Hello, Sup Forums.
I am a 22 year-old virgin, never had a gf, shitty retail job, no education past junior high, and I live with my mom.
Tell me why I shouldn't end it.
Hello, Sup Forums.
I am a 22 year-old virgin, never had a gf, shitty retail job, no education past junior high, and I live with my mom.
Tell me why I shouldn't end it.
just think of the mess you would leave, at least think about someone besides yourself. fucking talk to literally anyone you know fggt
Do a flip faggot
why don't you just start dating/fucking your mom.
If it's your fault then go fix your life.
Instead of wondering if you should an hero, concentrate on unfucking your situation. It's never too late or too far gone. There's options.
Get your GED or equivalent and enroll in a trade/vocational school. Start there.
Join the Army pussy
Because you would miss out on the wire season 6
I second this
Don't end it because you have good years yet to waste. If you can't think of anything better to do, drink and do drugs until your body is fucked up and then off yourself.
Obviously it would be better to get your GED and go to college or at least community college. You're 22, you have a lot of options. Start lifting and get some confidence then make some changes to improve your life
You should.
Do you think winning the lottery would make your life significantly better long term?
easy there, satan
im the same way but with HS diploma and in college. use your downtime to become extremely intelligent. gfs can come later once you are where you want to be; geographically, socially, intellectually, etc.
>hail satan
Just wait till 30 faggot
Slow down. Drink, take drugs, have lots of slutty sex, and then do it
you could always hire a hooker
You should.
So fuck off and don't waste others time because u seek attention
28, basically same situation, but worse. No job but slightly better education.
Here's what you do. Go to youtube...type in Louis Rossman. Watch that guy's videos about life, business, building yourself up, being healthier, learning to do shit right. You have plenty of time and so do I. We'll make it, OP, we just gotta try.
Jesus fucking christ
Change your life
get a damn ged
go do a online program
and get a good job boom bam.
Fucking THIS
You make the nost sence. I got a gf in hs and she is an emotional drag.
Because your problems are easy to solve
If you're a minority don't do it so that the sjws don't have as much ammo. Every less suicide helps.
21, gf less and still a virgin. Wasting away in flower delivery counting my days till I have to sell out andsell my soul to some gay job that still wont pay for shit.
Atleast its good to know im not the only one.
You are responsible for every single thing in your life.
So you have 2 options;
1. Kill yourself you fucking Beta
2. Stop being such a little bitch and sort your shit out
if you still really want to end it stick your head in a bucket and drown yourself. don't be a bitch and do some instant shotgun death or drug overdose shit. fuck op.
Atleast postpone untill GOT ends. Also go to the gym, boost self confidence and talk to a girl, its not hard
I lost my virginity to a reputable escort who was also a porn star. I think you should save up and do the same. Once you do, you'll get rid of the virginity stigma and feel relieved. And then get on with your life. Go on TER.com and find a good escort with a massive amount of reviews near you for 300 dollars, no more than that. Anything more and they are ripping you off and tell them your situation. They will accomodate you. Preferably an older escort in her 40-50s. Bring condoms and fuck safely. Then you can brag to your friends that you had sex already with a milf. You will learn to realize love and sex are completely different things and that you gave to earn someones trust, friendship, then love. Had my first gf after i fucked an escort. It gives you confidence. So dont end it now because you couldnt, but live it because you can. Dont kill yourself -desu. Ive been through depression too and you can get out of it just like i did.
If you get close to killing yourself, go to any wilderness areas near you--maybe bring a knife--and try to survive a couple weeks. Might just realize how much you value being alive.
Just go do something with your life dummy, you could get an education or go to trade school and actually be somewhere in 5 years and still be in your twenties.
Give yourself 10 years before you do it.
at least have sex first
Literally this
bet you wont