This show is fucking garbage

This show is fucking garbage

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Look mom, i'm trolling tv

saw first two episodes last night - earnestly wanted to like it. didn't understand why every characters motivations and past is yelled at us by other characters

when the kids defined "friend" or whatever i was out
i like ET as much as the next guy but fuck this show.

idk senpai the theme is pretty kino

It's just a normie shit.Nostalgia plebs likes it.

Not sure if you are trolling family, but I felt a similar disinterest after two episodes. I'd reccomend finishing it out.

It's a slow show. It picks up later.

>it's a something is good so Sup Forums is contrarian and hates it episode




not trolling - just really wanted to like it - roommate said the same thing - the soundtrack is great - cinematography solid (unless you get sick of spotting the ridley scott sequence, the Spielberg sequence, the zemeckis sequence, john hughes sequence - I just don't know what I'm supposed to grab on to - will episode 3 change my mind?

This is what the average tv user look like.

no it's a good show

If you are just watching it to pick it apart. It's probably going to be a no.

keep watching it, it does get better. But if you already don't like it, you might not ever like it

>the soundtrack is great

lol not gong to take someone with such a meme opinion seriously

>If you are just watching it to pick it apart. It's probably going to be a no.
fair - I was just hoping it'd be up there with American Horror Story's first season - maybe i'll just wait a few months and check it out when the hype's died down

It really does start to take on an identity of its own story wise, I think. Though if the cinematography drags you down too much, they pretty much keep that up.

It's a steady rise but no, it wouldn't change much.
I find the characters all pretty likable that's what I like about it.

the fact that it's set in the 80's is irrelevant to the quality of the show. It's a good show, and you are just contrarian hipsters.

Thanks - Maybe i'll give episode 3 a shot tonight and see how it goes

3-4 are the height, it goes downhill after that

Set in the 80s doesnt just mean its done for nostalgia its not like they go out of there way to beat you with the 80s theme.

It was fucking good and reminded me of hanging with my mates and fucking about in woods and shit as a kid. Alot of the fags calling it obviously never had good mates as kids.