Why was this guy so based? There are nothing to dislike about character
Why was this guy so based? There are nothing to dislike about character
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why did dookie have to end up like that ;_;
>nothing to dislike
he's a nigger baka desu senpai
because slim charles was true neutral
we should all aspire to be like slim charles, and know the game that is life
came here to post this
his name was charles you faggot, it makes him white
nigga let marlo take avons corners man
Sounds like a bitch to me
That moment Slim kills Cheese
That cemented him as an amazing character.
What did he mean by this?
Those were some good episodes
Sup Forumscùcks can get the fuck out
you sound like a bitch to me, bitch nigger
>takes my post seriously when it has Smh Tbh F@m in it
anti Sup Forums posters pls go
I thought this was a good dish until i saw the fat fuck making it
Fucking disgusting pig of a man
The Cheese stands alone
cheese was a faggot in the show and method man is a faggot irl
Method man is the best wu tang tho
not even close
inspectah deck, raekwon, and the gza are all better by fucking miles, you have incredibly shit taste user
just kys
>he fell for that low level bait
Kys lol
>that last stand made by Bodie
literally the best scene in that season
>Not youtube.com
That's a really good one too
Slim Charles vs. Chris Partlow vs. Wee-Bey Brice. Who's your muscle/hitman/soldier?
>hrrr it was just bait all along
sure you're right stupid faggot
partlow because he was fucking ruthless
even snoop was like wtf during that one scene where he beat the shit out of that cat he thought was kiddie fiddling
Fucking top tier opinion. Slim Charles is up there with Bunny Colvin, Cutty, and Carver for best characters.
you're retarded
Why was he the villain? I genuinely felt bad for him.
Boris the russian, just saying.
>not even russian
poor boris
He wasn't really a neutral, he just understood the life he was in. Whether he chose it or not didn't matter. What side he was on didn't matter. The fact is, he was in it, and he had to keep doing what he was doing to stay in it. He knew this. Casper knew this. The notion that you could get out, or all of a sudden stop doing certain things because you didn't want to was stupid, and false.
He wasn't neutral though, he knew the rules and respected them. He was pretty disgusted that they shot at Omar on a Sunday. He killed Meth for popping Joe. This is different to Omar who was a true neutral.
>not even Boris
poor Russian
He murdered a child.
i'd argue they were both neutral, just different sides of the same coin- hence his disgust at omar's death, among other similarities
i'll bite though, if not neutral, then what? nothing else really fits
Damn that's a tough one between Partlow and WeeBay... Slim is tough but he doesn't have it like those two. Bay was more solo than Chris overall
All in the game yof. He was moving work during the war