Not even 10 minutes into the Superbowl

>Not even 10 minutes into the Superbowl
>Already been like 5 unamerican commercials

You mean not featuring fast food?


Was there a commercial that killed bald eagles cuz I missed it

OP is probably a troglodyte that thinks a country founded by immigrants should ban all immigration*

*that isn't by white people

>unamerican commercials

For what?salads?

it was founded by immigrants who all wanted to strive to be something better and achieve the american dream. Not blow up buildings, impose sharia, and vote democrat because they expect a handout for simply being here

Founding father's didn't consider nonwhites people.

Filthy mestizo detected.

*founded by white christian immigrants

fuck off leftist cuck. We are full.

Fox Sports Go is glitched and isn't showing ads. Watch it there if you don't want to get triggered.


>foudned by immigrants
What country did they immigrate too exactly?

Also, you're a fucking retard, every country is founded by immigrants.

considering watching this for the Sup Forums butthurt

damn Brazil you made me spit out my hamburger

gas them all

It was founded and conquered by white christian settlers, who then formed a nation for white christians. 1965 is when the communists undermined all that and killed this country.

>watching the promotional jew

did you expect anything less?

Oy Vey, Everyone deserves to be American. No merit test, just come on in*

*if you agree to vote democrat

>This is what libtard Falcons fans actually believe

>falcon fan
>Georgia went 72% Trump


Fucking underrated

you forgot all the black people they put in that same nation


Sup Forumstards are hilarious

Imagine having plenty of (((people))) throwing millions of dollars at your cause and still believing that you're the beleaguered and victimized one.

Wtf I want to racemix now

What commercials were SJW-tier other than the coke one? I'm watching Fox and they stopped airing commercials after the first bout of them.

They're called cuckmercials

Care o make an argument you faggot leaf?

Should probably be noted that Coke already did this kind of leftist shit last year too. They're a globalist corporation, it's in their interest.

>Care o make an argument you faggot leaf?

We tried to send them all back but Lincoln was killed before he could ship em out.

I fixed my foxgo to play ads because i like being brainwashed