Is what she is saying right?

is what she is saying right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, people suck.


If she mostly knows boring men, probably

if her point was women are stupid, then yes.

>women good,men bad

bitter catlady bullshit

She objectifies men, and she takes women seriously.

That's all there is to it.


I envy people who have not seen that full image

really nudges my neurons

there are few extraordinary people in the modern era regardless of sex desu. except donald trump.


She probably watches a lot of romcoms

Muh strong independent womyn

What a load of shit

>why are men like the ones in the FICTIONAL movies i watch
>why aren't the amazing single moms I know written as characters in the movies I consume

“Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'Sup Forums was right again!”

I can't decide what's sadder about this, all the women favouriting this, believing in it and seeing themselves in the tweet, or all the cucky men agreeing with it

No. We're all shit.

men are slightly less shit

lmao who cares what she's saying, she's ugly as sin

it's true

but society already overvalues women while making men disposable so it evens out

No, most Men are not boisterous showoffs who have the desire to rand and rave to the masses about how wonderful they are.
Most Women are like that.

Another slimy kike weasel spewing bullshit propaganda. What a (((coincidence)))

Women don't make films as often and when they do most women don't go see them.

nail on the head my friend

"""she""" is also transgrender

this is what we men get for letting the triumphs of civilization turn us into complacent bitches.

there was a time when this cunt would only know cooking and cleaning and her greatest dream in life would be not to die during childbirth. now we've got twitter and we get to hear her romance novel crib notes.

Nothing special really, having a strong bias towards other women is typical with women. She simply values females more than males and thus perceives women as more deep, insightful etc.

damn, really makes me sick..

Women should try not spending money on movies they dont like. Or they should stop watching shows they dont like. That's what men do. Women don't seem to have any other way of entertaining themselves then watching what men provide.




That thing is full of shit. Plenty of extraordinary women in film and very few in real life.

If she was a he and said the opposite they'd have his head on a spike.

it's a he

MtF's are usually male bashers
their masochistic self-deprecation and inadequacy is what made them transition in the first place

/pol is never gonna hit these numbers