Would I get arrested for throwing a lead-acid battery in the garbage can?

Would I get arrested for throwing a lead-acid battery in the garbage can?

Assuming U.S., probably just fined. If you get caught.

I'll try not to get caught

But wait. I think most stores like WalMart will give you a return on it if you bring it to them, if your state collects deposit on batteries.

Just throw it in a trash bag and but it in the bin, no one will ever know

Not if you throw it in someone elses trashcan.

Recycle it. Don't be a dickhead.

Come to england and throw it in someone's face.

u can get a recycle fee if u take it to autozone or similar


Take it to a scrap yard. Your pretty much throwing away a $5 bill.

Just do what any normal person would do.
Drink the battery acid.

tie it to your foot and throw off bridge into river


U can get money for them. Besides why would you purposely shit up the environment that you live in and that your kids will live in and that your cousins live in and that I live in? Are you a nigger? Because that's what niggers/Rightwingers do.

Why do you need to put a battery in ur garbage?


Go to oriley you lazy nigger

Take it to a scrap yard they will buy it for the scrap lead.

Do not pour bleach in the cells. That sounds dangerous. Just take to scrap yard. Poly give you 5 or 10 dollars for it.

most auto shops will recycle batteries, and will do it for free if not just a small charge. Don't be a cunt

If you want to neutralize a spill, use baking soda. Not bleach. This will release chlorine gas that will burn eyes and lung tissue.

If you take it to any garage they will take it.They Proly won't pay you, but they will take it. They get credit for it when they turn them in for recycle. Easier than sneaking around at night

Depends if you set it to overload frist.