What will happen if general audiences love CW Superman more than the DCEU Superman?
What will happen if general audiences love CW Superman more than the DCEU Superman?
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Nothing. Maybe he'll get a spin-off series, but people seem to like that kid that plays the Flash. There no motion to get him into the movies.
It's definitely going to be more traditional.
>was implants
You mean was implants?
>There no motion to get him into the movies.
I wasn't implying that. I have no expectation of that. I was more thinking, would it have an impact on the DCEU approach to the character if this version were crazy popular.
10/10 B R A V O C B S
derek is superman!?
Well, in that case it seems like they're already trying to go lighter in tone. Maybe they just go full CW? I don't know, people will shit on it either way.
What does that mean?
He is a manlet, no one can love a manlet.
Wouldn't you like to know? faggot
hasnt smiled yet and already looks better than Cavill
Totes, because normies hate RDJ, right?
You didn't know?
>people will shit on it either way
That's demonstrably false.
>hasnt smiled yet
He will.
kinda looks asian
>Maybe he'll get a spin-off series
My bets on him not surviving the season, or even better being turned into Bizarro or Doomsday
Well Dean Cain actually was Asian.
>Implying anyone would ever go for this Chaz Bono faggot over based Cavill.
If I wanted it, you'd be dead already.
>turned into Bizarro or Doomsday
Ugh, I hope not. I wouldn't put it past them though, they have a "plan" for the character...
>We had our plan, and we presented it to Warner Bros. and to DC and they were totally supportive of it.
A jobber is a character whose only role is to act as another characters foil and establish their power level.
The Flash and the rest of those shows are already popular and much better received but that hasn't changed anything yet so I don't think another one will.
You know ive always wondered this about Supes. If he is always wearing his super suit under his clothes is he like always pouring sweat and just dying from the heat of wearing layers?
Does this add to his nervousness whr hes Clark?
Like jesus man...spandex is the opposite of comfortable and breathable clothing.
It's the interpretation of the character that matters, not how thick your chub is when you're looking at Cavill's swole bod. No one wants "I could fucking KILL you, grrrrr" Superman, it;s out of character.
this motherfucker is perferct if he winks at the screen I may faint
>The Flash and the rest of those shows are already popular a
>that hasn't changed anything yet
o rly
and cuban and better than Cavill
Off topic, but I always liked the idea that Superman made his costume himself with help from his mom rather than it being a kryptonian relicwith his house sigil that's supposed to be some alien word when it's just a fucking S. Such a stupid fucking idea, it's just a letter S, for Super.
I have seen Supes dive in volcanos full of magma so I'm guessing heat isnt a problem or he can regulate his temperature
Not to be a faggot but this hard female abs meme has gotten out of hand, I don't want to fuck a cockroach, just give me those old Ireland, MacPherson, Crawford, toned yet soft but not actually literally ripped again please.
Why does it matter?
He's only going to be on there for 2 episodes.
And who watches Supergirl for the comic references anyway?
Nothing. There is no way they care going to replace Henry for this manlet. Which kinda explains the fat ass, short people = bigger asses.
>better than Cavill
Not hard. Though Cavill isn't fully to blame.
I know how you feel, but I like the iconography carrying over to any House of El stories, so it's a trade-off.
It's the same body-type, she's just got lower body fat and mixed heritage. Besides, that is "toned", she doesn't have a six pack.
>Cavill isn't fully to blame.
well thats true Snyder is the one directing him to act like a sad, raging asshole
I before seeing already prefer him than Cavill
I'm confident I'll appreciate what they'll try to do, but the show looks shit even by CW standards, so I'm not convinced I'll fully like it.
me too
wow what a faggot does he even lift? Reeves was even beefier
You're not fucking anyone and probably never will
is that what he looks like when affected by kryptonite?
Ooof! Kara you are a proud womyn and much stronger than me
>general audiences
Teenage girls don't make up the "general audience".
CW hasn't been just for teenage audiences for a while, they made a succesful leap to being a genre channel.