I have a bit of a problem that I need a guys perspective on...

I have a bit of a problem that I need a guys perspective on. I'm ready to settle down with someone but I suffer from a bad case of hypersexuality so I want it all the time. No guy ever ends up wanting anything more even though we always have fun together in other ways. Is being so sexual a deal breaker for a guy to take someone seriously?

I think it depends on the guy. You would have to talk to him about it probably, but also over time because many retard men will say "yeah ofc I like sex" without thinking genuinely

pic very related


I kinda have the same problem...it just depends if you come off as a slut. If you're close to the guy in other ways but also want to fuck all the time idk why he would say no

most "hypersexual" chicks i've met are pieces of shit with a shitload of other psychological disorders.

so, it's probably not the fact that you always want to fuck that turns off all the guys.

"i'm just a very sexual girl"

no, you just have histrionic personality disorder and love being the center of attention and cocks.

it depends on the men to be honest i had a friend who his ex all she wanted was sex 3 times a day he broke up with her because was too much to the point where he couldnt get hard just like that needed her to dress slutty

btw i wasn't implying that you have histrionic personality disorder.

I went on a tangent a typed what i'd like to yell at a friend/ex-fuck bud.

I don't come off as one and guys always have good things to say about me other then I act needy. I do get close to them other ways if it's just hanging out, playing video games and what not, but they never want a relationship and end up with a girl that acts like a prude but actu all cheats.

It's okay. I was actually diagnosed as bipolar, even though I have mixed views on that, but I do know a crazy sex drive can be a symptom. Also, I'd just like to say I'm not like this with every guy like some crazy sex machine.

I dated a guy for 6 months that literally only had sex with me a few times and said he just didn't have a sex drive even though I found out he was actually cheating. We would fight about him not wanting me and he'd say I'm a sex freak.

What a shame too bad for him missing out but yea im a m 27 i would say it shouldnt be a deal breaker though with my ex i was always down for sex men get turned on easly

I guess every guy is different in that way. I'm not even sure if that's what's going on with the current guy, but it seems like a thing that's happened a few times.

Ahh ic ic yea everyone guy is different but a majority are like me hey OP add me in KIK we can discuss more of it in depht if you want its Reaper490 if not its cool just try not to think much of it overthink it

You really have to find someone who can keep up with you. I've had partners with higher and lower sex drives than me, and honestly having a higher sex drive fucking sucks. Personally, once a day is good for me. You probably want it 3 or 4 times, or more if you have the free time. It isn't a matter of what guys want. You just need a guy that wants it as often as you.

I actually dated a guy for years and we had it all the time and then..he turned to drugs and i had to walk away.Typical.

Personally im a guy who likes tp fuck ALL the time, but when i fuck i can't cum so i end up going for hrs. Still cant find a girl that can keep up. What you have sounds perfect for a guy like me.

What i can see a lot pf guys taking issue with is trust. Like, if you like to have sex a lot and Im not around, will you be fucking some other dude.

This was for OP

Depends, its something wich you would need to talk through with the person, if you explain it well enough they will surely understand

See, that's the thing. If I were a guy and personally came across a girl that was as into the physical stuff as I am, then I'd probably feel like she'd fuck around. The thing is I wouldn't, because I'd never do something to someone I wouldn't want done to me, but I don't know how I'm supposed to convince someone of that when sometimes a word just isn't enough.

Well, in one case, the guy has been cheated on a lot and thinks all girls do that.

You'll end up cheating if you don't teach him how to pleasure you, or if he simply can't do it.

Oh the pleasure definitely isn't a problem.

seriously, tits or gtfo. It's the rules.

hypersexual is usually symptomatic of other mental illnesses, which are usually more of a turn off than other things

That just means He doesnt easily trust people anymore, if You Can Earn his trust, and show him your Love that Wouldnt be a Problem anymore?

I'm trying to, but he's very complicated and how do you do that if someone tries to push you away?

Depends for what reason he would push you away


I suffer from a bad case of hypersexuality

Back in my day they just called you a whore, and yes being too sexual will turn a guy off as you are considered a cuckold risk

I'm being a wuss and beating around the bush about asking. He's a different breed...

It's a rare thing apparently. At least for the girls that don't want to go mess around and just want one person.

i dont quite get what you're saying here
"He's a different breed..."?

oh, and thread might 404

masturbate fool

He's what most girls would consider messed up, but I'm a dumb believer in where I think I can fix someone with love they never had.

