If I want to watch Star Trek where should I start? TOS? TNG? DS9?
If I want to watch Star Trek where should I start? TOS? TNG? DS9?
Just watch TOS and TNG lad
Spock IS Star Trek and TOS is the only one where all the characters are actually likeable.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
>TOS is the only one where all the characters are actually likeable.
Bones is one of the lest likable characters in any of the series in my opinion. One of the best things the reboot did was mostly shaft this characters importance in favor of that sweet sista.
Start with TOS. If you find it difficult to get into, that's fine, it's an older show and not for everyone. Proceed with TNG if that's the case. DS9 is best appreciated once you have a feel of the Trek world.
plough through it all, you will either lap it up or not, each series has its stronger episodes, but i usually get something from each one, when im in the star trek mood
p.s. ive seen each episodes 10+ times lol apart from enterprise, even that tho i'll re-watch
TOS, TOS Movies, then TNG, then DS9, watch enterprise and First Contact if you are REALLY into it. Avoid Voyager and other TNG movies.
>Computer! Analyze yesterdays bowel movement of counselor Deanna Troi, generate the contents and beam it directly into my mouth.
Sir, Dukat is doing nothing wrong off the port bow, recommend we fire a spread of photon torpedos at Commander Riker's fully functional sexual organs.
You're high.
Selective viewing of TOS is a good place to start. Some episodes are absolute shit and can be skipped if you are not in the mood for their bullshit.
>The pilot (where no man has gone before)
Season 1:
>space seed (episode sets up "wrath of Khan film)
>The enemy within
>naked time
>balance of terror (first romulans)
>the city on the edge of forever
>the devil in the dark
Season 2:
>amok time (Vulcan culture explained)
>trouble with tribbles (meme episode but fun)
>mirror mirror (first of many appearances of alternate universe where characters are mostly evil)
>the doomsday machine
Third season is the worst season.
That is a good start and should give you a taste of the terminology and the characters. If you like those and enjoy the characters then by all means watch the rest of the TOS episodes. If not, move from there to the movies or just jump to TNG.
High up in that ass maybe.
>Data: Captain, it appears the Holodeck memory banks are nearing maximum capacity.
>Picard: Delete all unnecessary files and crew programs.
>Data: Captain, after a quick scan I have calculated that the removal of program file " "Sniffing Counselor Troi's Dirty Panties" would suffice in bringing Holodeck memory down to safe working levels.
>Picard. Make it so
Poor Broc
>I am designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and physically.
Wrath of Kahn then when you get bored of that TNG
>Please specify which bowel movement:
>0231 hours
>0456 hours
>0630 hours
>1043 hours
>1212 hours
>1507 hours
>1737 hours
>2100 hours
>2321 hours.
What the fuck did you say about my husbando?
Watch TOS first. That's what I'm doing and I'm really enjoying it
Start with TOS. If anyone tells you "oh it's so old and outdated now" you should feel free to slap the shit out of them for being literally too retarded to live.
I wanted to post Neelix raping Kes and molesting Naomi Wildman comix, but I decided not to. Google it yourselves.
Captain! I recommend a full spread of torpedoes! Maximum yield.
All of them!
The other series may have more interesting characters, but none of them have the amazing chemistry that Kirk, Spock, and Bones do.
>If anyone tells you "oh it's so old and outdated now" you should feel free to slap the shit out of them
There is a lot of dead weight and shitty filler in those old episodes though. You have to pick out the gems and don't have to sit through all the trash.
>A godlike being transports the crew to:
>roman times
>wild west
>nazi germany
>1920s Chicago
>another location that let them re-use a set from something else filming that month
A lot of newer viewers get turned off by "aliens" that are just humans from another era. TNG was just as guilty of this practice when it came to the holodeck episodes.