>"What did they spend on ‘Batman v Superman’ that they’re admitting to? And it’s a piece of shit."
My man Gibson! Is he OUR guy Sup Forums?
>"What did they spend on ‘Batman v Superman’ that they’re admitting to? And it’s a piece of shit."
My man Gibson! Is he OUR guy Sup Forums?
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Mel Gibson directed capeshit when?
>almost 6 months
>OP is still mad
He already directed the Passion of the Christ
n... nooooooo
Does this mean capeshit will finally fuck off?
Samson is my favorite bible superhero..Can't go wrong with super strength
let's see how snyderfags defend it. This should be interesting
how will capeshit recover?
Weird, Gibson doesn't usually speak his mind like that.
>DEADLINE: What do you think when you read about all of these big summer movies that cost $200 million and up? Do they have to be that expensive?
>GIBSON: I don’t believe so. I look at them and scratch my head. I’m really baffled by it. I think there’s a lot of waste, but maybe if I did one of those things with the green screens I’d find out different. I don’t know. Maybe they do cost that much. I don’t know. It seems to me that you could do it for less.
>DEADLINE: If you hit, the rewards can be enormous, but you’ve got to make a lot of money to just break even.
>GIBSON: That’s the game, isn’t it?
>DEADLINE: Is it a good game though?
>GIBSON: Wow, I mean if you’re spending outrageous amounts of money, $180 million or more, I don’t know how you make it back after the tax man gets you, and after you give half to the exhibitors. What did they spend on Batman V Superman that they’re admitting to?
>DEADLINE: I want to say $250 million. Then you’ve got marketing.
>GIBSON: And it’s a piece of sh*t.
>DEADLINE: Well it was self-serious and it wasn’t fun at all.
>GIBSON: I’m not interested in the stuff. Do you know what the difference between real superheroes and comic book superheroes is? Real superheroes didn’t wear spandex. So I don’t know. Spandex must cost a lot.
I bet he didn't watch the UC
>>I bet he didn't watch the UC
Doesn't need to, it's just as garbage.
Heh like DC fans care.
>tax man
is that what we're calling them now?
There's no "our guys".
>I bet he didn't watch the UC
I'm surprised a serious filmmaker like him even bothered watching that garbage. Must've taken his kids to see it.
>it was self-serious and it wasn’t fun at all
Like you?
Oh that guy Mr. (((Taxberg))) strikes again
>Real superheroes didn’t wear spandex
Gibson confirmed Iron Man fan
Most of Sup Forums shits on BvS every single day
Is Mel 'our guy'?
>shit skins and numales
fucking poetry
Like I care about what some hyper religious racist thinks
BVS was unironically kino, faggots
>exposing your children to literal trash
mel is responsible father, i doubt he would do that
raped by a pack of niggers
>BVS was unironically kino, faggots
Would you perfer biscuit collectors?
>muh imagery
>actual christian trashes the movie
wait, who's the audience then ?
okay but now go direct iron man 4
>>GIBSON: I don’t believe so. I look at them and scratch my head. I’m really baffled by it. I think there’s a lot of waste, but maybe if I did one of those things with the green screens I’d find out different. I don’t know. Maybe they do cost that much. I don’t know. It seems to me that you could do it for less.
This reads like it was said by Donald Trump.
>based mel
>directing capeshit
It's over, him and based Cameron will end capeshit for good.
Sup Forums BTFO
it wouldn't be capeshit tho
Batman V Superman was kino though
can this man even laugh like a normal guy for once?
This is so embarrassing
Well yeah.
He loves RDJ.
Sudoku for you, pleb.
"""""capekino""""" cucks BTFO
>Mel Gibson talks about DC
>doesn't even mention MCU because it's not worth mentioning
Realistically it should be MCU capeshitters that are on suicide watch, not the DC capeshitters.
The Menorah Masher is back???
>Real superheroes didn’t wear spandex. So I don’t know. Spandex must cost a lot.
>Here Mr. Gibson, this is where the $250 million went
Well yeah.
Marvel movies are just flicks. They're not abominations like DC movies.
They're all abominations and serve the sole purpose of being entertainment vessels to sell toys to children.
>at least he talked about us! BTFO!
That's what we call "scrambling "
>Not entertaining
>Only manchildren buy the ACSHUN FIGURES
>Kids still prefer Iron Man
is batman a playable class in Legion? resubing now
>“Some are good. Some are kind of funny … Guardians of the Galaxy. Or the first Iron Man. And some of them are just like retreats. I mean you can watch them do Spider-Man five times … There is a slight shift in film. But, then again, I think all films are suffering from people not being able to now open them with their name. It’s a different kind of business these days.”
