Where did it all go so wrong for us?

Where did it all go so wrong for us?

mods pandered to the memes

now the only meme I look forward to is the blacked and scatporn shitposting

Falling Scarjo is our meme.


the good guys won

>Kubrick is reddit.

Maybe this isn't the superior site.

Blacked isnt funny when everyone is eager and loves it. Just like baneposting it was only funny when it pissed people of and made massive rants about it

The kino and pleb/patrician meme ruined this place
If you disagree with me, then you faggots can fuck off

Paulsons 2011 survey
Game of Thrones stream beggers from that one site
Game of Thrones lazer eyes bringing in even more of them making this a "hub"
Big Bang Theory comics
For You
Breaking Bad becoming huge with everyone for some reason and then bringing them all here for some reason
For You turning into baneposting
Hannibal/dr who general bringing in tumblr
The Fappening
Baneposting bringing in twitter memers
Star Wars episode 7 ""leaks""

Also Sup Forums getting blown out by their mods and then having to come here(takes place before episode 7 leaks)

>Blacked isnt funny
who said anything about it being funny?

This is accurate
All this has resulted in the board becoming as fast as Sup Forums

The Sup Forums outlaw cancer came here and made camp

Is that a surprise? Cinema is a plebeian medium.

Then why did you and all these other plebeians only show up in the last 2 or so years if the boards been around for almost 10?

What is based Mishima's head doing there?

>shiggy not Sup Forums

nu/pol/ aids is the problem and the election that has blanketed several boards. rlm has been on Sup Forums making fun star wars for a long time. but waifus where always here .

Memes are better than shitty entry level arthouse hacks like Parajanov.

t. meme hustler

t. Tarkovsky fan

>memes are better than actual films

holy shit this

the allies won

an insightful list. But the premise is wrong.

Sup Forums has not changed a bit since 2011. In fact i'd say it's pretty healthy. The only real thing that detracted from quality in the last year was the Pest/Leguizamo shit and we doxxed those fuckers tout suite.

Sup Forums-- you're gonna be alright

when Sup Forums and Sup Forums came along, emblematic by the amount of marvel fans here.

>tfw I like Sup Forums more when it's shit
>tfw people complaining about it just makes it funnier to me
I'll see you lads later tonight when a Goodfellas garlic thread gets derailed into Jack WebMs.

>Sup Forums has not changed a bit since 2011

awww rats. the lingo has changed daddy-o. I'm so behind the times!

>Sup Forums has not changed a bit since 2011

No fun allowed mods forced everyone off Sup Forums and now we're here until Sup Forums mods do the same thing :^)

You must be new here. You'd be right by saying Sup Forums being shit is good about a year ago. But the shitness is getting out of hand.

I'm all for shitposting threads and memes but the increased bbc threads, kino threads and marvel vs dc threads makes the board unbearable.

Remember when liking superhero movies was just reddit? Now its a versus thing which proves the increasing influx of redditors

Around 2009.

>i only like certain types of shitposting the other types are shit


thing is Sup Forums has always been shit but it was natural, homegrown shit. There were annoying memes that were spammed to death, the unfunny copypastas and "what is that, a scar?" posted hourly, but they were unique and part of our culture.
Now the board is dominated by the tastes of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums talking about their shitty identity politics and twitter drama. The front page on a bad day is indistinguishable from GG-era Sup Forums

Who bis that chink beauty in the bottom right??

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit rumors
>Star Wars shit whining
>Ghostbusters whining
>shitty show general
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>"movies women will never understand"
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Really makes you think
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*

/film/ never


Fuck board culture and fuck you.

Discuss television or film or get the fuck out.

Looking at this graph I think Sup Forums started to change because of me cause that particular spot in late 2014 is when I started coming here.

>not blacked

get fucked





It's all spam now. 6 pages of Why Sup Forums?
They brought in more faggots from reddit and the like with their
>Big Brother (Sup Forums mods are mean! we can't have them anymore there! we gotta move to Sup Forums - 2012)
>Game of Plebs (2012) (the biggest fucking draw)
>/hor/ror spam, germanfaggot
>flavor of the week/month

woah dude


>Sup Forums has not changed a bit since 2011.
Newfaggot, incorrect. 100% incorrect. Sorry, have a nice day.

