are there any movies about important people with serious health concerns?
Are there any movies about important people with serious health concerns?
what the fuck is that?
its just coughdrops. just ignore poltards
Not a movie, but The Boss is about a Chicago Mayor that is struggling with dementia. It is pretty good, but it got cancelled after 2 seasons.
interesting looking coughdrops.
>we can diagnose Parkinsons based on a few blurry gifs. Trust us, we're internet doctors
There's nothing wrong with Hillary, you alt right cucks. She's perfectly healthy.
I see you're worried about Trumps mental issues.
maybe not parkinson's, but coughing up green mucus is not healthy. people have the right to now what is wrong with the possible future president.
interesting I've never seen cough drops that look like nasty balls of phlegm
reptilian hatching sacs
You do that shit when you have a cold nigger. Is trump immune to germs is that why we should vote for him?
and people have the right to know about a possible future president's business dealings but good luck getting Trump to release his tax returns
reptilian cunt
so you are saying she has a cold?
>You do that shit when you have a cold nigger.
If you cough up green mucus with a cold you should go see a doctor
>you do that shit when you have a cold
I'm really tired of this sort of dumb alt right rhetoric that alt righters keep spewing. She's a normal person, you alt right conspiratards.
Same issue with getting hillary to release who health records
watch the nbombs
>people have the right to now what is wrong with the possible future president.
OK, where's Trump's medical records?
Have you seen the speech? She was talking before her coughing fit and never did she put any cough drops in her mouth. If they had been in her mouth the hole time, you'd have heard it when she spoke.
nice false flag.
Literally Halls mentholated cough drops. I've got one in my mouth right now because I always get sick when the fucking seasons start to change like clockwork.
Not voting for Shillary either so don't try that shit, there's just actual reasons to know she's a horrible human being and not because she coughed up cough drops when she was choking during a speech.
the same worms from the strain
the alt right is disgusting
he released a bill of health
rest coming up
No you wouldn't. What kind of babymouthed inbred are you?
Well Trump seems healthy for an old fat guy. Find footage like this and I would be concerned too.
But honestly we don't know what we are getting with him and I will take that over knowing she is anti gun and wants to let more Muslims in than Obama or Merkel so her health isn't my biggest fear.
Kek. This is exactly what I thought of
Why do you redditors keep posting here? How scared of Sup Forums can you be? You do know that IDs mean they can only tell who you are in one thread and thats it right?
No one is going to dox you
why would she spit out cough drops right after a coughing fit?
The only infestation this board should be worried about is stupid fucking Sup Forumsbeards making these threads and them not being deleted even though they are not Sup Forums related.
Sage, report, filter.
>You do that shit when you have a cold
But she said at that very speech it was because of allergies. No one does that shit due to fucking allergies. Either it's just a cold and she proved once again that she is a compulsive liar, or she is seriously ill and doesn't want people to know. The fact that she's had these coughing fits for months lets me believe it's probably the latter.
Since when did Sup Forums get infested with redditors?
Jesus fuck
You wouldn't notice if someone had 2 giant fucking cough drops in their mouth while speaking? Are you retarded?
That is disgusting. No way I'm voting for some grandma.
Sup reddit. Welcome to Sup Forums.
The Aviator.
As Good As it Gets
>10 000 years from now
>civilization finally managed to rebuild itself after the big disaster
>technistorians trying to figure out the context of how it happened
>they find this thread
maybe it was paint
so much butthurt in so few words
>The only infestation this board should be worried about is stupid fucking Sup Forumsbeards
Yeah cause the sexualization and cyber stalking of real life children is perfectly fine, as is harbouring pedophiles, but discussing politics before an upcoming election is so fucking terrible. Retard.
well considering the first one doesn't happen and even if it did there's no way for Sup Forums posters to know about it or stop it
yes, you inbred hicks breaking containment is the bigger problem
Has Hillary been impregnated by any extradimensional monsters as of late?
Perhaps that's where the health issues stem from
I think those are just jokes, user
Why are you using racist slang you fucking bigot
t. summerfag tourist
i think i'm sick
why is the woman puking into her glass?
underrated post
she's spouting memes, literally reddyt
there are actual doctors commenting on it though
>It is not appropriate for a physician to make a diagnosis at a distance.
>Note on authorship:
>The author of this document is a board-certified Anesthesiologist with 36 years of experience. That brings with it the ability to understand medical discussions, but not the expertise to evaluate PD signs and symptoms.
whoa you sure showed me with all of this expertise. It's not like your source unequivocally says they aren't qualified to say the things they're saying
>It is not appropriate for a physician to make a diagnosis at a distance. But since the evidence in the public record so strongly suggests that HRC has moderate to advanced PD, it is imperative that HRC release her complete medical record to an impartial panel of physicians for review. It is not necessary for the public at large to see them. Such a panel should be secure in its deliberations and should present a summary to the public. If she has PD, the panel would know and it would be made public. If not, then the air would clear.
you left out the part about how she should release medical records if she's doing so well
>Bloggers will get fucking executed if they damage Hillary's image
but I thought it was her allergies? This has been an ongoing thing for a decade. She's been fighting allergies over the counter for over a decade? You could just go get a shot. Funnily enough the pollen levels in Cleveland were incredibly low.
Remember in '08 when John McCain was roasted endless for being an old fuck who wouldn't live through his first term? Well, never mind that he's still alive eight years later, but he was only three months older then, than Hillary is now. But no ones aloud to say anything about her health. Remember when Rubio got laughed out of the nomination process for taking a sip of water at the podium, once? We have 10+ years of Hillary hacking her brains out on live TV but
>never had a cold
i like how all the "Drumpf release your tax return" suddenly disappeared
>board-certified Anesthesiologist
I worked as an orderly for a year or two in college. The Anesthesiologists one and only job is to make sure they don't kill anyone when they put them under. They don't participate in surgery, they don't diagnose a fucking thing, they're very narrow specialists. They are as qualified to comment on shit like this as a dentist.
Not a single argument in sight, captain!
that's exactly what I'm saying. user claims "but we have real doctors who definitively diagnosed her with Parkinsons" but all they had was a glorified technician saying "eh maybe it sort of looks like the symptoms, but we need a lot more to go on before someone with more training than me can be sure"
>m-muhh tax returns Dahnald!!!
The IRS sees his taxes every year. If there was something up we'd know by now.
fucking sam *cough* MMHMMMHMM hyde worsh- MMGGHHRRHH RHHHH worshipping *cough cough cough* fags. Get off my b- HAck HAckk BOARD REEEEEEEE- AH HMMRNGH ACK AGHHH
okie doke
>green mucus colored cough drops
thanks for correcting the record ;)
Reminder reptilians are depositing this in your water supply, they literally line up around a giant metal pool full of water spitting into it and that goes right into your sink and shower.
>sTrumpets trying to John McCain Hilldog
>tfw Trump supporters already know Trump has no chance of winning so their last hope is Hillary dying from some disease
This is sad.
Thank you for Correcting the Record™, 0.02c have been deposited in your Open Foundation account.
What did (((they))) mean by this?
They still have to pass medical school, you fucking retard. So do dentists.
her immune system is obviously shit. healthy people don't constantly get colds. trump has been going for a year and nothing happens to him where he needs to be rushed offstage during a speech.