twink still a best
requesting fuckable, cum covered rabbits plz
0/10 thread. may have to make another.
solid recovery
Don't be a dick. People can have different taste than yours and it's fine.
a little disappointed the user I was talking to the last thread didn't want to continue.
maybe I shouldn't jump to that conclusion though just yet, who knows
calm down champ
discord gg/ dqZTVeY join our new discord FurBox
Just post porn.
he's still posting in the other thread
yeah, I saw, thanks user.
That's one of my favorite pics. Falls into the "just accept it" category. You can feel the top breathing on you practically.
how much cum is safe to eat?
I'm beat guys, nighty night!
as long as they dont have any diseases user. Tell them to eat pineapplles if you want flavor.
As much as you want over an appropriate amount of time.
I wonder what its like for porn stars that have children
"Hey, wanna watch how we made you?"
I kinda want a dick piercing...
I feel like the word, "bro" would be somewhere in there.
anyone else sad and mad..
what for?
I just feel nothing and don't give a fuck. I'm in the apathy stage right now. Considering doing half a gram of caffeine because I'm bored and want to feel something.
Its always there, but then I rationalize it.
Why you so immensely retarded and angsty, dash?
Angsty? I'm not angsty at all. Retarded maybe, but I feel nothing, like I said.
he needs a dicking
"My name is not important... What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on it's carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred... and I always wanted to die violently. This the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill... and it's time for me to die."
>"I wanna do drugs because it makes me look edgy and cool. Maybe someone will take pity on me too because im harming myself."
No one is going to fuck that.
So hardcore and cool.
Yeah you're a fucking idiot. I just wanna get high.
>Select the sign
>Milwaukee 100 miles
guess it's bedtime
You wanna tell everyone how you wanna do heroin.
go stick a toy in your ass.
you can't actually be interested
Did I say that? Because I'm pretty sure I mentioned only caffeine.
Ew, no.
You said that yesterday or the otherday.
Yeah, not now. I'm talking about what I have to work with. Don't you think that may mean it has nothing to do with image? Dude, I already said I don't give a fuck. I just wanna get high.
pnp slut
No play, just party. I'm a foreveralone.
Just seeing one of these threads is all it takes. I got a problem
You're an angsty shit and you are lying about your feelings.
pull it out boy
Lying about my feelings? God you're retarded. Why the fuck would I lie about my feelings.
Im not enjoying your game. Im going to get lost in my thoughts and post porn.
Smoking caffeine is so weird. It doesn't get you hyped up like ingesting it, but gives exactly what someone else said: a dirty stoned feeling. I really wonder why that is.
You do that, buddy.
It's small tho
y'all are fucking weird
Just like I like it. all the more easy to find chastity for it.