What's the "Brexit" all about?

Hey, Sup Forums, what's the brexit stuff all about? What's there to win, what's to lose, for both the EU and Britain respectively? Britbings, what's the situation six weeks before the referendum in your country, are there already tendencies towards in or out?
Also, Brexit general, I guess.

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Watch the movie, then ask questions,

Fear is keeping us in.
Freedom is the prize but at cost.

Are we all Europeans now in the UK?
Or are we just British?

> Which is preferred?

Make your decision known on June 23rd, brit/pol/

get BTFO Sup Forums =D

The only thing to break is your chains UK

the fact that cameron literally sent mail to everyone's house begging to vote to stay in is a good sign we have to vote to get out.

more immigrants to uk = stay
less immigrants to uk = leave

>UK becomes white again.
>Immediately exits the EU
A damn shame.

Oh geez, looks like I'm voting remain now guys :DDD

So many cucks on my Facebook has been sharing this.Its bullshit. The Vienna treat of 1969 treaty article 70b won't allow this

>kicking out the only people in their economy that are gainfully employed

Wouldn't put it past them tbqh

I hope the UK will leave. I will have equal chances with others to become a toilet cleaner.

Basically Germany is taking over Europe with the EU. Germany have the most power in the EU. Its essentially the political version of WW3.

If you vote 'Remain' you are literally voting away your right to choose who you are governed by, and how.
I don't understand the economic implications, and obviously we should have control over immigration, but I can't get my head round people who are ok with allowing people they haven't voted for, and who don't even live here, to make laws that govern them. It's shocking how easily people will vote away their freedoms.

Brexit is just an Anglo campaign in order to gain sympathy for their race because most Aryans dislike the EU and want it to collapse.

What most ARYANS don't see is that nothing will change with Brexit because

EU = Anglo construct to keep the Aryan man down

Even if they leave, the ANGLO race will still control the EU and enforce Aryan GENOCIDE.

a delusion

>will never happen, remember Scotland?

so many first world countries are considering adopting isolationist policies.

It seems globalism has failed.

>maybe if we tell them british people will come to britain they'll want to stay

remainers never make an argument

The British think that they give more than they get. That's it.

UK will vote to stay. The country is too cucked and London elected a muzzie mayor. Europe is a dying whore getting raped by muslims, it will be too late if people ever wake up

oh Germany, you've not been doing much thinking yourself lately, have you?

This, I hate the fucking EU and the UK.

>Kick out people from other nations and cultures, who are having trouble integrating and could be a drag on the overall economy.

Most likely.

Last chance to keep Britain British.

>Britbings, what's the situation six weeks before the referendum in your country, are there already tendencies towards in or out?

Polls are still basically 50/50.

I think a lot of it depends on how competent Boris Johnson is. This isn't just a referendum for him: it's basically his bid to be PM, so he is very motivated to nail it. He hasn't done much so far, but I am hoping he is timing his power-up for closer to the vote.

More important is what happens in Europe the week of teh referendum. Does Greece crash? Do migrant invader numbers increase a lot in June? Then we stand a 50/50 chance of voting to go out, in my opinion.

Right now it's a little hard to call, I expect the majority will vote to remain within the EU if only because they fear the unknown. That said, there is a lot of anger at the direction of the EU so it's not a done deal.

The funny thing is, if either of the two main parties actually let us have a referendum on this issue in the past decade they would have easily secured a decision to stay in. The public opinion has only really started to shift in the last couple years. It's just you get tossers like Blair who hate the idea of democracy telling us we shouldn't even get a say.

Since Obongo tried to tell us how to vote polls have been leaning more in favour of leave

no words just lol

This video explains how we got to the referendum

Trump said to leave.
Last polls showed the reverse.
Sorry we failed you.

A clever marketing ploy to sell breakfast sandwichs

Switzerland stronk!

100% this.

I hope they vote for the brexit. And we get rid of their snowflake status.
Lot of contracts will be re-negotiated more fairly.
Best case would that they come back, and we refuse to give them any special treatment.


