They were a Korn tier band and people would only talk about them as much as Korn if not less if Kurt Cobain didn't kill...

They were a Korn tier band and people would only talk about them as much as Korn if not less if Kurt Cobain didn't kill himself at a time when they were dominating the top 40 charts.

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I doubt it. They were THE band of gen x. Bob Dylan was called the voice of his generation, and people still give a fuck about him over 50 years later. The suicide certainly romanticized the whole thing, but he had already made his impact.

Oh look, another shitpost downplaying a band's success. Success really does bring out jealousy.

Pretty much this.

not true at all lmao

To be honest with you Nirvana is not really talked about that much in the real world. People know the myth, but only Smells Like Teen Spirit (#6) and Come as You Are (#32) entered the top 40. To the average person, they were just another passing phenomenon. You might hear Come as You Are at a baseball game and sing along to it, to which Kurt rolls in his grave if he was buried.

There's still tons of merchandise with their logo, if that counts for anything.

It's really sad that they became a t-shirt band.

Nirvana doesn't sound nearly as angsty as Korn.

They simply didn't last long enough to sellout.

Do you know how big Linkin park was in the early 2000s at all?

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.

-someone from batman IDFK

How is this not true?

Do you know how big Nirvana was in the early 1990s at all?

Yeah, as big as Linkin park was in the early 2000s when you were in diapers.

Besides (Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Radiohead and some rappers) Gen X had shitty music

There I said it.

ad hominem. And anyways, this thread was comparing Nirvana to Korn, not Linkin Park. And who still fondly remembers nu metal today? It's considered cringe worthy and 'crawling in my skin' is a phrase often used jokingly referring to edginess. Nirvana has a shelf life and is still fondly remembered, or at least known to a lot of people. Linking Park just made a impact because a lot of people grew up with their music and connected with the angst and emotion expressed in it. And there is nothing wrong with that. Music taste is subjective after all.

What about Alice in Chains?

They have their shelf life because Kurt Cobain killed himself when the band was in it's prime.

>Linking Park just made a impact because a lot of people grew up with their music and connected with the angst and emotion expressed in it.

So exactly the reason Nirvana made an impact?

>People know the myth, but only Smells Like Teen Spirit (#6) and Come as You Are (#32) entered the top 40

Ok, so what?
Most people on the planet literally only know "Creep" when talking about Radiohead.
Most people will always only know the big hits.

Most people think of The Beatles as Hey Jude, Let It Be or I Saw Her Standing There.

Yes, but they didn't connect with the next generation of music listeners as well as Nirvana did. I'm not trying to tell you they are bad or anything, just like whatever you want. Nu Metal received a huge backlash after it's prime, so time will tell if it's ever respected again.

Not true, but I feel like you are too stuck in your ways to be debated with. People still buy Bob Dylan albums, especially his classic ones, even though he has gone well past his prime. Good music is good music and that always attracts music fans.

>Big 4 of grunge
>Aphex Twin
>Days of the New
>a lot of the hip hop
>Stone Temple Pilots
stuff here are acceptable
>Nine inch Nails
>Rage against the Machine
>Red Hot Chili Peppers

>dominating the top 40 charts.
Daily reminder than Nirvana never had a no 1 single and only had 2 top 40 hits
Daily Reminder MC Hammer had 5 top 10 hits, 2 of them charting higher than Nirvana's highest charting single.

Linkin Park was bigger than Nirvana at their prime

Nirvana was just average music that got remembered and over glorified because of a suicide though.

Then it was discovered by hipsters that were not even born when Cobain died because over all the people who glorified it.

Exactly, but you don't see new people getting into Linkin Park. It's the people who grew up with it that love it.

That will start changing soon.

Maybe you will now that he killed himself.
Maybe if we get a bunch of memeumentaries telling us that Linkin Park was the Voice of a Generation™ and the GOAT

Music taste is subjective, so If it's average to you, it might not be to others. The mystique and romance due to the suicide probably did over glorify them, but they were already legends before the suicide. People remember bands that had a huge effect on popular music, like The Beatles, Velvet Underground, Bob Dylan, etc. They ushered in alternative rock to the mainstream, making them a seminal act.

You're probably right. It really does sicken me when people get into 'tragic figures' just to seem deep or be trendy. It happened to the singer/songwriter Nick Drake, which makes me sad. It really is terrible that Chester killed himself. Maybe people will give Nu Metal another chance now, but it's sad an event like this had to happen for that.

