Holy fuck this one video finally explained The Sopranos finale
Inb4 Tony lived fags pollute this thread
Holy fuck this one video finally explained The Sopranos finale
Inb4 Tony lived fags pollute this thread
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It was such a give away when the hit man was shown looking over at Tony and then in the next scene he walks past tony with his jacket and hands in his pockets , he's the only guy wearing a jacket in the fuckin place.
>It's the jacket
whether or not tony lives or dies is missing the point. you're all fucking retarded.
> you're
>you're all retarded
>only two people have posted
Just because we understand that the finale was either about "Life goes on vs. You never even see it coming (hence the pitch black)"..or both possibilities existinf at the same time, à la Schrödinger, doesn't mean it's not fun to speculate
What's wrong user? Don't like discussing actual Television & Film?
You missed the point retard
Go back to episode one and try again
Made you should repeat that
I thought black was death.
>"A journalist for Vox misconstrued what David Chase said in their interview. To simply quote David as saying, 'Tony Soprano is not dead,' is inaccurate. There is a much larger context for that statement and as such, it is not true. As David Chase has said numerous times on the record, 'Whether Tony Soprano is alive or dead is not the point.' To continue to search for this answer is fruitless. The final scene of The Sopranos raises a spiritual question that has no right or wrong answer.”
>plebs keep running around in circles for eternity whilst patricians ascend to a higher plain of understanding
Based Chase
It may not be the point, but he does die.
Tony Soprano dies.
Maybe he dies at the end of “Made In America,” when the Members Only jacket guy puts a bullet in the back of his head (something we don’t see, because we cut to black from his point-of-view). Maybe he dies in 40 years, surrounded by family and friends and little Parisi grandchildren. (At the thought of that, maybe he would have preferred the bullet.) Maybe he dies right after leaving Holstens when he gets hit by a bus. Maybe he dies because he gets cancer. Maybe the cancer is eating him alive right now. Maybe he dies in a fight with Carmela, when she finally gets fed up and takes a shot at him. Maybe he decays slowly in a hospital somewhere, like Uncle Junior, the only solace he has a moment to look out the window at the sun and the birds, a moment to wonder who he is or who he was. Tony Soprano dies. So do you. So do I.
>the man is wearing a Members Only jacket
>Members Only was the episode where Junior shot Tony
Seven fuckin years!
Tony is also wearing the exact same outfit as when he got shot. Bravo Tony Dies fags, HOWEVER
>There was something else I was saying that was more important than whether Tony Soprano lived or died. About the fragility of all of it. The whole show had been about time in a way, and the time allotted on this Earth. That whole trip out to California was all about that — what people called a dream sequence. And all the dream sequences within the show. Tony was dealing in mortality every day. He was dishing out life and death. And he was not happy. He was getting everything he wanted, that guy, but he wasn't happy. All I wanted to do was present the idea of how short life is and how precious it is. The only way I felt I could do that was to rip it away. And I think people did get it. It made them upset emotionally, but intellectually they didn't follow it.
>You'll suck our cocks??
Time to rewatch again.
This will be the first time I've done it twice in one year.
>you are
>you are all retarded
What a twist, turns out you two were the retards.
Tony lives you idiots. We're the ones who die.
>I'll take that disc man and ram it up ya box
I couldn't get past the fourth season with this show. When Tony and his wife were on the rocks and his daughter was in college, it all just felt kinda aimless and less interesting to me.
Seasons 1-3 blew me away, though.
Second half of the show > first half
I wish as busy as you though
Start it all over, take a week-long break any time you get bored, and keep watching user. It's probably both the best show of all time and also will probably never be topped. You owe it to yourself as connoisseur of excellent kino and memes.
No, the point is either
>he dies
>you could die like this at any given second and everything you know and love will become a big nothing
Death is the point. Any other answer is wrong
>probably both the best show of all time
Is it even a question at this point
why would it go to black if you go to heaven when you die
I agree. Death is the point, and so is life, but Tony dying in that exact moment, and unlocking it like there's an answer, is pointless and meaningless.
Christfags eternally btfo lmao
>b-but I cry at funerals because, um.. I'll miss them even though I'll see them again in less than 70 years time and spend eternity with them
It can be very easily inferred that Tony dies there. I never found it to be a stretch to feel that.
It's a hell of a lot less of a stretch than the "Tony lives but is just paranoid forever" faggots
kek underrated
Is this the most kino scene ever put to television?
Also, the bathroom thing is a nod to The Godfather.
Yeah he's clearly not scared for his life. But the point of the show transcends answering the question about what happens to Tony. It's about life and death for everyone.
If viewers wanted a shitty finale like Breaking Bad, I couldn't give less of a fuck.
It's hard to top that's for sure
Gets me every time. Miss ya, James.
whoever made this video is fucking retarded
My god this is kino
I fucking love David Chase, Sopranos ending is fantastic and my favorite ending to a TV show. I love how he despises the plebs that speculate on whether Tony died or not.
Some of the shit he put in Sopranos wouldn't fly in todays pussy ass world, I am glad it was made before the twitter era where people would be bitching about how Tony is racist, the domestic violence, how the women in the show were treated etc.
