I think we owe George an apology

I think we owe George an apology
I'd rather have original ideas and stories from him that shitty marvelified recycled soulless flicks with the name "Star wars" on them

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'd rather have this piece of shit over that piece of shit.

For based Lucas.

>weak prequels produce god-tier EU
>weak TFA produces nothing but weak copies of some EU ideas

>Georges original ideas

>It's like poetry
>Ring Theory
>Rehashed Hero's Journey

ok user.

How many times are you going to make these threads begging for apologies that you don't deserve, George?

The prequels were shit, and will always be shit regardless of how good or bad subsequent Star Wars movies may be. Stop it already

Well hello there, Reddit! Don't you have another TFA thread to post in?

Hi there, /r/movies


sup Sup Forumscks

your prequel safe space is back there

How are the prequels Sup Forums? Disney shills can't even get their boards right.

>Everyone hates the prequels
>Maybe if I pretend to enjoy them people will think that I am deep and sophisticated, and I'll be able to convince other people that they just don't "get it"
>Then I can dismiss the popular opinion as being pleb, Reddit tier
>Then maybe I won't be a complete fucking loser and girls will like me!

>Everyone hates the prequels
[Citation needed]

>entire PT is ripped off of Hitler taking taking over Germany
>OT even called his soldiers Storm Troopers

The poetry writes itself, really.

Many of the 'problems' with the Prequels are nitpicking. I can sit and watch them any time.

When I watch TFA - it just is boring... I've only sat through it once.

Stop. Just stop.

The prequels suck fucking balls. If you like them you're still shitting in diapers.


>likes the prequels

Why do i have to live in such dire times?

[Citation needed]

Sorry to hear you're an ultra pleb. Have fun with the autism and all.

Based Ewan was right.

>Implying his ideas weren't shitty
The only reason the OT was as good as it was, was because he had other people filtering out the garbage and refining the good parts.

>No Argument: The Post

Yes men are bad.

Like, "Yes, JJ - make her infallible!" and "Yes, JJ, let's film that horrid death planet sequence where magically all target planets are within a few hundred miles of each other!"

TFA had some of the shittiest CGI in a modern movie.

You need a citation... as in you somehow need proof of the fact that a majority of people didn't care for the prequels? Do you also need proof of the sky being blue?

Are you under 10 years old, or have you been living under a rock, or are you just being intentionally dense?


No they are not. Hayden Christensen is legitimately one of the worst actors in Hollywood. Stating that fact isn't nitpicking, you idiot.

The prequels are dogshit. George lost his touch and created some of the biggest disappointments in the history of film. He deserves to be reminded of that for the rest of eternity.

>Many of the 'problems' with the Prequels are nitpicking.
Yeah, sure they are.

Ironic. The prequels are all plagues with useless CGI shitfest action sequences. Revenge of the Sith had a meaningless 40 minute Jedi battle that could have easily been shortened down to 10 minutes.

Not as bad as the English Alien that plays Rey.

Also, all of JJ's friends he inserted as rebel pilots took me right out of the fucking film.

"Hey! Remember the original films?! WELL OUR STORY HAS HAD NOTHING HAPPEN IN 40 YEARS! Empire, still here and they have snow troopers! Death Star... DEATH PLANET! Jedi? Nah. X-Wings and TIEs? YUP! DARTH VADER!? WE GOT A MILLENNIAL TO PLAY HIM!"

>How are the prequels Sup Forums

Sup Forums is full of manchildren that watch cartoons

those manchildren grew up with the prequels

how fucking hard is this, you ignorant ape?



As opposed to useless Death Planet?

Holy shit
Ok stop it right there
Why is it this fucking retarded board always defends arguable crap like he prequels or batman v superman
That shit isnt funny and it gets annoying after awhile, but since the fags who do this are 15 and shit post on twitter all day and then come here you guys think its funny no matter what

You're the one who refuses to back up your claim.

Yes, you do need proof if you're going to make such a bold claim.

Is that you Saganfan1983?


>it's an orphan on a desert planet that isn't Tattooine

>I think we owe George an apology
I don't, I always loved the prequels, with all their faults.
except jar-jar, i cant defend that abomination

JarJar isn't as bad as that strange tentacle rape side-story JJ hamfisted inside TFA. Seriously, what the fuck was the point of that entire scene?

Han "We lost the falcon, Chewie!"
Chewie "Yeah, if we didn't, we could have just been on Not-Tattooine and agreed to take Rey and Finn off world during the Imperial attack, instead of having Rey luck into the Falcon and then fly it flawlessly"
Han "But then how else could we incorporate tentacle monsters and some shitty Indonesian fucks who no one cares about?"
Chewie "I wish I was about to die, too..."

I am never apologizing to George Lucas, fuck him. I'll thank him for the original trilogy, but beyond that nothing.

Responding to a troll

I blame The Empire Strikes Back, honestly. It featured about... what, three different locations within the undercity? But whereas ESB and ROTJ were emotional, visceral battles where Luke was fighting for both his life and soul, the prequels were flashy, overly choreographed spectacles with incidental emotional weight tacked on.

As much as I want to agree (Ewan was a great Obi-Wan), the prequels were largely spent keeping Anakin and Obi-Wan apart. Ep I, Anakin was discovered and freed by Qui-Gon, he met Obi-Wan briefly then was put into a cockpit. They ended up master and apprentice purely out of obligation. Ep II, Anakin got a mission with Ben, then shunted off to chill with the girl he had a boner for until the end of the movie, all the while bitching and moaning about his master. Ep. III, another incidental adventure, then separated until the end of the movie when they decided they wanted to kill each other.