Nah, I never really liked Linkin Park. A lot of people do refer to Cobain as the 'Voice of a Generation' because he was marketed as that. Sorry if I came off the wrong way because of that. But Cobain was labelled that during his lifetime, not in retrospect.

You mean like what happened with Nirvana?

Yes they are good too.

>Cobain was labelled that during his lifetime, not in retrospect.
Does it make a difference? Probably not.
Precisely famalam

Imo I wouldn't consider hip hop to be the main thing of the 90s just because everyone raves about Biggie and 2pac. I find it kind of overrated actually. I prefer the rap from the 80s and 21st century.

Are you fucking serious hipster?

Pretty much. Only difference is that Nirvana was good and big, while Linkin Park was basically the flavor of the summer.

I was thinking more of Digable Planets or Wu Tang related shit. Dr. Dre. Ice Cube actually had some pretty good records, too.

>Nirvana was good
says you, pleb


I can tell you are young just from this post.

I guess not. It all comes down to marketing and music taste I guess. Sorry if I come off fanboyish, but I grew up with stuff like Nirvana and I really like seeing a new generation of people respect and get into them. They really id change the music landscape for a little while. I didn't like Nu Metal all that much, but I'm not knocking it because it means a lot to the people who grew up with it.

I said this because the original post said "dominating the top 40 charts."

I grew up with stuff like Nirvana

No, you didn't you internet lying post 95 baby.

Nope. If I was young, I would be saying Linkin Park is good.

ad hominem

People who listened to linkin park as teenagers are 25-30 now,

Why are people so fucking angry at each other in this thread? Both deaths are a tragedy, so who cares who is more popular? Regular Sup Forums is autistic, but this is a bit much. Are most of you cross boarders?

>They were THE band of gen x

Gen X spans about 15 years, and there was a lot of great music produced during that time. I like Nirvana, but grunge was just a blip on the radar in the overall scheme of things. I wouldn't say he was the voice of my generation.

Hipster meme that stemmed from his early death in the prime of his career

This is a good point. It's all the media over hyping shit. Nirvana's breakout success probably surprised people and music journo's called Cobain that.


Michael Stipe is too good for this world

Yeah but people were calling Cobain that before he died. Gen X just wanted a Bob Dylan or John Lennon like musical figure so they ate it up and went along with it. His early death just certified that and allowed him to be marketed well past grunge's relevancy.

citation needed.

But why him and not MJ or Madonna or Axl Rose or Bon Jovi or one of the many more successful songwriters?
How big a hand do you think David Geffen had in creating this meme? He was a very powerful man at the time.

Too bad he's the only one of himself/Buck/Mills who's not really doing anything post-breakup.

They didn't suicide.

Except Bob Dylan did something worthwhile and is worth remembering.

this, the 90's was shit except for the east coast which is what people praise it for.

90's for the South was GOAT though

Geffen is one of the less shitty execs out there, he usually didn't engage in that kind of exploitation.

>he usually didn't engage in that kind of exploitation
Not that you knew of
>He just happened to sign the biggest artists of the 80's and 90's by being totally straight
(no pun intended)

I don't know how it is possible for people to deny that Nirvana was teen angst music for the early 90's.

I mean just listen to the title
>Smells like teen spirit

say that to yourself five times and tell me..

The title doesn't come off a bit like

>I made an angsty song for you fellow teens.

That was kind of the joke, I think. When they played it like Kurt would often botch it intentionally.

That and a line in an In Utero track are the only things that mention teenage shit. The only reason it got this rep is marketing.

>everything is irony so i don't have to take any criticism
when will this meme end?
Is this a numale thing? Fear of people disagreeing with you, so if everything is ironic then you can be assured that you're never wrong?

How about some love for Layne?

The song was called that because a friend made a passing comment that Cobain smelled like Teenage Spirit....which was a brand of deodorant at the time.

>The only reason it got this rep is marketing.
Or that his biggest hit was about teens and his entire fanbase were teens

It's literally teen angst music.

How can you think it's not?

Everyone knows this and it's not the point of the post.
Doesn't matter if whats-her-face said that to him, he thought it sounded like a teenage anthem, and he used it as such, he didn't have to use it, but he did.

That wasn't about teens. It was about when he was a janitor at his old high school.

