Is rock dead? Discuss

Is rock dead? Discuss.


Chester is dead :'(

It's such a dead genre that it's stars are killing themselves

please stop reminding me

everyday reminded how much I hate it

for some reason their musicians like to kill themselves.

This, but unironically.

Car Seat Headrest is really good

Will is saving indie rock but not rock as a whole


indie rock pretty much is all rock this decade

Yes, thankfully. It was stale and needed to die.
Rock/metal revival is going to be pretty lit tho.

Metal is stuck in a larger self masturbatory death spiral than regular rock.

No, it just smells funny.
Metal has been doing exponentially better than rock for almost 10 years now.

as someone who listens to 90% rock/metal...yes

That doesn't mean there won't be more good/great bands tho.. just the likelihood of a massive band like beatles U2 metallica
Linkin Park

won't occur again

Agreed. I'll go further and say metal is the form of "rock" that experiments and takes risks.

>Is rock dead?

People still listen to rock music and play rock music, so no, its not dead.

>metalheads exaggerate the popularity and influence of their niche genre while remaining oblivious to its weaknesses and waning popularity
Wowee stop me if you've heard this one before.

Why do you disagree?

bugs... lay off the carrots man

What's T H I C C doc?

rock died with chester :(