So much for brothers. Whatever happened to "Show, don't tell"?

Ok, here you go..

Exhibit A: The Phantom Menace

Exhibit B: Attack of the Clones

Exhibit C: Revenge of the Sith

In closing, the prequels are worse than dysentery.

I rest my case.

Haha, very funny.

If you're not going to provide any real proof, then you must concede your statement.

The unwatchable trilogy of shit is proof enough.

Fuck your shit taste.

You still have yet to provide any proof to that claim. Are you going to b post any proof, or will you concede your statement?


I could go on and on and on and on.

Are you feeling alright?

All Star Wars movies are shit you fucking plebs
This is like arguing which turd smells the worst
Go back to tumblr/twitter/reddit you pieces of shit

Why are neckbeards always so hysterical about Jews?

Director of the only good SW movie (Empire) was Jewish


but the entire star wars franchise is no more than a flick. inspired a lot of stuff, yes, but it still is no more than a flick

The Force Awakens is perfectly enjoyable homage that blurs the line between remake and sequel. The only reason people hate it is because it was a critical and financial success, therefore opening itself up to attacks from loser contrarians.


The farce awakens doesnt count as a SW film

The only reason people hate TFA is because both of the major protagonists aren't white men


Is that the shadow of the flying guy from The Phantom Menace?

>perfectly enjoyable homage
A euphemism for lifeless pastiche

>lifeless pastiche

That was the prequels

I don't want shitty movies, I don't care how "original" they are.
Lucas is a hack and everything he's done post 1980 proves it.

The OT was good because he was lifting shit from other movies, and because they were either heavily edited by someone else or directed by someone else.

>ESB and ROTJ were emotional, visceral battles
Meh, only the final duel in ROTJ felt emotial and visceral. The rest felt too measured.


Did you know that Shakespeare almost never created his own plots? Most of his plays are either based on old stories, or on Holinshed's historical writings. The notion that the worth of a dramatic work should be based entirely on its originality is a ridiculous myth.

>original ideas

George Lucas made his name by ripping off Akira Kurosawa, just like Tarantino did to Ringo Lam.

JJ makes lifeless pastiche. Not Jorge

That's not what pastiche is.

Meh. "The Force Awakens" was far from perfect, but it had a lot of good pieces in it that Lucas couldn't have produced in another million years.

Lucas isn't a director or a screenwriter or a cinematographer. He's a jumped up visual artist who's been surrounded by too many cloying sycophants for too many decades.

With others in the mix, we may get Lucas-level crappy films, but at least the possibility exists that something really good will come out of it. Remember that Lucas didn't even direct the best of the Star Wars films.

Lucas took from many sources and remixed it into Star Wars. JJ took from Star Wars 4 to make Star Wars 7. See the difference?

A pastiche can refer either to a recycling of aesthetic or narrative characteristics of another work. Shakespeare has been accused of recycling even by people who enjoy his writing. And lets be real here, Star Wars itself began as a pastiche of Flash Gordon and Kurosawa.

>Lucas didn't even direct the best of the Star Wars films.
Too bad Kershner only has one good movie under his belt in a career of forgettable movies.

But TFA was good and the prequels were shit

A recycling without a personality of its own. Like TFA.

The difference is that Lucas did it right by "ripping off" multiple sources instead of just one? If you believe that homage is inherently wrong, why would an homage to various sources be better than an homage to just one?

>implying Disney is doing anything bad to Star Wars

A major compliant people had of TFA is that it felt more like a JJ Abrams movie than a Star Wars movie. JJ has a directorial stamp, even if that stamp is somewhat derivative of Spielberg

>why would an homage to various sources be better than an homage to just one?
A remix of disparate sources acquires a more unique quality than a copypasta of a single inspiration.

>I'd rather have
Yeah but you and your psychotic bullshit don't matter.

How mentally challenged do you have to be to be a prequel apologist?


It makes people feel special and unique. It is the same reason people become flat-earthers or national socialists. It is a supreme form of edge lording and contrarianism. I can't imagine any other reason anyone could defend such garbage.

>mfw people got so triggered by protagonists that weren't white males that they started defending the shitty prequels


Yes I have seen this shitty bait what are you getting at?

Predictions for Episode 8: 2 Death Stars

You mean 7? No one was defending 7

Childhood is when you think that the original trilogy is better.

Adulthood is when you realize that the prequels make more sense.

>selling your goose to white slaver Disney

Fucks sake why did' Fox get it
They were the ones that help made he originals right

pls respond

II wasnt bad and I liked III. Fucking jar jar really wrecked I for me. If they re-release I with jar jar edited out, I would probably like that too. The Force Awkens was capeshit tier. Most of the story was illogical. V>IV>VI>III>II>I>VII. I believe this is the common consensus.

Exactly my thoughts.

Jorgito Lucario did nothing wrong

ITT people who enjoyed the prequels because they were children when they came out

Anyone over 30 realizes the prequels are shit


>it's another "Star Wars is Marvel" contrarian meme



Who are you quoting, Sup Forumsedditor friend?


You know you could nitpick the original movies to death
and you could make a Redditklett meme-review with similar results

Episode 7 is not a star wars movie tho, is just a bland empty husk made to lure in the self proclaimed "nerd" audience (aka retarded manchildren who spent their days watching youtubers play video games)