We still had threads that lasted a week back in 2011. Now we have 3x as many posts per minute than we do in 2011.


Where is kino on this graph

fixed the image for you

>tfw came to Sup Forums from Sup Forums to banepost

feels good to be a g

>mfw I was posting on Sup Forums before I was posting on Sup Forums and I'll slap you in the fucking mouth

daily reminder the mods are responsible for the downfall of Sup Forums

>waifu that low
I'm trying man, I'm trying.

Who are you quoting, projecting newfriend?

Boxxysan I will post your fucking info again


Here he goes again. I guarantee you are the same autistic mentally ill faggot who always posts this same shit yet won't fucking leave. I can't wait for your inevitable suicide.

When the BB and capemovie threads started i knew it, Sup Forums was lost.

But there is a prophecy. One will come that will deliver Sup Forums out of darkness... at first Sup Forums won't know it and it won't accept it and things would look the darkest before the light.

It's been foretold. It is written!

>newfriend is somehow indicative of a single user

Hello newfriend! Newfag! Whatever, you know these terms have been around for a fucking decade, you simpleton retard?

Here he goes again, the proejcting faggot who thinks he knows shit!

Don't worry
He thinks hes an oldfriend because he tried to force a meme no one gave a fuck about lmao


>Sup Forumsfaggot thinks he isn't part of the cancer

Jesus Christ.

where are these numbers from? I feel like years are incorrect. The cuck meme didn't really start until mid-2015 iirc.

>holy shit this
don't type like that

you're part of the problem

Wasn't talking about the word you used you fucking retard. I was talking about how you always accuse people who have obviously been here longer than you of being new. It's because you're a self hating reddit kike.


Sup Forums actually used to be nearly as elitist as /lit/ and most threads were about high art films and directors. No one even complains about the capeshit here anymore, it's just accepted. Sad days.

Please, tell us what you think you're talking about "oldfag".

some random other thread
I accidentally posted the wrong image but I don't care to remove it anyway

It was about PPM (posts per minute) and actual post data of times between every 10 millionth post, becoming smaller and smaller

>anything friend

you are literally cancer

What meme? Are you pulling random buzzwords out of your ass?

If you started posting here after 2008 you're a fucking newfaggot. If you use terms like newfriend and oldfriend instead of newfaggot and oldfaggot you're a fucking newfaggot.

jesus christ its only last year but it seems outdated as fuck already
isn't Sup Forums the second fastest board now?


Sup Forums might actually be the fastest now, I don't think there are any Sup Forums and Sup Forums archives that have traffic statistics though so I don't know for sure.

That board has been ruined by /r/TheDonald

I've been shitposting there recently due to the upcoming election, and its fucking crazy how fast it is. Threads hit bump limit or die in less than an hour.

theres the "the Sup Forums ar*hive"
>Last Hour/Posts per Minute

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

the -friend terms were used as satirical remarks to piss off newfaggots, that's why it took over as the term for a while briefly between 2009-2011 for a lot of boards

the word "faggot" holds no weight anymore


If you use the term newfag or newfaggot then you are the problem and you were the problem before.

look at this new hothead


Fuck off back to /r/cuck with the other reddit niggerlovers.

Sup Forums IS Sup Forums
Sup Forums IS Sup Forums

ironic shitposting is still dumbfuck shitposting


>Sup Forums harbor just made them stronger
great job mootles!

BLACKED is saving this board my redditor friend.

when we killed abatap

newfags will never know :(

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

the fuck is wrong with him typing that you retard



Not him but image related.

>tfw Sup Forums is so contrarian it pretends to hate itself and its own memes but then shitposts those same memes in other threads

>no star trek

You dun fucked up.

Post 2012 Sup Forums

Everyone still on this board came here for the memes and capeshit. It's a Sup Forums dumping ground

Sup Forums is the only board with a thread timer less than 5 minutes. It's a government plot to slide real threads off the top of the catalog or front page.

Thats what you get for trusting people like paulson and eko

Sup Forums :^)

>Pedoposters not even mentioned
It's like coming back to your home town to see it gentrified into oblivion

Rip in peace waifus