This has GOT to be the most cancerous, cringey, edgy music I have ever heard in my entire fucking life. And that's saying something. This is I HOPE YOU KNOW I PACK A CHAINSAW-level Fred Durst motherfucking cancer, I fucking swear man. I mean Get Got was okay, it's your standard fucking hip-hop cringe cancer, but from there it's just fucking downhill. And I mean rock fucking bottom downhill. The Fever, is shit. Lost Boys, is terrible. Fucking shit. Blackjack, ear rape. And Hustle Bones, absolute fucking cancer. I don't even need to go on, because you understand where I'm going. Death Grips is fuckign cancer. They're fanbase, everything about them. I can't believe Sup Forums praises them. I mean, you guys like cancer like Grimes and other absolute cringe shit like Animal Collective, but Death Grips is cringe beyond all other cringe to have evr cringed. I'm not even gonna give this another listen. No, I just can't fucking stand it. I don't even cringe internally. You can see the anguish on my face as I listen to this TERRIBLE, fucking horrid "music". I can't believe this is Sup Forums-core. I'm done with this board. Just fucking done. Like, I cannot express how much I fucking hate Death Grips. It's autistic. It's cringe. I just CANNOT fucking stand it. Like Jesus fuck come on. Holy fuck, man. I need to calm the fuck down, I'm just so irritated. I couldn't make it past The Cage. My ears were bleeding. Almost literally due to the cringefest that was that song. Fucking ow. People told me Hacker is okay, so I listened to that. It was edgy, cringey, and cancerous as fuck. Just pure edge, baseless references to Linen and Things and shit like that. Holy fuck man. And this band has been hailed as the "next best thing" since 2011 and hyped to all shit. Errrrrrgh. Death Grips is cringe. End your lives, please. I am just so flustered that you people can actually enjoy this cringe.
This has GOT to be the most cancerous, cringey, edgy music I have ever heard in my entire fucking life...
Other urls found in this thread:
OP didn't like Interstellar
>Death Grips
I think you got the wrong, the hipster club is two blocks down.
piss off back to sufjan stevens you pansi
Break Stuff is still fun to me, I don't fucking care.
i kind of wish that song was ironically memed like Crawling and Bring Me to Life
Don't you speak about my morning alarm music like that or I will fuck you in half.
aye doe aye doe aye doe
You just don't understand good music.
>Death Grips
>good music
>Glass Breaks
death grips is a bit shit
they're like the ramleh of rap
>see thread
>could have sworn I was on Sup Forums
>check and check again
>fuck this guy and Sup Forums
Death Grips have nothing on "Death" and "Black" metal and the various subgenres associated with them, in the edgy stakes.
wrong board but good copypasta
>get an itch for a new board
>try Sup Forums for shits
>there like (insert non criticism here)
>Implying Jenny Death and Carrie and Lowell weren't the best releases of last year
*inserts english lessons instead*
I mean I guess we do do as much music disccusion as Sup Forums does these days.
It's better than at least half of the other shit that godawful board praises, specifically the p4kcore memerap
sufjan stevens is boring garbage are you serious?
i bet you're a nu-male
Uh, i like em a lot, but p4k clearly championed them
Whats wrong, did Sup Forums insult your entry level dadrock taste?
No, i'm just post ironic. I allow myself to feel.
they never got over a 9 from p4k, i wouldn't call it p4kcore
Fred Durst is great.
oi m8 anco are gr8
what the fuck is death grips
>what the fuck is death grips
neon genesis evangelion of Sup Forums, this should be site-wide knowledge by now, newfag
You could have just said meme music
>neon genesis evangelion of Sup Forums
that's ITAOTS newfriend
at least NGE has some credibility outside of being a meme
this is probably the least death grips death grips song
what's the most death grips death grips song then faggot
probably three bedrooms in a good neighborhood. it has everything; the poppiness, experimentation, abrasiveness, etc. i.e. everything that makes Death Grips good.
the powers that b (title track), hacker, no love, and spread eagle are up there too, though.
how did i know you were gonna say that lel
that song has officially overtaken Hacker as the pleb choice
I'm not wrong though?
What is it in your opinion then, faggot? You'd probably say Anne Bonny or Takyon, neither of which represent ALL aspects of their music.
>implying Takyon isn't the quintessential DG song
>thinks Takyon is the quintessential DG song
>calls others plebs
well all of the songs we mentioned are the pleb choices
if you wanna talk their best then Billy Not Really shits on all of them
it's great but it's easily the most accessible song on NOTM, not that that means anything
I unironically enjoy Have a Sad Cum BB and Big Dipper is fucking killer as well
This post reads like a leafy video
I found the posters insufferable and their memes impenetrable.
>OP said cringe 12 times
>OP said fuck 20 times
>OP said cancer 7 times
first day on Sup Forums?
fuck cuck grips, post atmospheric
people say this board is filled with children, but Sup Forums is filled with nu-male children, a deadly combo
I'm willing to bet this place has more, i mean look at OP's post and tell me that's from a normal, well adjusted adult
Reminder that Sup Forums UNIRONICALLY likes Kanye West and considers him the greatest artist alive.
Sup Forums knows their shit at least, follows music they like
Sup Forums lives in a bubble where the only movie news hey glean is from other commenters
lol k
I only listen to Vaporwave and post avant garde jazzcore Tibetan throat singing but I can say for a fact that Sup Forums is a board populated by nothing but faggots.
Because he is one of the greatest artists working today.
Hating on Kanye West is a Facebook-tier, normie meme. Go share it with your aunt.
Sup Forums is basically /r/hiphopheads when it comes to rap, aka huge faggots
what's wrong with that, buddy
>Because he is one of the greatest artists working today.
how the fuck can anyone over 18 actually think this? it's embarrassing
whereas liking normie is for autistic teenagers who want to be popular.
Jesus Christ
;) ;)
kek. the eternal summer continues
Aww, you guys are so out of touch it's almost cute, if it wasnt so pathetic. Teens don't like Kanye West, he's too old to them. There's a host of younger, fresher rappers. I know he's not humble though, and that's triggering right?
Me and my dad call rap "music" cRap music kek
holy fuck you sound like an incredible faggot
what the fuck
Jesus Christ
His music is still garbage, shit it's barely even his music
Maybe i do like cock