>Promoting race mixing
Fuck this show
Promoting race mixing
>Any Year
>Watching The Simpsons
You deserve it
Who fucking cares?
Simpsons have always been leftist trash
>But muh making fun of both sides
They have always gone easy on liberals, its just become more transparent in recent years
#edgy memes kid
Fuck off reddit numale cuck
Thanks for confirming you are a cuck
maybe the right is just more retarded?
You couldn't fit more buzzwords in there if you tried, kiddo
You need to go back
t. Numale cuck
Samefagging faggot
Also The real estate agent is/was one of their stock nameless gay characters-if you couldn't already tell by his attire and mannerisms
>Several people are calling me out
>Better call them samefag
Pathetic beta cuck
No really, you need to go back
go back to your safe space
>trolls trolling trolls pretending to be trolls
Nice high quality thread.
>Sup Forums hates classic Simpsons now
What happened?
We grew up and realised its always been liberal trash
found out that reddit likes it
It's only one butthurt gaylord bumping the thread
We started to call out numale cucks more often
go away tim. nobody cares about your fart jokes any more
>le evil republicans
Its trash through and through, sadly there are a bunch of cucks here who grew up with it and cant let it go and see it for crap it is
I thought you Alt-Right guys hated the GOP establishment too?
>not waching season 1 to 7
kek yoself before you wrek yoself
the show made fun of both sides back then though.