>lol Brits are gonna be so pissed when we send them British people

Not really statistically significant, though.
Plus, they are online polls, which probably have a slight Out favour. I think a 5% lead in online polls would reflect an actual result of ~50/50 for the general populace.
This is obviously because some total casual who have no real interest in completing online polls, or the EU in general, will still go out and vote for the status quo.

So when is the voting happening?

June 23.

The meme is that the laws of the EU basically mean that they won't be able to kick British citizens out without a valid reason LMAO

Yeah, you're probably right there.
Here's the average of every poll which is significant, interesting that in the last few days there's been a sudden spike in young people voting remain.

Alright, good luck chaps!

Knowing how stupid and thickle the Frogs and Johnny Daegoes are they will probably kick out all our old people who are retired out there.

Then it will just destroy a large portion of their economy but oh well we got one back at the Eternal Anglo...

Not at all.
What the frogs would like, is to delete the ISF after the Brexit, and get or French millionaires back in France.

Nobody wants to kick out the rich brits, there's no point in doing that. Actually, what the frogs will do, is seduce the rich brits that are in need of the EU advantages, to come live in Paris rather than Berlin or any other European city.

If we leave
>Economical los
>mass 'Brain Drain'
>More expensive food, holidays, clothing, general merchandise
>Loss of human rights act
>No more free travel for Brits to anywhere in Europe (Or Europeans here)
>Possible loss of over sea territories

Stay in
>Boost to economy
>Better position to make deals
>Better trade
>Better prices on the market
>Encourage Europes smartest to work at our universities/institutions
>Fancy going to Sweden today? Fine, just go there, no issue

Only people who want to leave are the people who hate Poles but loves Pakis or care about MUH SOVEREIGNTY. We live in a global world now so why are we wanting to take a step back in this and put ourselves at a massive risk. Its fucking madness. I usually always agree with Sup Forums but you are wrong on this one.

t. cuck

Even if our bankers needed to do business post Brexit they wouldn't choose Paris as their home.

They probably fly into Frankfurt every day rather than live on the continent.

Fucking embarrassment

Democracy > Potential loss of gib me dats

5 Pounds were transferred to your account

>No more free travel for Brits to anywhere in Europe (Or Europeans here)
you're wrong on that one though.

you don't really get what I meant.
I'm saying living, because it's the easiest to grasp. But nobody really cares, the importance is where they will consume, and spend their money or save it.

Ill vote out but i think we'll most likely stay in, people are too scared of losing their dream retirement home in Spain to give up freedom of movement,

>He hasn't done much so far
Did you not see his asparagus exposition? Moved me to tears.

I am now a #cruzmissile

>no mention of democratic freedom

I would gladly suffer years of recession for that right, and you would vote it away because you don't want to pay 5p more for your quinoa. Disgusting.

You're retarded, enjoy the EU superstate without democratic accountability

>not Jeb!

Old people are voting out en masse, it's dumbass 20-30 year olds voting in

Enough said.

When does he become pres?

The shilling over that was immense.
He said he thinks leaving would be better but that it's not his decision to make.
And the media was all over it.

Haven't you realised most people are idiots?

>20-30 year olds voting in

Ah yes the age demographic who are the least likely to vote in any elections and on the day of Glastonbury as well.

Meme magic lads.

>>Fancy going to Sweden today? Fine, just go there, no issue
You blew it



lmao at these retards ITT
>thinks brexit happens but the majority of polls show Remain

Even the majority would vote Leave, it's NOT even fucking BINDING.

You are so cucked, you don't even have democracy.

Better kill yourself RIGHT NOW

>Boost to economy

Yes, I'm sure continuing the status quo will magically boost the economy

>Better position to make deals

No, worse. EU regulations and trade barriers.

>Better trade


>Better prices on the market

Nope, worse.

>Encourage Europe's smartest to work at our universities/institutions

Only the EU allows this to happen? Sure.

All in all, kill yourself pathetic Tory shill.

