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>yet another world war II film

Trips of truth

i'm happier for andrew garfield, he deserves a better career.

No it's a 7/10

(((Who))) didn't like it?

>1 rotten

Is he back?

I wonder who could be behind this review


that kansas line is cheesy though



I'm thinking hes back

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood who's not Mel Gibson?

>Hollywood shunned him
>And now, he's come to save it
>Next summer, Gibson is back in "Told You So"

Me on the far left.

>Likes GoTG

back to rebbit yea.

>>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
that grossed about a billion dollars

goddamn that neck

He didn't say he likes it, he said it's kind of funny


I can't find a >berg
Also his line about how it's unfair that mel doesn't show the humanity side of the Japanese in ww2 bothers me


I'm thinking that he's back.

>have to wait till November 4

for what purpose

It looks ridiculously fucking cheesy, lifetime movie level cheesy. Full of those overly dramatic bullshit moments like the long, solemn salute that hollywood loves to shove into military movies. It looks like it was even filmed with cheap instagram tier filters.

Hello Goldberg.

>Also his line about how it's unfair that mel doesn't show the humanity side of the Japanese in ww2 bothers me

It's a she, also fuck that, the Japanese were the fucking DEVIL in that war, there was nothing remotely human about them.

You're kind of funny.

not goldberg, I didn't even know based gibson directed it. I'm a fan of gibson but not of this cheesy piece of shit. It looks like an even cheesier redux of that movie angelina jolie directed and turned into lifetime movie level cheesy.

That scene where the battalion CO calls the company CO on the radio and asks "why aren't you moving" and he turns slowly and says "we're waiting on private (whatever the fuck that pussies name was) sir" and all of them are looking with admiration at the pacifist is cuh bullshit. You're letting the other company's move without your support endangering hundreds of lives so you can have a little sobfest over a fucking private dealing with war? he would be relieved on the spot. It's painfully cheesy pandering lifetime movie shit I don't know how you guys don't see that even if it is mel.

But you can SELL him.

wtf i love spiderman now

why would he join the army if he doesn't want to kill anyone? just don't join the army

Are you fucking stupid?

this is basically God's not Dead 3 in disguise to make it look like a better movie

Don't even link me or my son's post again.

No are you?

So.....anyone else instantly lose interest the second "based on the incredible true story", or some other variant appears?

Yes are you?

Thats alota rednecks!

Yes, basically guarantees it's going to be an overdramatic cheesy hollywood re-imagining.

I don't know are you?

This. Gibson's a good director, but this looks boring as shit. And who wants to watch Garfield trying to be a lead, especially in a war film?

Mel is literally saving cinema one film at a time.

How mad is the jew right now?

From the trailer it does look like a schmaltzy war epic, but there are slivers of a good film in there. I think that has more to do with the way the film is being marketed, in any case we should all wait and see.


nobody. it's gibson penance to the kikes so they'll let him back into hollywood

He's been doing penance for years, I thought jews loved money over jewpride. Mel gibson makes movies people love to see, you would think the money he's made them would be all the penance he has to do, why make a shitty cheesy movie.

This movie is going to be amazing. Rewatch Braveheart if you don't think so.

I dislike Garfield and am biased against him but I trust Mel Gibson to make an amazing movie and the story that this is based on is really heroic and entertaining. I don't like the actor's face but I expect the movie to overcome that.

I already forgot it was Garfield by the time he had his helmet on.

This is going to be really good.

What's the last good WWII movie that came out?


Nah, braveheart always looked bad ass. It had just the right amount of cheesiness. This legit looks like a movie that should be on Oxygen, lifetime or oprah winfrey channel. I see a ton of cheap overdone filters combined with extremely cheesy dramatic scenes.


The pacific if you count mini-series.

Letter's From Iwo Jima

If it leads to him finally making his viking movie I can't say I care how cucked he is.

Hacksaw Ridge

Fury was garbage.

What a big nose you have, Mr. Sheinberg!

What are some essential MelKino?

Which of those fine gold diggers will he impregnate next?

Leave Gibsonkino to him

definitely not the one on the right. She is gross with skin that's been tanned in tanning salons since she was 11 and is now already wrinkly and loose and to compensate she tried to get really muscular so now she looks like a muscly, wrinkled orange bag of shit.

One on the left is aryan enough for him tho.

>tfw my jewish gf doesn't let me see this

You mean beaners and shitskins.

The trailer for this movie alone is better than 99% of the shows discussed on this board, holy shit. If the movie is half as good as the trailer makes it look it will be a classic

>not sneaking out and watching it without her knowing

She is jewish, she will know

Really? I thought it was really sappy, the narration came off too close to TTRL

What kind of doublethink accounts for the alt right celebrating the reviews of a Mel Gibson movie after tens of thousands of man hours tantruming that reviews are a liberal conspiracy? Reminder that no one on Sup Forums is intelligent enough to be considered human.


>not convincing her to visit family for the day/hang out with friends far away while watching the movie

The last good director in Hollywood.

>What's the last good WWII movie that came out?
Movie? I don't know. Band of Brothers, however, was quite good and I think the TV format is a lot better for telling these kinds of stories.

>movie about real MOH recipient
>looks pretty based initially
>"starring Andrew Garfield"

Why does Mel Gibson have to ruin literally everything?

Damn, now Sup Forums has to find something else to hate this movie

The Pacific was amazing.

I still need to watch that...

The Pacific was fucking shit, holy crap.

I used to think it was pretty good when I was in high school, but there were things that I slowly began to realize. It's a poorly shot mess full of garbage acting and shit dialogue.

I tried watching it in high school and dropped it half way through. Then I picked it up again in college and dropped it before episode 10. That show sucks cock.


>Gibson's a good director

No he isn't. He's a paint-by-numbers hack who got accolades because he used to be a young popular actor.

>Sup Forums level IQ judging anything

The Pacific is brilliant unless you're a retarded manchild. Go back to your containment board.

We Were Soldiers
What Women Want

What? What the fuck are you smoking?

Is that TI West in the background?

Is Mel the most consistently good director around atm

I know he makes films sporadically but every one is a masterpiece

How the fuck can you like band of brothers and hate the pacific? How can you dislike either one? They're by far the best hollywood production on war ever done.

Martin McDonagh

Every mexican and hispanic person i know has seen that movie at least 2 times. Not to mention their entire family.

No one ever denied that Mel has talent. He has it in spades. He's just also an alcoholic wife beating racist too.

The Pacific just had better production values, the CGI didn't look as bad in that show. Everything else was better in BoB. Characters, storytelling, the antagonists,editing, pacing, the whole nine yards. TP fell flat in almost every regard if you actually paid attention to it and didn't turn your brain off.

no porn movie, it's a Natgeo documentary film

>if you didn't turn your brain off

Apparently yours was off the entire time watching the pacific then, you're a moron if you actually think that. The story of easy company was a little more dynamic but the pacific covers some of the most amazing battles and stories on the pacific front, it's goddamn brilliant.

Why are "racist" people more talented?

Those are some cheap racks alright...

Hmm, let's see:

> the jews let the cucked Mel make a big budget film, finally, but it's about the goddamn WW2
> the main actor is a filthy ratfaced jew
> le "10 min standing ovation" meme
> reeks of pretentiousness already
> people still think Mel is one of us

Not even once. Why would I watch a jew approved movie about WW2 from the cucked Mel Gibson?

>it's goddamn brilliant.

Whatever you say, user.


>andrew garfield
>andrew garfield trying to do that accent while keeping a straight face