Now that the dust has settled, was it kino, reddit, or full JUST?

Now that the dust has settled, was it kino, reddit, or full JUST?

>inb4 triggered Sup Forums

It was a piece of shit

Piece of shit

Blue-pilled Zionist propaganda.

So sayeth the kino god.


Boring garbage

Piece of shit, only people who like this are manchildren who have no life

It was stylistically pleasant with good imagery and audio and symbolism etc., but aside from that it was a garbage story with dumb plot devices and retarded characters. It felt like Zack Snyder used any excuse that came into his mind to make the story progress just so he could get to his next precious action scene.

Great movie. Too much left to the viewer to interpret for people to truly understand it I think.

It was okay. It didn't set any bars, but a mongoloid could enjoy it in full viewing.


Mel is a cool guy but he's wrong about BvS.

The sign of a cuck is following blindly the first alpha male they see in front of them.

Absolute trash only praised by those that know nothing about cinema

What is it about Mel?


Cucks are going crazy because he said in an interview that BvS is shit.

what makes you say that?

Found it boring and too heavy handed like it was trying too hard to be deep when it hadn't earned it. Some cool parts like the warehouse batman fight but the rest was pure shit and all over the place

nothing but a solid 5/10 flick
not as good as it should've been
not the disaster shill critics makes it out to be

As a wiser man once said, "It's a piece of shit"
Think that pretty much sums it up.
Back to with your superheroes

What does BvS have to do with Sup Forums?


Dunno whats the big deal around marvel and dc
its just the "cool thing" that sell atm at the end of the day its just a business and the only thing important when you draw the line are numbers

bout dc and marvel had some really ruff years and where broke cant blame them for selling out and making shit movies from they best stories
good book writers do it all the time