It's not legally binding but politically it is. Ignoring it would end the entire political establishment.

alright Brits, let's not fuck this up.

you're one of our few remaining allies that can help stop the aryan hivemind with us.

ofc he does.
One of the most annoying things for America to make very advantageous deals for them is the fact that the EU as a whole can protect its markets better from both them or even the chinese.
TAFTA would have been way easier to punch down our throat, if they only had to negotiate with one country, instead of 27.

we still live in a global market, and the EU isn't protectionist at its core. It did adopt a lot of protectionistic policies though.

The most optimistic outcome is that exit gets 40-50% and conservatives cant take votes from UKIP talking about an exit. Meaning that UKIP get a better representation next election.

They act as if brits having brits come back is a bad thing???

EU is absolutely protectionist, indirectly too with the regulations that foreign companies have to adhere to in order to access European markets. It's nothing to do with America being upset, it's about globalism. How come Obongo and Shillary have both come out in favour of Bremain?

This is so hilarious. You are exactly repeating what the Dutchfags said after the Ukraine referendum.
>"muh next election we will show them!!"

You are so delusioned, it's unbelievable. I can't fucking wait, 23 June will be the greatest day of this year. All these suicidial tears

t. Ahmed

>ignoring it would be the end of the political establishment
What the fuck are you cucks going to do about it? Wave some flags, yell "britain first!" and get beat up by shitskins before going home to your cucksheds?

You fell for socialism, gave your gov all your rights and now you get genocided. Enjoy you pathetic cuckold

Completely different situation, the dutch thing had a low turnout, and even then the PVV is now polling at 40%+ there, their establishment is going to get fucked next election.
40% UKIP votes in a FPTP system hands them a majority.

Please no, where will all those over educated surgeons, rocket scientist and engineers from eastern Europe go to work then ?

>Thinking there wouldn't be riots in the street if David Cameron chose to remain if the British people vote leave

>Thinking the remain camp will be motivated enough to go and vote on the day, compared to the angry Brexit crowd

>What the fuck are you cucks going to do about it?
Half the government's own party want to leave, so they would bring down the government and force elections. A party for leaving (ether UKIP or a new party from the tories who want to leave) would sweep all of the pro-leave vote and get 50%+, which gives you a majority easily.

Shoo shoo Mohammed al Mountaini

>How come Obongo and Shillary have both come out in favour of Bremain?
Because their current position in the EU market wouldn't be threatened ?
What I meant is that there isn't as much protectionism intra-EU.
And it certainly isn't in terms of educations and migration of talents/intellectuals.

I see it more as a ideological choice between nationalism and globalism. Remaining inside the EU means we keep the stability of the status quo at the cost of the some of our sovereign control. If I had faith in the direction the European Union is taking I'd prefer to be on the inside as one of the more powerful members, but these last few years have been insane.

come on. I know that preventing riots from leading to independence isn't your speciality. But actually rioting, isn't either...

Yes, sure it's completely different.

>"next election we will show them, just wait another 10 years!!!"
>10 years later
>"o-okay, maybe next election"

I remember these great riots when the Lissabon treaty was still put in place even though people voted against it. Wait I actually don't because no riot happened.

The government controls the people and no one would dare to riot. Cucks

But this won't happen anyway, because the majority will vote Remain. Most people are not stormfags weeabos

If we leave
> Uncertainty
Its not exactly cheery in the EU, the bureaucracy stops a lot of businesses thriving and helps out inefficient/bad business

>Economic Loss
Cost of living will go down due to being able to do our own deal with third world countries. It will take 2 years to leave the EU aswell so thats more than enough time for a change over

>More expensive
Clearly you dont understand reality... buying from poor/developing countries will be a lot cheaper than in the EU.

>Loss Of Human Rights
Like we cant introduce our own rights act?

>Free Travel
Reality is there would likely be a deal with the EU to replace the current one that allows visa free travel, but not allowing people to work in other countries. Its not an all or nothing.

>Loss of territories... not even likely.

Stay in
>Boost the economy
The EU is the only trading block IN THE WORLD that isnt experiencing growth, its the same size that it was in 2006. Why would we not trade with countries where things are going right?

>Better position to make deals
Simply not true, all deals need 28 members to agree to it, only 1 industry needs to stand in the way of a deal to stop it going through.

