What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
get back to work you lazy bitch
please pay attention to me and forget about the problematic things my friend dunham said
How easy is the transition from loose pussy dirty joke comedy specials to DNC social commentator?
She's desperate for attention because she has no jokes
can someone who apparently knows more than comedy than I do explain WHY other comedians like her? why does nobody go after how shit she is? colin quinn, patrice even doug stanhope nobody gives her shit
what is stopping them besides career suicide? this shit is a setup
that's Melissa mccarthy?
What's the benefit of going after her?
It's risky since she has (((others))) that would side with her.
>make some snark comment about how she is unfunny
>she goes on Twitter rampage and a bunch of news articles are published bringing up "off-color" jokes you said in 2012
Because they have nothing to gain and their routine would only get worse if they addressed what you consider an issue. Not everyone wants to become famous by whining about anything they don't like.
because she's hot as fuck and they don't wanna ruin the chance to fuck her in the future
She somehow became the darling of Hollywood overnight. I hate saying because it's (((Hollywood))) because I feel that's a cop out. But it's getting hard to think otherwise.
If anyone went after her they'd effectively be kicked out of show business. See: Mel Gibson
It's not just because she's Jewish, but she also is playing the exact role that they want out of a female comedian.
She has officially entered the ellen Page club, now jlaw has a friend in the club to talk to
If you can call yourself a feminist without getting your hand chopped off? You don't need feminism.
1) There is not one example of men and women not being equal
2) She's too fat to be so obnoxious
3) EVEN IF men and women weren't equal? It would be in favor of women, and men be the ones who would want equality for themselves, to be as equal as women.
Being against modern """""feminism""""" makes me insane.
They have voting rights. They're getting top-tier jobs as CEOs in some cases and I work in retail and see them promoted insanely fast.
The absolute last thing they have to complain about is absolute equal pay. Yet, the entire movement touts that pretty quietly while screaming about other shit like they're back in the 20s or something. Like wanting to be hugely represented in media. Gender reversed roles for the sake of gender reversed roles even if they probably won't work.
Current feminism should be a laughing stock yet its given attention.
It's a dead movement hijacked by crazies who want attention all the time.
Does that mean move out of the country, or go on vacation to Israel for a week?
Finally, a good reason to vote for Trump
>my liberal politics make it really hard to succeed in show business
Is she /ourgal/?
Are you implying career suicide isn't a legitimate deterrent? Are you brain dead?
The world doesn't think like you dateless wonders. You hate her because she's a woman and aggressively stands for feminism.
Why don't you hate MRA men? Because you're biased. Accept your station in life.
>when it's been 15 minutes and nobody replies to your bait
Ok I'll take the bait. Idk about anyone else on the board but I have nothing against women. if they want equal rights and respect, let them have it, and MRA dudes are just bitter virgins.
But Amy Schumer is a hack and its arrogant as fuck to assume that because people don't identify as feminists or go to rallies that they're automatically "insane" or evil. Feminism is cool, but obnoxious dicks hiding behind liberal ideals aren't
She's just a meme at this point, right?
>Why don't you hate MRA men?
name one
anyway she's not a womens rights activist she's a feminist