Said it before and I'll continue to say it: I hate both.
Hating one more slightly than the other doesn't mean I'm a fan of it. Fuck, this is how insecure all of you faggots are. Stop watching kids movies and fighting this much over it.
Again, you project WAY too much.
>those are the human beings that call themselves "chads"
>that time RDJ attempted to kill a kid and the police had to use a life-size Mel Gibson cutout to distract him.
Later in the interview:
>DEADLINE: (...) these Biblical epics have largely failed to measure up, whether it was Exodus, Noah, or Ben-Hur, with its parallel story line dealing with Jesus Christ. What were they missing?
>GIBSON: I don’t know. I never saw any of them so I honestly couldn’t tell you. I know that the audience didn’t respond to them on some level. I’d have to watch them all to really comment.
He doesn't comment on stuff he hasn't seen. So surely he saw BvsS and thought it was shit, isn't just shitting on it for being capeshit. Based Mel.
literally worse than the prequels
More like alt right, contrarian, Sup Forums overflow, MRA core, Mel Gibson loving, Jew hating, Snyder worshipping Sup Forums on suicide watch.
Haven't watched capeshit beyond Ironman 1 and 2; what am I even seeing here?
>implying all of the capekino shitposters weren't shills anyway
be honest, no self-respecting fan of movies enjoyed BvS
anyone could have told you it was a piece of shit, faggot.
>Do you know what the difference between real superheroes and comic book superheroes is? Real superheroes didn’t wear spandex. So I don’t know. Spandex must cost a lot.
The star of your movie is literally Spider-Man.
When did this board become Sup Forums?
Spiderman isn't a real person user.
I would like to see his opinion on Exodus.
Also Ridley needs to release the 4 hour cut already.
Actually its tommy you fucking imdb drone
What video game is this?
My point is that his lead actor was a big part of one of these franchises. The character probably best known for spandex who doesn't wear a cape.
>My point is that his lead actor was a big part of one of these franchises
and that's important why?
he was obviously talking about soldiers when he said real heroes, not superman
Who cares what a washed up Anti-Semite thinks?
There's a reason no one in Hollywood like Gibson.
He sucks dick.
Man, I wish we didn't miss out on like a decade of Mel movies when he was blacklisted.
>movies belong to US!!!
Wtf I hate Mel Gibson now
>>DEADLINE: Well it was self-serious and it wasn’t fun at all.
Cucks can't hide the bias anymore, can they?
>Sup Forums loves Mel
>Sup Forums loves BvS
>Sup Forums loves BvS
Who cares? My likes and dislikes revolve around some washed up millionaire? I don't think so!
Mine certainly do. Mel is a 21st century prophet.
Right? Mel was in movies that cost 100m dollars, several of them in the 90's and early 2000's. He cat figure out things like, inflation and effects?
>I will gladly keep eating shit, thank you
More power to you, sister
>There's a reason no one in Hollywood like Gibson.
>He doesn't suck dick.
>watch a Sup Forums stream of bvs last week
>entire conversation during the was about how bad the movie is
Do you not get that being contrarian IS the meme?
>don't listen to this bad goy!
>now invest in shekels
>implying capeshit VFX today is more expensive than practical effects
Just when I thought Mel couldn't get anymore based.
perfect reply
mel is back
whats your reaction Sup Forums?
ITT: Idiots who don't get that he was talking about massively bloated budgets and how the movies are still bad
>inb4 he heaps praise on GotG because it's "kinda funny"
truly high praise indeed.
He's right. The budgets are way too high and the films still look bad. How much did that Air Port scene cost in Civil War? Its legit the worst thing ever put on film in a big budget film this year.
>DEADLINE: What about that Viking epic?
>GIBSON: That’s still lying around. Randall Wallace and I wrote that one. It’ll probably surface one of these days.
>RDJ buddy dissing DC movie
water is wet
and summer was hot as fuck
This confuses the Sup Forums memer.
Lethal Weapon 4 cost 140 million dollars to make in 1998 (I assume thats in 98 dollarydoos and not adjusted)
still thats a lot of money Mel.
That being said...even Lethal Weapon 4 (considered kinda crummy I guess) is significantly better than Every Capeshit film since the first iron man movie