Is The End of Evangelion kino?
Is The End of Evangelion kino?
yes but doesn't even compare to 25/26
Anime can never be kino, child of imd/v/. Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.
>what is revolutionary girl utena
>what is umineko no naku koro ni
>what is serial experiments lain
>what is the woman named fujiko mine
no limitations are made on any genre, a cartoon, video game, comic book, anything can deliver the same sort of philosphy and meaning that literature and film can, if the creator really wants to
>Rei covered up
The ending was golden.
>what is __
Gay ass shit for gay ass homosexs, bud
>so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical
literally ready-for-consumptio colourful drawings made for teenage gooks, it doesn't even get any respect in gookland but you weebs will swallow it all up because japanese culture "gets you"
watch some kubrick, kid. not nips that draw themselves as white people
>watch some kubrick
maybe you should watch some carl dreyer before you put on your big boy pants
applies to you too op
wew lad, memeboi is in town
you must think you're an artsy fucking smart faggot for putting down kubrick for a much more obscure danish cunt
>literally modern art tier
"l-look guys, I get this! I'm smart and thoughtful!"
End of Evangelion was 4/10 at best.
Anime is a medium, not a genre, you moron.
Anime isn't a medium nig-nog, it's just japanese cartoons.
I know this thread is just bait, but do weebs actually think highly of this shit.
sadly they do even though its a piece of shit at best
Along with GitS and Angel's Egg
>anime is a genre
>anime is a medium
Unlike your favourite summer flick Suicide Squad
Just Sup Forums teenies
Derp, what's wrong with GiTS?
it made me feel cosmic feels, some credit should be given to that
Yes, absolute kinography in fact.
>>what is umineko no naku koro ni
A Visual Novel, but we're talking about anime here.
Unless you're talking about the trashy anime adaptation.
No but this is.
Like 2001? The book was better tbqh
The VN is miles better, but my point still stands
Umineko can be pretty shit, especially Chiru. Episodes 7-8 were only about explaining 50 times the same shit to the reader and 6 was boring.
I guess the first 5 episodes are good, even though many characters have little to no personality.
essential anime kino
Really? I'll admit, characters like Kanon and Gohda, The Seven Stakes, Gertrude and Cornelia, were underwhelming, but for the most part, Ryukishi did well with developing a lot of the characters, especially with a cast that size.
I agree with you on episode 6, the only interesting parts were at the very end with the closet and the wedding.
>listening to a motorad
I didn't find Kanon that bad, especially when you know that he's actually Beatrice/Yasu. The fact that he's a self-loathing boring piece of shit is meant to be part of the character so he's ok in my book.
In addition to Gohda, I think Genji (and actually pretty much every servant), Hideyoshi and everybody in Ange's world (including herself) are worthless as characters.
but honestly I really like Umineko, at least the first half. I simply find it lackluster sometimes
>Life sucks so much in Tokyo 3 holidays are unimportant
>Shinji gets damaged by his old man
>Comes back with a second chance
>Too beta to hit on redhead
>Wants daddy to like him
>Daddy crushes his best friend
>Redhead fucks up
>Comes back because what else is he going to do
>Redhead has narcissistic rage
>Guardian tries to /ss/ him
>Mom friend blew up
>Has a crush on a gay kid but he cruses him
>So depressed he jerked off to Asuka's face
>Becomes god or something
>Puts everyone in the world into a basement
>Mom convinces him to get out of the basement cause its boring
>Everyone lives
>Shinji will have to live life with a sexual predator stigma because of Asuka but hes happy that shes alive
What does it all mean?
>Shinji will have to live life with a sexual predator stigma
literally anyone who might know about that is either dead or shinji
Ideon did it better 17 years before EoE. Anno stole everything from Tomino.
>it's a Sup Forumseddit doesn't know any anime outside of entry level thread
Dont talk shit about Samurai Champloo. Fucking fite me
>>Sup Forumseddit
>do i fit in yet?
She as the mouth. I don't think Shinji would survive in that environment
what are the odds that you'd reply the same thing to me in two different threads. now lee me alon.
I've only been on Sup Forums about a collective twenty minutes of my life and I even I know there are daily Berserk mango and animu threads.
>too scared to post on Sup Forums
so true lmao
the best one is when they're scared of Sup Forums even though its just as accessible as Sup Forums and even their own board
I could probably go find a thread specifically tailored to half of these show on Sup Forums right now
but I'd give my opinions on this chart instead
haven't seen enough to judge
Never got into it enough to tell whether I like it or not
>Death Note
>Gurren Lagann
Original is great new is garbage
I love Lain!
and most of Sup Forums will agree that these are mostly good
Sup Forums = discussion of anime as a storytelling medium and art form
Sup Forums = le cute nekked girls doing cute things xD
literally anyone can shitpost on mu
>guys is this kinoxDD
>what do you think of this entry level cartoon thats been talked to about death
Don't even imply for a second you're actually a Sup Forums poster, Sup Forums
I mean seriously
Do you even know the history of the board you pretend to be part of?
pls be bait
>Never got into it enough to tell whether I like it or not
You're not allowed to be here.
Entry level for a reason.
Ghibli, Bebop, Berserk (Original), Champloo, Lain and NGE all deserve to be talked about here because they're outstanding even compared to tv and cinema.
>Ctrl+F "logh"
>0 results
You disappoint me yet again Sup Forums
sorry mang
I didn't start watching into quite a few arcs had passed and had pretty much no idea what was going on
I'll get around to watching DBZ someday
>because they're outstanding even compared to tv and cinema.
Name your top 10 films of all time and 5 television shows(Excluding cartoons). Lets see if truly can make a statement like that
blade runner
the dark knight
fight club
toy story 3
the avengers
the winter soldier
the bourne ultimatum
the force awakens
I don't watch TV shows
Any non-pseudo-intellectual can tell you that anything, including cartoons, comic books, anime, music, anything, can reach the level of literature and film in terms of artistic integrity, and your taste in whatever medium doesn't make the statement any less objectively correct.
All other anime is weeb shit.
In his mind he knew in that moment...
You're a pleb
Not because of your picks, but because you're afraid of posting your real ones
you're a pleb for not recognizing a false flag
I think so too.
the slow buildup to CONGRATULATIONS as the climax was unprecedented for me
End of Evangelion is a 10/10 masterpiece if you already have seen and like evangelion. If you have not seen the show it's an easy 5/10
Go watch Princess Mononoke and after that kill your self.
There are two types of millennials.
The ones that saw all of DBZ when it was on Toonami and everyone else.
Not it's garbage aping actual kino