I want to see the best climax faces that you have, I started, now it's your turn

I want to see the best climax faces that you have, I started, now it's your turn

Read the rules for thread starting, faggot

Lol im sorry i had no idea why i said such faggot ass shit please excuse my cancerous ass

Shut the fuck up new fag

> "I made a thread and want EVERYONE BUT ME to contribute!"

Fuck off summerfag

OP is a faggot, but so are you for not actually knowing the rules.

This isn't gif and you don't need to post multiple images as the OP if you want to start a thread with this vague of title.

you dumb fuck.
Its not like hes the first to make a thread like this.
the 3 image rule is more of a global rule for any thread asking for pictures.

Get fucked you stupid fucking new fag.

>the 3 image rule is more of a global rule for any thread asking for pictures

Yeah... except that it's not. Just because you feel like something should be a rule, doesn't mean that it actually is. Only children and autistic individuals have this sort of mindset.

It's an unwritten rule. Like, this thread isn't going to go anywhere because OP is a fag. And you're just contributing to the faggotry.

I regret making this post please forgive me I'm a gigantic faggot please rape my face and call me Bethany McGargle.

fucking supreme edition sperg, right there.

And you're white knighting a shit thread


yes, yes I am.


what is this, fucking reddit?

yes, it is.

your whole life has been a lie.



>it's an actual rule on a different board
>that means it's an unwritten rule here
>i want it to be a rule so that means it's a rule

Dubs and op is certified faggot

>reported for "unwritten rule violation"

dubs and no u

like, you have literal autism. gtfo newfag.

getting so goddamn butthurt over this jesus



This is another example of autism/social retardation. You think that you make the rules and anybody who disagrees with you (people who know the ACTUAL rules) must be crazy or samefagging.

Just learn the real rules if you want to stop looking like a retarded newfag, little guy. It's not hard.

Don't worry this guy does the same thing on /gif/ and he's an asshole about it there too, just ignore him

Nigger it's Sup Forums at 4am and you've got a dildo so far up your ass it's dissolving in your stomach acid and you think I actually care about the rules?

You're the one who's fucking autistic


>it's 4am here so it's 4am everywhere
>i'm making up rules

Done talking to you. You got called out for being wrong, which you still are, and are unable to accept it because you have a social retardation. Get some sleep and learn the actual rules before posting to avoid looking like a newfag next time.

Also it's 9:30 here.

You care way to fucking much ya tard. Do something else with your life

>wut is poster count
>wat is time reference
>why am I such a neoqueer retard durrr

Thought you were done here bub

nah babs im all a go

That pink hair girl i believe is My Cherry Crush on Pornhub

What's wrong Carlos, did mommy stop getting her special boy his favorite chicky nuggies?


gib nuggs plox carhlush


where the fuck did you go, Carlos?

carlo is ded ted


It's not.