/narcos/ general

What did you think of this season?
Fav character?
Fav episode?
Prediction and speculation for S3 & S4?

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El Chapo story when?

Pablo did nothing wrong

I want to be in Los Pepes.

Its not too late

>ywn be in a right wing death squad marching across the landscape exterminating dirty communist scum.

Tata is best girl

Ive only seen the first episode of the second season
Spoiler that shit from now on

tata a shit

maritza best girl

What did you think of this season? very good
Fav character? Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela
Fav episode? the last one, the part when Orejuela asks Tata if she knows how much money and properties Pablo left her... (grandísimo hijo de puta jajaja)

Prediction and speculation for S3 & S4? no fuking idea


She's such a qt

Esobar dies in the last episode of the season.

Thanks asshole

>tfw Wanger won't be back next season
it hurts

Read this.


Bad bait

Why does he look so awkward in that picture? His pose is all fucked.

Am I the only one who likes Murphy?

who cares, we get based Gilberto and Miguel and also Pacho

Nah I liked him this season. He was more tolerable than the last.


Thought it was pretty funny that even the money he left for his father, somebody had to die to get it

>It's a Los Pepes call you tell you mission accomplished episode


Nah it's too late.

ayo tv, orale, it's us, los pepes, it ain't safe no mo for you


S3 will be Peña vs Cali cartel it seems

also best character is based Horacio Carrillo

Don Berna pls

S3 and S4 are gonna be Cali cartel. Since its now 93' it'll take another 5 years til the Cali Cartel is done for

Límon is great

real ass nigga to the end

Too bad that he wasn't too bright though, but he was a real bro.

Hopefully season 2 will be remembered as one of the best, the only flaw I can think of is that its pace is wildly different from S1 due to the time span. But the charm of this show, the way every character is humanised (except Poison), the crazy shit that happens that turns out to be true to life, the cinematography, the music. Top tier.

S2 is god tier definitely.

then fuck off and watch the rest faggot

Pablo's final days were probably one of the finest moments on tv. The scenes with his father were great.

Is this the best show out? GoT is good, but Narcos is fucking GOAT

This and The Americans are god tier

>mfw they'll have to show Amado Carrillo landing a flotilla of boeing 727s filled to the brim with Cali's cocaine in the Mexican desert
>mfw they show that one time they had to bury on of the 727s in the desert cause the plane got stuck and the military was coming

I didn't like season 2 for introducing so many characters i was supposed to care about or make me feel sympathy for his mother or wife but otherwise it was pretty solid. The fact that they just killed him and moved on was perfect.

lazy Burn Notice/CBS cop show tier writing and acting

so what happened to tata and pablo's kids irl?

You didn't actually watch this, did you?

changed their names and became nobodies

Moved out of Columbia. Son became an architect and made some Pablo polo's and the money went to the people of Columbia or families affected by his reign

Where did they move?



Well it seems Peña will be back for S3 but what about Murphy?

Well atleast they'll die white.

Wasn't his kid 16 when he died? Why'd they keep him as a little kid in the show?

Also was Popeye or whatever portrayed by anyone in the show? Been reading his Facebook lately

Sad to see Carrillo only be in it for two fucking episodes

Also it sucks that no more Pablo for seasons to come, but at least we'll get more of based Peña, after Carrillo he's the best character

Son became an architect
Daughter is a qt idk what she does though

I want to see the guy who played Carillo play the Punisher

I wonder what the daughters asshole smells like

Holy shit i never thought about that

I cannot remember. What happened to Pablos brother? The one he was talking to on the bench in the final episode. I feel like he got shot as they were leaving a house in season one.

Carillo killed him before his exile I think

Carrillo killed him back in S1. Gustavo was Pablo's cousin but he thought of him as a brother instead.

His cousin. Carrillo killed him after interrogating him according to the show

Like cocaine

Carrillo killed him.

I was conflicted back them because they were my favorite characters.

Season 4

After Cali cartel, who will they cover next? If this show is going over all the cartels them it'll have a lot of source material

ahhh thanks. That pic helped

>Sad to see Carrillo only be in it for two fucking episodes
Fucking this. I can't believe they wasted his character like that.

It'll move up to Mexico which has a lot more cartels but Netflix will most likely not even touch El Chapo's story. I mean Chapo was already looking to make a movie of himself but only how he wanted it to be told and which specific actor he wanted to play the part.

Pena was based af.

Best new tv character since rust.

When they strangled the Lion the look in his eyes as he is being killed was just sad. I know it's a rough business, but I felt sorry for him

You were not supposed to feel sympathy for his wife or mother
Only his kids

>yfw Hugo Martinez is so fucking badass that he was split into two characters, one who is the only man that legitimately scared Pablo Escobar, and then the guy who actually killed him, and both were leaders of Search Bloc

El Chapo is the way to go though.

I felt bad for their accountant who looked scared shitless in every scene he was in this season.

dude, there's so much cartel history in mexico pre chapo they could spend 20 seasons on it before they got to him.

it's only recently (last 5-10 years) that the public in the us is even hearing about the cartels. i lived in las cruces new mexico for 5 years in the late 90s and 00s and juarez was another world even back then. there were routinely mass slaughters of 30+ people in massive firefights - like every week - that were never once reported by any news agency here. that bridge scene in sicario and bodies hanging from bridges es la verdad. that kind of stuff happened all the time back then.

Yeah but they'll probably get death threats.

How can I forget that shit hole, why do women even still live there?

Yeah I know there's more besides the rise of Chapo. It'll be interesting to see but Peña and Murphy will probably get replaced with new characters. Something like True Detective style I guess.

Commencing Los Pepes dump




Where were you when Pepe made his theatrical debut?



Someone needs to shopp the pepes head on these two guys.

S01 the rise of Pablo
S02 the fall of Pablo
S03 the reign of the Cali Cartel
S04 the rise of the Mexican cartels
S05 the Mexican cartels today

>It's another Americans are the good guys again episode



Make your own media and then maybe whatever shithole you come from can be the good guys.

But they're also the bad guys.

Favorite Character: President César Gaviria.

I don't think the setting for S3 and S4 will be in Columbia. It might be a different time different country.

They'll be there. That's were the Cali is at.

I'm three episodes in and I dig this season a lot more than the first.

Sucks to hear that Carrillo is gone so soon

>President César Gaviria
He's the real hero, yes.

After Lara and Galan died, it would take balls of steel to step up, and he did.

Too bad what happened to the Vice Minister though.

What happened to him, I kinda fell asleep

He came out as gay, and then a straight, white, heterosexual, cis male killed him.

>ywn chill with Pablo in La Catedral

who is best girl and why is it commiefu

we were the good guys before obama