I have a low tolerance... Been smoking weed for the first time for 2 weeks now

I have a low tolerance... Been smoking weed for the first time for 2 weeks now.

I just ate some weed I made in the oven, a single peanut butter firecracker with maybe 0.4g of weed.

I ate it like 15 mins ago and don't feel any shit at all. I'm still compeletly normal and not at all high.

Did I do something wrong?

Edibles take about an hour to kick in. Don't take any more because it will hit you all at once

Wait 15more minutes

this (except for the "all at once" part)

unless you got reggie, you'll get real fucked up from .4g haha
Takes up to 1.5hrs max to kick in, have fun

if you cooked it long enough just wait like 45 minutes, I make edibles pretty often and have made the mistake of over eating

You're a dumbfuck.

Yeah man. By now you shouldve felt it. The standard is triple the dose that didnt work, so if you made one with .4 make 3 with .4 or one with 1.2 if you have a scale.

You didn't decarboxylate the THC with heat.

How much in edibles?
And 0.4g of weed? srly?

If you mean put the weed separately in the oven first for 10 min, no I didn't do that. Many people said it dosnt make a difference so I skipped that part.
What is that not enough? Should I out more?

Wow. Look at all these faggots actually giving OP legit advice on edibles.

Thanks m8s... I guess I'll wait a little longer. Will update this thread on how I'm feeling if it dosnt 404 by then

You have to simmer the juanas in butter or oil to activate it or you'll never feel anything. Anyone that tells you otherwize is a lying hipster. I knew some idiots that thought if you put it on peanut buttee in the microwave it would work. They stumbled around acting high while everyone who actually was high made fun of them

Give it an hour. Go put on an asmr playlist or some shit, relax, enjoy the ride.

How much do you need to bake something? Like, the minimum. For me, it's quite hard to get weed and I want it to last as long as possible, but edibles is something I want to try.

How high a temp did you use? It's possible to ruin it if its too hot.

Dude like I ate 5g worth and it did nothing, smoked way more

You got 3 options for edibles. But the first step is always the same, toast the herb in the over for about 15 minutes, but not at too high or too low a temp.

1)Firecrackers: take two crackers, put peanut butter on both crackers and sandwich the herb in-between the two. Then wrap in tin-oil and put back into the toaster oven for half an hour.


2) Toss the toasted herb in some batter, like for one person have a scoop of brownie batter, add spoonful of peanut butter and toasted herb, bake in the oven at not too high or low a temp.


3) the best way, put the toasted herb into simmering butter or cooking oil and infuse the shit out of the butter or oil, then use the butter or oil for cooking purposes. There are many ways to do this you can see on YouTube.

I did a QP of some top end trim and simmered it in butter, i made 2 sticks worth of butter , then made cookies. I ate two cookies , and about 2 hours later it was the most fucked up thing i have ever experienced, my body was pulsating i was nauseous, my eyes were jittery, i had to go to sleep and even after i woke up the next day , i was still really high... so moral of the story , don't eat too much edibles.

holy shit. i smoked two bowls in a row and had this exact same feeling. except my ears kept ringing like when you stream on twitch and watch your stream while you're streaming and the audio would overlay over each other. it was fucked up. every little thing i hear would amplify to deafening levels and i couldnt turn off the lights because my brain keeps telling me there's something in the dark and it wouldnt be safe if i turned it off. woke up high the next day and ate at TGI fridays. not a good experience. maybe i had a panic attack. not so sure.

You either were on meth, or you have mental issues

so high

OP, if you're new edibles are probably a bit too much for you. If you're set on taking them, try to do it with a group in the future. Your first panic attack from getting too high sucks, and edibles are EASY to take too much of. Try to have someone there to talk sense into you just in case.

Yeah man i don't think you could get this way from 2 bowls , I ate 2 cookies, something like 1-1/2 oz in 12 cookies , or like 3.5 grams in each cookie. And eating is much stronger , then smoking. It wasn't fun at all.

Friend gave me five cookies, said they'd kick in after an hour.
Must be something wrong with my digestive track cause It took 3-4 hours.
I ran out of food after the second hour and it put me to sleep after it kicked in.

>doesn't make a difference
You lose 30-50% of potency not decarbing

you get more thc from digesting than inhaling so it's a lot for someone who doesn't really smoke

Yeah man you need to eat like three or four to feel anything significant. 5 if you're really up for something .

You get a different form of THC if you eat it as your liver metabolises delta-9-THC into 11-hydroxy-THC which is longer acting and trippier.

It depends on the contents of your stomach and the strength of the weed. Edibles take between one and two hours to kick in. 0,4 grams of really high quality weed would still not be a whole lot, if it's mediocre quality you probably won't feel much if anything at all.