I was a radio DJ, and a music reviewer for a lot of years...

I was a radio DJ, and a music reviewer for a lot of years... and I can honestly say that the overall best and of all time... is Ween.

And the best album from that band came out 20 years ago this month... The Mollusk.

So let's celebrate the 20th anniversary of the greatest album from the greatest band of all time. "The Mollusk"

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"We thought of Storm Thorgerson from Hipgnosis, who did Dark Side Of The Moon, the Zeppelin records, and all the Floyd records. He went to art school with those guys. We went to the best, we asked for the best, and Elektra coughed up the money. When Storm heard the record, he personally called me and said, “I didn’t know such a band existed.” He had done a Cranberries and a Phish record recently in the ’90s, and he just delegated the shit to other people at that time. He said, “I’ve found the band with the spirit that I like.” He was so into it, and all the calls came directly from him. He amended his contract to say, “I want to do everything, and I won’t charge anymore. I want to do every poster, every ad, any promo CD, single, picture discs, whatever.” If you go back and find any print adds associated with The Mollusk, all the artwork is unique to him.

We toured in England, and after a gig in London, I think he was with his son or Harry Waters. He got so drunk and must have kissed me 50 times. He said, “You guys are the band. You’re the rightful heirs to Floyd and Zeppelin.” It was the highest praise, and it was real! His assistant said, “You’ve got to understand. He hasn’t seen a show in fucking years. He thinks everything is shit,” which is basically how I feel with age. The record really vindicated us; to get that reaction from the old-school meant so much."

Best Ween album? I don't know man. I don't think I can choose.

I've already chosen for you. The Mollusk.

I'm gonna be controversial here and give it to White Pepper

I think it has the greatest diversity of sound while still maintaining a consistent level of quality

also La Cucaracha is crazily underrated

nigga, u crazy. White Pepper is the favorite album of normies. "Most accessible"
La Cucaracha is underrated though, for sure.

>I was a radio DJ, and a music reviewer for a lot of years
implying that means that your opinion matters

Best is Quebec, Mollusk is a close second best.

could be. due to the fact that he's dedicated part of his life to music listening

i'm sure a lot of the people here have 'dedicated part of their lives to music listening'
i just think it's a bit grand for him to come here and tell us what the best band/album of all time is as if his opinion is fact and he's the most knowledable person about music in the world

it does. people literally paid me to tell them my opinion on music. that makes me a professional opinion haver. which makes my opinion a professional.
is your opinion a professional?


check this one out:
"Parliament-Funkadelic was one of the greatest bands of the 70s"

now you owe me 20 bucks. PRO OPINION strikes again.

Nah I still can't choose. But I will contribute something to this appreciation party.

no, seriously... you're right. I've actually said the same thing for a while... "critics" are usually just failures in their respective fields. Music critics are usually failed musicians, film critics are failed directors/writers, art critics are failed artists. It's just an attempt to try to still be part of the whole scene.

Whatever though, Ween still is the best band ever.

nice. dressed to impress.

Honestly I was already wearing the hoodie when joining this thread but I might have pulled the hat out of the washer before running out to my car for the photo opportunity. Trifecta. The waking of all creatures that live on the land.

could not agree with this guy more

probably quebec or the pod for me

white pepper is great too

I'm the OP too. I was a music critic/music writer for a long time... and I realize the whole "critic" scene is basically bullshit. It's generally pretentious guys who never "made it" and still want to belong, so they act like their opinion means something... which sort of places them ABOVE the actual artists in a way.

Still though... it has it's place. Any type of analysis has it's place. People want to hear the opinion of someone who knows something about whatever field it is. It is what it is. But that's it.

Well critics are traditionally useful because you can't trust the regurgitated radio-loving the-more-times-I'm-forced-to-hear-it-the-more-I-like-it opinion of the masses or you get some bullshit like Justin Bieber. If you trust someone's opinion on stuff because you kind of know them and the things they've suggested before worked out, that's okay. But it's almost entirely irrelevant now that there's computer algorithms to do that same that and give suggestions based on what you already like. The science isn't perfect yet and that's why I'm on Sup Forums.

based storm. he was always my favorite album visuals artist

>there's computer algorithms to do that same that and give suggestions based on what you already like
do you know any good websites that do this? i don't trust the spotify playlists because i listen to a lot of stuff for the first time on spotify that i end up not caring for so it's not representative of my actual music taste. same with last.fm really

Ocean man

None is perfect yet of course but there are hundreds of them so you're bound to find something good. I just typed "program that recommends new music based on things you like" into a search engine and got tastedive.com/ labnol.org/internet/find-similar-songs-and-music-artists/10825/ gnoosic.com/ and pages more hits, also here's a link about this exact topic with many many more links. inspiredm.com/20-fantastic-ways-to-find-new-music-that-you-like-no-lastfm-pandora-inside/

>tfw never heard a single ween song until earlier this week
>decided to give them a try out of boredom
>started by listening to pic related because I like the cover
>holy fuck this is incredible
>go on interwebs and learn it is their most difficult, polarizing, and "brown" album
>afraid to try listening to any of their other albums since they might not be dirty enough

Where do I go from here?


Pic related

bump cause i love this shite too

I love when Ween fans have a discussion about their best album because all anyone can ever say is "Yeah, that one's awesome too."
Such a legendary band

More accessible doesn't always mean not the best. Just look at The Velvet Underground. Best album is their third one!

ive only heard the mollusk and i love it easy 9/10 but WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE BOYS?


Just listen to all of it in order

Yeah the answer is everything. The older stuff is, um... raw / jammy. The newer stuff is... far out too but more, uh, normie-able / more composed.

White Pepper has a lot of mediocre songs imo, basically every track between Bananas and Blow and Stay Forever, it does have good songs though. Flutes of Chi is one of their best tracks imo

Probably GodWeenSatan and after that Pure Guava. Everything after Pure Guava would probably be too clean sounding for you.

Only contenders are The Mollusk, Chocolate & Cheese, The Pod, and Pure Guava.

Everything else is sub 9/10.

i've only seen Ween once
it was this last July 1st
dean said they were gonna do something they've never done before and talked about The Mollusk's anniversary
then they played the entire album
holy shit dude i still can't believe it

yeah its white pepper then mollusk second for me, but im a bit biased because i got a signed white pepper vinyl

underwhelming; sounds like ween but with half of what makes it great missing

Quebec then Chocolate and Cheese as a close second.

I've been listening to Pure Guava recently though and its a lot better than I remembered. Love this song:youtube.com/watch?v=ijLy5bF5jzY

>multiple ellipses

Did Ween give you brain damage

Damn, didn't even know this existed. Listening now. Pretty good so far. Can't be worse than FREEMAN, anyway. What a piece of crap.