Who is this faggot
I had to stop watching after a few seconds. I felt my testosterone levels dropping just from the narrators voice.
>Liberal cockroach goes to rally with half cocked daily show routine.
>isn't funny and desperately tries to make everyone look stupid.
>winds up looking stupid.
What a beta millennial faggot.
he had some funny episodes in the past (look at his channel) but this one wasn't happens often with artists, once they voice their political views I find it hard to enjoy their work the same way as before.
Wasn't that guy from the '08 election?
Why the fuck do we still give a shit?
>girls with their tits out
nice, this happen regularly at trump rallys?
>all those guys repeating crooked Hillary
holy fuck the gay guy is so deadpan its unreal
truly the most hilarious group of people ever
It's a fun video. Of course he will make fun of them, that's what he does in his videos. If he went to a Clinton rally it would be the same. I bet we will get a video of him at a Clinton rally until November.
America is like a fucking circus. What a shothole.
>american voters
Equal rights amendment? Isn't there already such a thing?
>the suns right there
Top tier bantz
nah i started watching his videos and the guy is obsessed with rap culture, tries to freestyle every video and his idol is ghostface killa
he was making small jokes about "fuck trump" for a few weeks now and then made this video. had to unsub him, i liked a lot of his stuff but he 's been pushing his opinion too much and showing his bias
I have to admit, he rustled my jimmies just a little bit. Some of it was funny dough.
Dat bitch got aids.
Joe did not voice his political views tho. He stayed neutral.
And I found this one to be one of his best in a long time.
Joe is a nu-male but that was funny as fuck
he takes shots at trump in almost every video. Only positive notes about bernie, and silent on clinton
I thought it was funny, and honestly it didn't really feel like an anti-trump video. he just pulled all the common jokes made about trump and trump supporters. all the trump supporters he showed looked like normal decent people. when he showed the otherside, besides the old lady, they looked ridiculous.
no idea why he got so assblasted about the guy who asked him who he supports. he was aggressive but I would've figured he'd be used to that.
i wonder who funded this
Oh no, after this Epic stumping there is only One option. I am now #cruzmissile
>i make a real living i don't need a youtube show
I love how american political rallies are just a bunch of idiots fighting each other for confirmation and entrenchening themselves even further in their opinions.
Because if he started a scene or disclosed he was against trump then he would have probably gotten ushered away from the rally.
That fucking guy with the "Gays for Trump" sign.