It gets oldddd.

No. Just don't be dissatisfied

Hey OP, become a prostitute or a porn actress then your problem will be solved.

Maybe, depends if he's into you, and is willing to accept change, if the person is messed up and accepts change, it might help him allot

My problem is I use the girl for sex and after that I move on

I don't know how you can be in a relationship with one girl and only fuck her

I get bored after a couple intense rounds of sex

+ he might look messed up because he has been in a bad spot in life for a while, are you even talking to him?

Yes, just avoiding certain topics right now.

If only I were still 18 and about that dream.

You must be fucking some boring chicks.

He goes back and forth, so it's confusing.

Then just Ask him?, and go out and do stuff with him? from there you can get a better understanding?

I'm working on it. If it was some other guy, it'd be easy for me. It's hard to explain. Sometimes you meet someone so complicated, but you feel it's worth the chance.

post your tits, proof that you are female or at least a trap

Also, 'hypersexuality' is probably from a serious personality disorder, likely stemming from the way your parents were with you as a young child, 0-5 years old.
Maybe your mother rejected you, or your father was absent.
Either way, go to root Cognitive behaviour therapy.

well, he might even be happy to go out and do stuff with you, give it a try, take the chance, because i'm sure you would maybe enjoy those chances too?

Either something psychological or hormonal.
Try to fix it.
Not ejaculating after hours means something is up.

Maybe mentally you aren't letting go, too anxious or worried about your performance.

Try stopping porn completely and don't fap while in a relationship.
Also, concentrate on the sensations you can feel, smell and see during sex, instead of performing.
I have had it before and over time I learned to relax and let go - came a lot faster and enjoyed it more.

Okay, first off I said I had a problem with sex, but I'm only like that with one guy at a time and I want one to stay. Not all have ran away, they just weren't what I was looking for. If I were a stripper maybe, I'd be eager to show my tits, but I've somehow managed to make it 28 years without being naked on the internet and would like to keep it that way, so if you have any other ways I could prove I'm a female that doesn't involve me doing something degrading them please share.

A lot of girls are probably like this. Most are actually whores or get paid. I'm not one of those.

Also, sex issues don't always stem from some sort of childhood trauma. Daddy didn't leave me. Uncle Frank didn't touch me or make me watch him want off. I'm just a different type of person.

The weird thing about this is I rarely even get off during sex. I can do it myself no problem. Most people are like then why the hell do it? It still feels good and I just love it and love feeling close to someone in the dirtiest way possible.

Post your vagina with a tampon string hanging out it and a note attached to the tampon string with today's date and the post number of OP written in it.

When you make a thread claiming to be female, back it up.

>NASA scientist here, multibillionaire and master of fifteen separate martial arts.

Give it a Try?, it might make you both happy
Be honest with him


Cluster B personality disorders DO often stem from very early childhood.
I didn't say any one touched your cunt, I said abandoned you, emotionally or physically.
You didn't mention your mother, did she ever tell you you were an accident or unwanted.
Most of the time you won't be aware of it, as it happened before you could speak.
Read about the cluster B group and see what matches with you.
Then have it fixed.

You aren't a different kind of person, you are an unpleasant type of person that no man wants to stick around near.
There are reasons for that, and it isn't because you want to fuck them.

is this you OP?

If you don't like Sup Forums's answers, leave. It's bound to be one common things.

Guys are different people. You can't just take one piece of advice and broadly sweep it over all the guys you date, you dumb broad; this thinking is probably why they dump you. It's already all about sex to you.

There could be a million different things but for you it's already about the sex. The sex is clearly what's scaring them off.

You need to get real. Try talking to them, asking them, opening discussions with them, instead of asking Sup Forums who are clearly going to dislike your proclivities.

I had that too, like I said.

Stop fapping while with a girl, stop porning forever.

Don't touch your dick unless you are pissing or guiding it into her vagina.
2 weeks without fapping and you'll be shooting inside her.

A big part of it for me was mentally letting go, stop wanting to please her, and just do what i felt like in the moment.
Also concentrating on the physical sensations, taking it slowly and feeling inside her as though my dick was a finger feeling around.
After some months, I did become better.
Simplify sex a lot, dick in vagina, never put your fingers inside.
Then don't try to be a porn star or perform, just do what feels good and relax totally.
One other thing that helped sometimes was thinking "I mustn't come inside" - tricking my brain into having that as a kind of taboo.
Or, "she's going to be pregnant if i cum inside".