Kathleen Hanna of the band Bikini Kill. She wrote it on the wall because the girl Kurt was banging used Teen Spirit deodorant. Apparently he didn't know about the deodorant and loved the phrase because it seemed like an anthem. He also had some weird obsession with the sense of smell.

Based Layne

Still doesn't change the fact that it's basically called

>how do you do my fellow teens

He used it because it sounds interesting, that doesn't automatically mean he was pandering to a teenage market.

I actually agree that in general Nirvana was marketed to teenagers, but I don't agree with your that song being the penultimate example.

>implying janitors get recess off
lmao. Imagine the janitor having lunch with the kids.

Are you baiting?
No recess. No. Recess.
You have to be baiting.

Well, you don't have to take my word for it. You can listen to them play it live and hear for yourself how seriously he took the song, and maybe read some anecdotes about its genesis.

>wont you believe it
>just my luck
Why would he complain if he knew the conditions of the job prior to taking the job?
He would get breaks, just not recess with the rest of the kids.
Fuck this guy. I wouldn't hire him.

>tfw you used to run out of Speedstick, so you use your sister's Teen Spirit antiperspirant when getting ready for school

Nirvana was selling out shows here in Portland and Corn with a "K" was giving out free cd's at Tower. Counter top standee and all. Your knowledge about this topic is beyond retarded. Please stop posting about things you obviously know nothing about.

His recording of the song was serious. That's what lasts.

>Nirvana was successful first so they're better and not similar at all in terms of popularity or fanbase
really nigga?

based on what reasoning/evidence, thinking the song title sounds pretentious? it was a throwaway title based on nonsense someone yelled at him

Because no one takes a job as a janitor and thinks: Gee, I'm such a lucky guy.
It's his way of expressing that he was down on his luck.

He said no recess, not no breaks. He's also making a song. "You're in highschool again, no recess" sounds better in a song than: "I'm a janitor at my old highschool"

>based on what reasoning/evidence
that the recording was made and the performance done well and with sincerity?
The opposite of these performances that makes you think it's ironic. Why isn't it recorded out of tune? Why didn't he sing it on record like he did on Top of the Pops?
The title doesn't sound pretentious, it just attempts to sum up the topic and target audience of the song; Teeeeeeeeeens.

Nirvana started filling bigger venues because they kept selling out the smaller clubs and kept growing. The first time I saw Korn was on their first tour and it was going so badly that the show I went to was free because the venue (LaLuna), was going to be vacant if they didn't give away tickets. Money was clearly invested in their success and giving away a string of shows was better business that having a failed artist. Yes, oldfag here and I saw them both at the early stages of their career and the comparison is ridiculous. The energy at the early Korn shows felt completely manufactured. I have no idea If that changed later on, but the first impression was corporate driven shit.

You can't get your shit released on major labels sounding like crap unless you're basically already a superstar and can convince your distributors that you deserve free will. Nevermind was Nirvana's first album with Universal, so Butch Vig glossed the fuck out of it. But go back and listen to Bleach which was on Sub Pop before they sold out to Warner, and that's a murky album. Then listen to In Utero, made after they struck it rich, and they were allowed to make dissonant noise.

Oh yes, I'm sure Kurt Cobain definitely "killed himself", without a doubt.

What is the point of this post?
You're subjectively comparing two artists at different stages in their career like it means something.
I don't know what you want.

>You can't get your shit released on major labels sounding like crap unless you're basically already a superstar and can convince your distributors that you deserve free will
Ahh, they're careerists. Just as I thought.

I think maybe you have a bit of confirmation bias going on.

No, because they're music is actually good. Kurt was great vocalist, lyricist, and rhythm player. Plus he was indirectly one of the greatest guitar teachers who ever lived because Nirvana songs are both interesting and easy to learn for kids picking up the guitar. Almost every guitar teacher in America will hand out chords to About A Grill or Smells Like Teen Spirit to beginner students at some point in their learning program.

>o edginess. Nirvana has a shelf life and is still fondly remembered, or at least known to a lot of people. Linking Park just made a impact because a lot of people grew up with their music and connected with the angst and emotion expressed in it. And there is nothing wrong with that. Music taste is subjective after all.
Nobody listened to hybrid theory cause of the music? Pretty sure I never gaf about the edgy lyrics.


They were shit but he did write interesting lyrics, much better than Korn or Linkin Park or even Soundgarden.

I'm drunk, forgive me.

Every teenager used to write open all over their school books, on their back packs and bathroom walls. I remember... I was actually there at the time.

It means he is dumb.