Whats wrong with Bills health? Did he catch the aids?

Whats wrong with Bills health? Did he catch the aids?

he's a vegan

Hillary is taking his soul away.

Who's the tranny on the left?

His phylactery has been powering his wife's campaign.

melania trump

why is he surrounded by traps ?

Is he a diversion

Hillary's secret son

This guy is a legend.

A vegan with AIDS. That's what he is.


He's not a catcher, he's a pitcher.

I'm pretty those are pornstar. The girl in the middle looks like Tasha Reign.

i want Shillary to win just to see hear about him, i bet $50 that he'll get his dick sucked by some hoe in the white house again

>dem threads
Gotta hand it to Billy boy, he knows how to look fly af

Its pretty much impossible for a straight man of European descent to get aids.

10-25% of europeans are immune, or at least highly resistant to most strains of aids via mutation called CCR5-Ä32.

A male having bareback vaginal intercourse with a aids ridden whore has about a 1/2000 chance of getting aids. If your circumcised make it 1/5000. If your dick is small its even less likely because you won't be causing tears in the vagina.

Fucking someone in the ass or getting fucked i n the ass significantly changes these numbers though.

Pretty sure he has the aids. This guy slept with so many girls.

Those hookers sucked out his soul.

>Whats wrong with Bills health?
>She's killing him slowly, literally

top kek

>highly resistant

I know the mutation you're trying to refer to. The amount of people with it is way lower than that.

Got to hand it to you, you know how to talk like a total fucking nigger

Hillary really is a cuck

>Thinking Billy Boy has sex with just girls

He definitely follows in the footsteps of Charlie Sheen and fucks trannies. I can tell.

Good chances Shillary poisons him that he dies the next months to win the election as the poor widow she is then.

tfw you get poisoned by your own wife because you could hurt her career