Chevy chase checks himself into rehab


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He's ballooned up since Community hasn't he.

I don't get how old people can handle being alcoholics. I'm 30 and a hangover knocks me out for 2 days.

Drinking is probably why a good number of people gain a ton of weight.

The other is eating disorders / being born into a family where food is love.

People with hangover genes like you usually never become alcoholics, I'm guessing

you don't get hangover if you don't stop drinking

I tried to watch Fletch. It was boring and unfunny. Reminded me of those shitty bargaining bin movies in those DVD collections no one likes.

>6 minutes ago

OP what kind of life do you lead

your body adjusts to the intake

He should have checked these digits instead.

I use feedly to stay up to date with the latest kinos

Is there other celebrities who were named after a car brand?

Yeah. Henry Ford.

Dave Mustang

I'm 28 and I can drink half a gallon of hard liquor a day and be good the next. Alcoholism is a bitch.

Sorry, a quarter gallon. Not half. That's alcohol poisoning tier.

I have both of those problems and manage to keep it below fatass levels although im not in shape. everyone in the family is huge until middle age and then develop a laundry list of conditions that they all attribute to "genetics". I endeavour to eat healthier and cook my own food, but its hard when everyone around you fills the house with garbage. my brother stopped be recently and flat out refused to eat anything other than meat. he's 40, still smokes a pack a day, drinks nothing but soda and looks like shit.

JUST doesn't apply here, if he's checking into rehab then he's actively improving his lot in life. Check your memes at the door if you can't use them properly.

Perry Saturn

Alkies don't really get hungover.

What's your favorite comedy ?

I drink nightly and get up for work every morning without a hangover.... However, I'm perpetually depressed and wake up anxiety ridden all the time. Booze probably plays a part.

"Alcoholism" is just a made-up medical condition created by feminists to control alpha males.

>you don't get hangover if you don't stop drinking
This is indeed the secret.
Alcoholics don't have more tolerance for alcohol. They get sick as shit when they stop drinking. And it gets worse as you grow older. My neighbor would puke his guts out every night at 3am and he was near 70.

Well, seeing how alcohol and benzos are the only two drugs that can literally kill you if you quit cold turkey, I'd wager that Mr. Chase is making a major improvement in his life.

Get ready.
It's usually in threads like this that you discover that half of Sup Forums is made of sad alcoholics.
Probably more than half for Sup Forums.

Jokes on you, I'm a sad stoner.

We get hangovers when we don't drink.

>have the personality of a hermit crab when sober
>everyone genuinely likes me more when I'm drinking... especially myself
>user you drink too much

How else am I supposed to cope with being a dumb 25 year old incel kissless virgin who works a literally shitty job?

I had to google that.

>Every time I see my uncle he asks why I don't drink.
>You're not a Muslim, are you?
>It's like a weird obsession. He just doesn't see how someone would not drink.
>He's pretty quirky, so whatever.
>After many years of this, my sis tells me he's an alcoholic who starts drinking as soon as he's out of bed.
Feel kinda of dumb for not realizing that myself.

Porsche also built stuff for Nazi Germany. Also, IBM was involved with the Holocaust when it came to some sort of numbering system for Jewish prisoners.

>The Holocaust never happened.
>But we need IBM to build us a concentration camp database system because of reasons.

Not sure if you're claiming that I'm claiming that the holocaust didn't happen. There's an entire book on this.

Also if I recall, they found IBM owned equipment on site at Auschwitz, but this may be a false memory.

Well it actually did, in places like Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.

But to the jews? Absolutely not. That claim is a proven fraud, perpetuated by war propaganda run wild.

I wasn't.

I was commenting on this idiot right there.


Oh, the projection.

Try to come up with a valid argument next time.

I don't get it either. I used to never get hungover when I was like 18-24, but I'm 28 now, and I feel like absolute shit the next day, and not quite right the day after that.

Cucked by time, I guess.

kek. yeah money = corruption. christians put jews in charge of money because they thought their imaginary friend would like it. whats the great mystery? now theyre an entrenched system.

Christians had nothing to do with that. The Federal Reserve Act was passed by a small quorum of bought and paid for corrupt legislators, mostly without the knowledge or understanding of the vast majority of Americans, late at night, and on a holiday.


If all they wanted to do was kill them, then why did they go to all the trouble of numbering them, shipping them to camps, delousing them, and feeding them when a cheap and quick bullet to the head would do the trick?

Really makes you think, huh?

It would take me six days to drink a 1.75L bottle of 100 proof vodka. When I reached five days I quit.

I thank God or Allah or L. Ron Hubbard every day that it was easy for me to just stop like that.