dude with the umbrellas?
how could somebody be comfortable with someone doing that for them?
He's Chloe's umbrella nigger. What's the problem?
Celebrities often buy people to do things for them.
In this case, carry an umbrella to protect her skin from the sun
Black guys are great at that. It's a gift, sorta.
What's the deal with niggers and umbrellas?
He's cosplaying Rihanna.
>tfw all you could afford was a chinese manlet
>is anti-trump because "he's a rasis!"
>literally has black slaves wipe her ass for her