Relaxation helps a lot.
You'll fix it, be patient, it is worth it.
Nothing feels better than shooting inside a hot, wet vagina.

Well hope i Helped, i gotta Sleep been Awake for a long ttime

Obviously I'm new to this, so my question is..Why would I go seriously go on here and talk about the things i just did? I get people get on here and pretend to be girls when they aren't, but this just seems like a weird instance.

I'm going to. I mean I wasn't going to base what to do off of the mean things people were probably going to say. I was just asking a random question about something that was bugging me to get different perspectives.

OP did you watch the latest game of thrones?

For attention, same reason as you are doing it now.
Wind people up, annoy the desperately lonely and bitter, confuse and entice the young.
Same as most posts on here.

Boredom is the main reason. Boredom and loneliness.
Post your body with your face blacked out, unless you are a nigger, in which case post your collection of illegitimate children as proof.

Good lord. I went to therapy and they literally tried to tell me there was nothing wrong with what I was doing and I was desperate to find love. You can say I'm unpleasant and yeah, I am in ways, but I'm not going to go cry over what someone thinks when they don't actually even know me. I'm just like wow, rude, moving on.
It'd kind of me being like, are the guys on here that call girls whores the ones that can't get any? Little man syndrome ?The ones that trade naked pictures of girls on here that are dumb enough to send them because the guy said "it's for my eyes only baby." I'm sure there are different answers to that and unless you're a pos rapist, child molester or something of that nature then I'm not going to get all judge judy.

I actually have only watched the first season. I'll end up catching up someday.

Fucking shit, go back to facebook you stupid self obsessed vapid cunt.
Boring fucking empty minded selfish faggot.

That's why no one wants to be with you.
You don't fucking listen, you are a fucking cunt, five minutes reading your shit made me not want anything to do with you.
Negative disgusting piece of scum.

>I get people get on here and pretend to be girls when they aren't, but this just seems like a weird instance.
Always for the lulz.

post your tits whore, no one wants to read your blog
your tits are the only entertaining thing you possess

Well, I'm sure noone on here really enjoys every answer they get, but I'm not going to let it make me cry and hate my life. I take it in and think, gee I hope not all guys feel that way. I know a lot do, but not all of them and it's whatever. It's not ALL about sex to me. I literally said I want someone to actually be with. I've been in a few long relationships and I don't expect us to just have crazy sex 24/7. I do expect to communicate, do things and to just build a connection and grow.

If that's what I need to do, I guess that isn't hard. Nope, I'm white and if I were trying to wind people up, I'd at least think of something creative or crazy and not this boring, girly shit.

Jesus, just think of something. A date/timestamp in a bra and panties pic. A date/timestamp with a clothed pic that screams axe-wound owner. video of you getting railed by a dog. A pic of your face and this thread. Write the date and time across your pussy and take a bent over pussy/ass pic with a hairbrush up your ass. Figure out something.

yes, someone like you must end up cheating and will pop up this issue as an excuse of cheating
we guys love whores but when getting serious we hate them

>unless you're a pos rapist, child molester or something of that nature then I'm not going to get all judge judy.
You know you're on Sup Forums, right? Time to get all Judge Judy.

sounds that like most girls, you're love retarded.

no one likes obsessive people.

it's like people who obsess with the idea of making friends. they might be interesting people, but the neediness is annoying. so they end up getting along with someone at a party and fast forward to a week or two and that person has to resort to ignore their calls because they won't stop being needy. they end up messing up a good opportunity to make friends by oversharing, being overly needy, getting too comfortable too soon, etc.

75 posts and no proof whatsoever that this is a female.

son, I am disappoint.

Warning to all males here, stay away from whores, they aren't worth anything.

fuck a guy who likes being cucked. problem solved.

>no proof whatsoever that this is a female.
He already nut and left. OP got what he was after.

it's hard to tell whether you're just in it for the sex when that's all you ask for. pace yourself and learn to have big fun in small doses, or actually find a partner with the same sexual attitude / appetite as you.
however, if what you are saying is you need it more than once at a time, then there's very few people who will be able to satisfy you. learn to pleasure yourself.