>Better Trade
We pay more for a worse product

>Better Prices
We pay more for a worse product

Honestly, if the government tried to ignore the referendum result I can imagine the royals stepping in to remove the PM from office and force an election.

daily reminder

eks dee, my autistic friend

>what were the london riots?

You really don't get how major ignoring a referendum result would be, do you?
The UK political system relies on trust and a lot of precedents. Ignoring the will of the people would ruin the entire political class forever, I don't think even Dave is stupid enough to risk that.

Obviously there isn't protectionism intra-EU, that's the whole point. That's what makes the EU uncompetitive because we're only competing amongst ourselves whilst everyone else competes on the world market.

Political suicide and riots, without question. Thinking the government would go against the explicit democratic will of the people shown in a referendum is silly, it would lead to both rioting and eternal political suicide.

>Fancy going to Sweden today? Fine, just go there, no issue

Too true, getting those Norway and Switzerland travel visas was a real bitch.

>Ignoring the will of the people would ruin the entire political class forever
So are you saying importing millions of muslims, having sharia zones in certain areas and sharia courts is the will of the people?

Wow, Britcucks really surprise me.

Gradual change =/= ignoring an explicit democratic referendum

Stop memeing for just a second and think with your brain

But what does having sovereign control even mean? Yeah we rule ourselves, but think - we will always have a Tory or Labour PM. Their views will always align with the EUs. So we may as well stay in and get the benefits anyway.

Funny how you always play the "It's not the same" card, every time I prove you wrong. You are just like the average leftist, no matter how many facts there are, you won't accept reality.

Pretty sure when the majority will vote Remain on 23 June, you will still be on Sup Forums claiming some nonsense and how Britain will save "Europe and the white race"
>g-go UKIP, next e-election!!"

Moving the goalposts, just like a leftist.

You genuinely think that the headline:


is a possibility. That's how thick you are.

It'll be just like the referendum on the vote. Nobody will turn out for it and the ones that do will vote status quo anyway.

We're the laziest twats in all Europe.

Down: Uncertain short term future
Ups: Leaving a union that is destined to fail due to its immigration and wealth share/realocation policies. The unions only answer to any problem is more federalisation and increased brown faced immigration.

More thoughts....

In particular, 2 contrary thoughts:

1) As I said earlier, it's good if Boris gets lots of attention prior to the vote, and that he puts on a typical Boris show. Basically this is because people have a natural affinity for Boris. Or perhaps I am underestimating him, and people like him because, like Trump, he can put on a very effective show whilst his detractors think he's an idiot.
Why Boris? Because Boris isn't hung up on immigration. Immigration is a top issue for this country, but I don't think it would be if it were just Europeans coming here. For example, lots of people (in my opinion) will be quite disappointed that we have a Muslim mayor of London now, but I think only a fraction of people would be so concerned if instead of Sadiq Khan we now had a Pole or a Lithuanian mayor of London. Put simply: European immigration probably doesn't annoy people enough to justify having Farage get all the attention for the Out campaign. People vent about EU immigration, but I think that is only because they hope it'll also cause politicians to lower non-EU immigration, too.
So, Boris getting attention = good

2) However:
If we imagine a hypothetical scenario in which the EU referendum, including Boris, gets no attention in the media whatsoever, a certain proportion of voters would forget to vote entirely. Young people, who typically want In, are especially forgetful. And so we have the situation where the more attention and hype the referendum gets in the media, the more the In campaign will benefit, because a larger proportion of them would be liable to forget to vote if the media weren't screaming at them about the referendum.
So, the more attention the EU gets in the media, the more asleep Out voters will be reminded to vote.

Two conflicting thoughts.

Can someone explain to me why we should leave anyway? Lets be honest here Europe is heading for a crash thanks to Merkels genius plan, and as much as I despise Cameron he's at least keeping the majority of refugees out for now.

Do we have anything to lose? When Europe sinks we can just sit back anyway, we don't have their currency and we all know the moment that the EU goes to pot, as long as we have an uncucked PM they will refuse to give money or aid if Europe looks fucked anyway.

Is staying in really that bad? I say that seeing as how the only downside is more people being shipped in which I'm not convinced is going to happen.