I think there's something inherently depressing about vacations, trips, and by association hotel rooms. I'm not sure if I came to that conclusion before or after seeing this but it fits perfectly
Please enlighten me, what would the proper phrasing be here? Is English your second language or are you just really stone?
I'm happy his follow up show is finally coming along, even if he's still very unclear about what it is
With Milch finally making the Deadwood movie and Simon continuously working it's like a 10 year reunion for the HBO dream team
>With Milch finally making the Deadwood movie
Wait, this is actually a thing? Why have I not heard anything about it
>be estranged from the woman I love
>want to die
I pick up the phone and put it down again was too often.
Hurts every time I see this.
you're on to something. I can't pin point it into proper words, but I know what you mean.
The new head of HBO programming finally commissioned a script in January. Last week the actress that played Joanie said she read part of it and it holds up, so it's coming along
>Holy fuck
why do americans always say this?
For me the implication that your day to day life is so shit that you need to temporarily run away it is sad, and even if that vacation makes you happy it's incredibly finite. A hotel room is like saying "I'm going to pretend this is my home for a while", even if the room is bad and not remotely where you'd want to live it's made ok by the fact that it isn't your home
Two of my favorite movies (Lost in Translation and Sonatine) bank heavily on this theme, I don't know why it resonates so deeply with me
Same thing as "Fuckin' 'ell" for you bongs
The Members Only jacket guy in the final episode was clearly a relative of Eugene Pontecorvo. He obviously kills Tony Soprano in the diner in order to avenge Pontecorvo's suicide.
david chase refuses to explain what happened at the end because he wants everyone to think it's deeper than it actually is. tony got shot. it's that simple.
>are you really just stone
The point is that the original posting got the phrasing correct
>you're all fucking retarded
is the right way of spelling it, yet these greentexting memetards seem to think it ain't so
I'd be willing to bet money that the jacket he's wearing is the very same jacket Eugene wore in the episode, "Members Only".
He clearly said it was all there.
so what does the ending all mean then?
this. he whacked the fucking audience, not tony.
based chase.
fucking whitecaps is a top 5 episode of all time. yes the show slows down a lot after the frantic pace of the first season, but it's still fucking brilliant.
>>It was such a give away
so it is the best reason that TOny DOES LIVE>
you think the director is dumb enough to make a blatant shot like that and guys like you think it is deep?
It makes perfect sense. Soprano is so worried about being killed by real gangsters from NY, or traitors from his own ranks, but a non-connected relative of one of his lower minions? He never saw that coming.
Maybe Patsy set him up to it because he would have a personal motive. Also Patsy lost a relative to Tony as well.
I honestly love the theory that Patsy did it
Very telling that the guy, who never uttered a word, was actually listed in the credits as "Man in Member's Only Jacket".
Actors don't usually appear in the credits unless they either have a speaking role, or their appearance in the production carries with it some special significance to the story.
That's too cinematic. Chase is more subtle than that.
Watch through again from the start, then when you get to the end, just sit through the experience. Those feelings are what he meant.
This, stop pretending Sopranos was ever a procedural plot heavy show. It was weird and ambiguous because life is weird and ambiguous
It works so much better, in terms of the unexpected, that it came out of left field like that.
It's been 9 fucking years and people are still falling for the "Tony dead" meme. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
>clearly a relative of Eugene Pontecorvo
Jesus, you're such a dumb pleb it's not even funny anymore.
Is Chase's new project still in development hell?
t. butthurt Tonylivesfag
Russian qt killed Tony
Actually, Soprano ruined one of her best chances for a secure future by beating Zellman down with his belt.
so while watching the sopranos I saw them discuss goodfellas. Now some of the actors in goodfellas also starred in the sopranos. what is this called? also will it create a black hole?
It's called, "You're a retard" for asking such a stupid question.
I just assume that The Sopranos universe's movies have different actors.
fuck you its a valid question.
I'll bet you're the kind of idiot who would laugh, or think it was weird if you saw a person who worked at McDonald's eating at Burger King.
This question is Halfback of Notre Dame tier.
Go fuck you're ugly mom.
Underage detected.
You have to be at least 18 to post on this board.
Ive seen shit you could only dream of, kid.
This is unironically the point. Nihilism and Existentialism were HUGE running themes throughout the series. Idk how anyone missed that.
I thought it was pretty much always believed by most that the cut to black = Tony getting whacked (his POV).
Literally what the fuck else could it mean?
That's exactly what it means.
he got tired and slept
He had a heart attack just like Chris predicted.
Guys, guys, guys.
We are missing the big picture.
It wasn't a hired hitman, it wasn't New York, etc.
It was the gabagool. Tony had a heart attack from eating too much gabagool and it finally killed him.
It was just a panic attack.
top kek
blown away
>Tony lives you idiots. We're the ones who die.
ho shit
Retard. It was terrorists setting off a smuggled nuke which they got into NJ via a shipping container
When was the show ever in his POV though
we asll know what's the real ending
When Fran Feldstein sang than cringeworthy Happy Brithday in season 5 "In Camelot"? Not really sure
in the final scene